# ChangeLog for media-plugins/vdr-videosystem # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/vdr-videosystem/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2006/12/03 15:05:06 zzam Exp $ 03 Dec 2006; Matthias Schwarzott +files/vdr-videosystem-0.0.1-uint64.diff, vdr-videosystem-0.0.1.ebuild: Added patch to compile also with vdr-1.4.4_p1 15 Aug 2006; Matthias Schwarzott metadata.xml: Now really assign to Gentoo VDR Project. 15 Aug 2006; Matthias Schwarzott metadata.xml: Assigned to Gentoo VDR Project. *vdr-videosystem-0.0.1 (15 May 2006) 15 May 2006; Matthias Schwarzott +metadata.xml, +vdr-videosystem-0.0.1.ebuild: Initial import of ebuild written by me.