# ChangeLog for app-crypt/scl011-bin # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/scl011-bin/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2012/12/11 21:51:18 ssuominen Exp $ 11 Dec 2012; Samuli Suominen scl011-bin-2.06.ebuild: Use udev.eclass and udev_dorules instead of hardcoding wrong path. 30 Jul 2012; Diego E. Pettenò scl011-bin-2.06.ebuild: Add QA_PREBUILT to avoid cflags warnings. 03 May 2012; Jeff Horelick scl011-bin-2.06.ebuild: dev-util/pkgconfig -> virtual/pkgconfig *scl011-bin-2.06 (15 Apr 2011) 15 Apr 2011; Diego E. Pettenò +files/92_pcscd_scl011-bin.rules, +scl011-bin-2.06.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Import of SCM Micro scl011-bin driver, ebuild proxy-maintained by Christoph Brill in bug #358119.