# ChangeLog for app-misc/subsurface
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-misc/subsurface/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2013/08/13 18:04:55 tomwij Exp $

  13 Aug 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> metadata.xml:
  Removing myself from metadata.xml because I am part of the proxy-maint herd.

*subsurface-3.1 (20 May 2013)

  20 May 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> +subsurface-3.1.ebuild,
  Version bump to 3.1. More LINGUAS, osm-gps-map is now a hard dependency as per
  upstream, small compilation fixes. Updated ebuild contributed by Martin Gysel

*subsurface-3.0.2-r1 (03 Apr 2013)

  03 Apr 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> +subsurface-3.0.2-r1.ebuild,
  -subsurface-3.0.2.ebuild, metadata.xml, subsurface-9999.ebuild:
  Revision bump, fixed language support that broke as part of rewriting the
  ebuild. Cleaned up parts of the ebuild and added a missing dependency. Added
  the original ebuild writer Bearsh as the primary proxy maintainer. Extensively

*subsurface-3.0.2 (28 Mar 2013)
*subsurface-9999 (28 Mar 2013)

  28 Mar 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
  +subsurface-3.0.2.ebuild, +subsurface-9999.ebuild:
  New package for subsurface, an open source dive log program. Ebuild
  contributed by Martin Gysel aka bearsh, corrected by Aaron Bauman aka B-Man.
  Fixes bug #462526.