# ChangeLog for app-text/discount # Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/discount/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2013/10/29 22:13:29 chainsaw Exp $ 29 Oct 2013; Tony Vroon discount-2.1.6-r1.ebuild: Marked stable on AMD64 based on arch testing by Elijah "Armageddon" El Lazkani in bug #488810. *discount-2.1.6-r1 (31 Jul 2013) 31 Jul 2013; Nathan Phillip Brink +discount-2.1.6-r1.ebuild, -discount-2.1.6.ebuild: Use prefix of “discount-” instead of “mkd” for overly-generic binary names to match the prefix chosen in fedora. *discount-2.1.6 (29 Jul 2013) 29 Jul 2013; Nathan Phillip Brink +discount-2.1.6.ebuild, +files/discount-2.1.6-portage-multilib-CFLAGS.patch, +metadata.xml: Add app-text/discount for bug #294000 by Egil Hanger and jauhien. Imported from sunrise with fixes including CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, sandbox, and shared/dynamic library support. Prefixed some generically-named binaries with 'mkd'.