# ChangeLog for dev-util/gitosis-gentoo # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/gitosis-gentoo/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2009/05/15 09:50:59 robbat2 Exp $ *gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20090515 (15 May 2009) 15 May 2009; Robin H. Johnson +gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20090515.ebuild: Version bump with the cgit patch. 24 Nov 2008; Robin H. Johnson gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20080711.ebuild, gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20081028.ebuild: Bug #247322 - gitosis does actually need setuptools at runtime. *gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20081028 (28 Oct 2008) 28 Oct 2008; Robin H. Johnson +gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20081028.ebuild: Version bump per bug #236185, fixes for git-1.6. 17 Jul 2008; Robin H. Johnson gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20080711.ebuild: setuptools should only be in DEPEND, not RDEPEND, but git needs to be in both. *gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20080711 (11 Jul 2008) 11 Jul 2008; Robin H. Johnson +gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20080711.ebuild: Minor version bump: New version ignore comments and excess whitespace in SSH keys. Allows commenting of keydir contents. *gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20080203 (04 Apr 2008) 04 Apr 2008; Robin H. Johnson +metadata.xml, +gitosis-gentoo-0.2_p20080203.ebuild: Specifically package the Gitosis fork that powers git.overlays.gentoo.org. Upstream has not responded to multiple requests to integrate these features.