.TH RUBY.ECLASS 5 "Nov 2004" "Portage 2.0.51" portage .SH NAME ruby.eclass \- functions to ease installation of Ruby software .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBruby\fR eclass provides an interface designed to ease the installation and integration of Ruby software. .SH VARIABLES .TP .B RUBY = \fI"/usr/bin/ruby"\fR Defines the location of the Ruby binary. Defaults to '/usr/bin/ruby'. .TP .B USE_RUBY = \fI"ruby18"\fR Defines a white-space delimited list of supported Ruby versions. This variable can be set to "any" if the ebuild only installs version independant files. Possible values for this variable include \fBany\fR, \fBruby16\fR, \fBruby18\fR, and \fBruby19\fR. .TP .B RUBY_ECONF = \fI"--with-foo"\fR Defines any extra arguments to pass to econf. .TP .B PATCHES = \fI"foo.patch *.diff"\fR Defines a white-space delimited list of patches that should be applied. In addition to literal filenames, globbing may also be used. .SH FUNCTIONS .TP .B ruby_einstall Default einstall that executes standard Ruby installation scripts in addition to installing all .rb files into the local Ruby site directory. .TP .B erubydoc Installs documentation, HTML, and examples into /usr/share/doc/\fB${PF}\fR. .TP .B ruby_src_compile Default src_compile that simply executes \fBruby_econf\fR and \fBruby_emake\fR. .TP .B ruby_src_install Default src_install that simply runs \fBruby_einstall\fR and \fBerubydoc\fR. .SH REPORTING BUGS Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH SEE ALSO .BR ebuild (5) .SH FILES .BR /usr/portage/eclass/ruby.eclass .SH AUTHORS Aaron Walker .SH CVS HEADER $Header: /local/data/ulm/cvs/history/var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/man/ruby.eclass.5,v 1.2 2005/02/10 01:37:36 vapier Exp $