# ChangeLog for sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-drivers # Copyright 2002-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-drivers/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2003/06/11 01:41:21 msterret Exp $ 10 Jun 2003; pcmcia-cs-drivers-3.2.3.ebuild, pcmcia-cs-drivers-3.2.4.ebuild: DEPEND on sed >= 4 *pcmcia-cs-drivers-3.2.4 (4 Mar 2003) 4 Mar 2003; Peter Johanson pcmcia-cs-drivers-3.2.4.ebuild : Version bump and slight cleanup. *pcmcia-cs-drivers-3.2.3 (23 Jan 2003) 23 Jan 2003; Chad Huneycutt pcmcia-cs-drivers-3.2.3.ebuild : I'm trying to whip our pcmcia stuff into shape. There are many complaints about the inability to use kernel modules provided by pcmcia-cs with kernel pcmcia (yenta_socket PCIC). This ebuild will install just the pcmcia-cs modules. If you want cardmgr and the other pcmcia-cs tools, then install the pcmcia-cs-tools ebuild. Credit for the header adjustment to quelch the version mismatch error comes from Alistair Tse (gentoo@liquidx.net) and bug #7940.