# Config file for /etc/init.d/esound # Note: You need to start esound on boot, only if you want to use it over network. # Warning: To use global esound daemon, you must also set spawn_options # in /etc/esd/esd.conf to the same protocol (i. e. add "-tcp") and unset # "Enable sound server startup" in gnome-sound-properties for all users # and optionally handle authentization. # For more see "esd -h". # Startup options # Do not beep on start. Free device after 2 sec. ESD_START="-nobeeps -as 2" # Network behavior. Use one of following. # Local only (useful for root-only soundcard access) #ESD_OPTIONS="" # Public TCP access. ESD_OPTIONS="-tcp -public" # TCP access with bind to address. #ESD_OPTIONS="-tcp -bind $HOSTNAME"