.TH ALTERNATIVES.ECLASS 5 "Nov 2004" "Portage 2.0.51" portage .SH NAME alternatives \- interface for SLOT'ed packages requiring a symbolic link to the latest version .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBalternatives\fR eclass provides an interface for SLOT'ed packages that require a symbolic link that points to the latest version installed. Due to the varying order in which SLOT'ed versions may be installed, the symbolic link is not always guaranteed to point to the latest version. The \fBalternatives\fR eclass attempts to solve this problem. .br There are currently two methods in which this eclass may be used. The first method involves variable invocation (via \fBSOURCE\fR and \fBALTERNATIVES\fR), while the second method involves function invocation (via \fBalternatives_makesym\fR or \fBalternatives_auto_makesym\fR). These will be described below, however, please keep in mind that the two methods are not meant to be used in conjunction. .SH VARIABLES .TP .B SOURCE = \fI"/usr/bin/python"\fR Defines the name of the symbolic link that will be created to point to the latest installed version. .TP .B ALTERNATIVES = \fI"/usr/bin/python2.3 /usr/bin/python2.2"\fR Defines a whitespace-delimited list of alternatives. The first one found to exist will become the target of the created symbolic link. .SH FUNCTIONS .TP .B alternatives_makesym \fI< symlink > < alt1 alt2 ... >\fR Creates the specified symbolic link to point to the first specified alternative found to exist. This function is normally invoked from \fBpkg_postinst\fR and \fBpkg_postrm\fR. .TP .B alternatives_auto_makesym \fI< symlink > < alt_glob >\fR A "smart" version of \fBalternatives_makesym\fR that attempts to automatically deduce which version to link to, based on the specified alternatives glob pattern (eg. "python[0-9].[0-9]"). Like \fBalternatives_makesym\fR, this function is normally invoked from \fBpkg_postinst\fR and \fBpkg_postrm\fR. .TP \fBNOTE\fR: the following default pkg functions are only meant for use with the variable invocation method. .TP .B alternatives_pkg_postinst Default pkg_postinst that calls \fBalternatives_makesym\fR if both the \fBSOURCE\fR and \fBALTERNATIVES\fR variables are set. .TP .B alternatives_pkg_postrm Default pkg_postrm that calls \fBalternatives_makesym\fR if both the \fBSOURCE\fR and \fBALTERNATIVES\fR variables are set. .SH REPORTING BUGS Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH SEE ALSO .BR ebuild (5) .SH FILES .BR /usr/portage/eclass/alternatives.eclass .SH AUTHORS Aaron Walker .SH CVS HEADER $Header: /local/data/ulm/cvs/history/var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/man/alternatives.eclass.5,v 1.2 2005/08/20 05:05:31 vapier Exp $