# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/linux-headers/linux-headers-2.6.11-r4.ebuild,v 1.10 2006/03/10 03:10:16 agriffis Exp $ ETYPE="headers" H_SUPPORTEDARCH="alpha amd64 arm bfin cris hppa m68k ia64 ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86" inherit eutils kernel-2 detect_version PATCHES_V='9' SRC_URI="${KERNEL_URI} mirror://gentoo/linux-2.6.11-m68k-headers.patch.bz2 mirror://gentoo/linux- http://dev.gentoo.org/~plasmaroo/patches/kernel/gentoo-headers/gentoo-headers-${PV}-${PATCHES_V}.tar.bz2" KEYWORDS="-* alpha ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 sparc" # Do *not* add other archs, this is a revbump-forcer for only #114767 and #115708. DEPEND="ppc? ( gcc64? ( sys-devel/gcc-powerpc64 ) ) sparc? ( gcc64? ( sys-devel/gcc-sparc64 ) )" UNIPATCH_LIST="${DISTDIR}/gentoo-headers-${PV}-${PATCHES_V}.tar.bz2 ${DISTDIR}/linux-" kernel-2_hook_premake() { # cris is slightly incomplete so lets fake it enough to get headers mkdir -p arch/cris/boot touch arch/cris/boot/Makefile } src_unpack() { kernel-2_src_unpack # This should always be used but it has a bunch of hunks which # apply to include/linux/ which i'm unsure of so only use with # m68k for now (dont want to break other arches) [[ $(tc-arch) == "m68k" ]] && epatch "${DISTDIR}"/linux-2.6.11-m68k-headers.patch.bz2 # Fixes ... all the mv magic is to keep sed from dumping # ugly warnings about how it can't work on a directory. cd "${S}"/include mv asm-ia64/sn asm-ppc64/iSeries . headers___fix asm-ia64/* mv sn asm-ia64/ headers___fix asm-ppc64/* mv iSeries asm-ppc64/ headers___fix asm-ppc64/iSeries/* headers___fix linux/{ethtool,jiffies}.h # #114767... headers___fix asm-alpha/bitops.h linux/{bitops,wait}.h linux/byteorder/*_endian.h # Apply patch for spinlick.h only with 32bit userland on ppc64. # Will add to the main patchball when plasmaroo returns. if use ppc && [[ ${PROFILE_ARCH} == "ppc64" ]]; then epatch ${FILESDIR}/2.6.11-ppc64-32ul-spinlock.patch fi }