# ChangeLog for sci-libs/armadillo # Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/armadillo/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2011/05/04 00:29:37 bicatali Exp $ *armadillo-1.2.0 (04 May 2011) 04 May 2011; Sébastien Fabbro +armadillo-1.2.0.ebuild: Version bump *armadillo-1.1.6 (06 Mar 2011) 06 Mar 2011; Sébastien Fabbro +armadillo-1.1.6.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Version bump. Import to the main tree. Rewrote from scratch. *armadillo-1.0.0 (13 Dec 2010) 13 December 2010; Nico Schlömer +metadata.xml, +armadillo-1.0.0.ebuild: Initial import.