# ChangeLog for sys-process/fuser-bsd
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-process/fuser-bsd/ChangeLog,v 1.7 2010/03/24 15:15:31 the_paya Exp $

  24 Mar 2010; Javier Villavicencio <the_paya@gentoo.org>
  Fix dep while building a stage1.

  13 Mar 2010; Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org>
  Import patches from FreeBSD ports to fix build on 8.0

  18 Jul 2009; Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org>
  depend on fbsd-mk-defs to avoid failures when building stages

  18 Oct 2006; Roy Marples <uberlord@gentoo.org>
  Added ~sparc-fbsd keyword.

  12 Sep 2006; Roy Marples <uberlord@gentoo.org> -files/fuser-return.patch,
  Pull the return value patch as it goes againsta POSIX standard.
  Just as easy to check stdout, which is what we shall do!

  10 Sep 2006; Roy Marples <uberlord@gentoo.org> +files/fuser-return.patch,
  Ensure that fuser returns non zero if no files are found

*fuser-bsd-1142334561 (10 Sep 2006)

  10 Sep 2006; Diego Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
  Initial import, fuser(1) utility for FreeBSD, needed for newer baselayout.