                                    LICENSE AGREEMENT
The  MAMMOTH  user  automatically  accepts  the following terms when using the program:

(1)  Report errors,  bugs  or modificarions  in the program to main author, Angel R Ortiz, e-mail: aro@cbm.uam.es

(2)  Do  not  redistribute  the  program  and/or its modifications. Interested  users  should  contact  directly to the author in order to obtain a copy of the program.

(3)  This license is for  scientific non-profit and  non-commercial use only.  Any other  use of this software for other purposes, alone or  integrated  into other software,  requires the prior consent of the author.

(4)  The authors do not assume any responsibility for  the licensed software and its use. The author will not assume any liability
for  damages  occurring  through  the  use   of  the  licensed software;  does not guarantee the  suitability of the licensed software for  any  application;  and does not provide support.

(5)  Acknowledge the use of the program in scientific publications:

     Ortiz AR, Strauss CE, Olmea O.
     MAMMOTH (Matching molecular models obtained from theory)
     An automated method for model comparison.
     Protein Sci. 2002 Nov;11(11):2606-21.