# ChangeLog for x11-libs/gai
# Copyright 2000-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-libs/gai/ChangeLog,v 1.14 2007/02/21 23:55:04 jokey Exp $

  21 Feb 2007; Markus Ullmann <jokey@gentoo.org> ChangeLog:
  Redigest for Manifest2

  01 Dec 2006; Charlie Shepherd <masterdriverz@gentoo.org> gai-0.5.6.ebuild:
  Add dev-util/pkgconfig dep, bug 150784, thanks to Patrick Lauer for reporting

  08 May 2006; Michele Noberasco <s4t4n@gentoo.org> gai-0.5.6.ebuild:
  Stable for x86.

*gai-0.5.10 (18 Dec 2005)

  18 Dec 2005; Thomas Raschbacher <lordvan@gentoo.org> +gai-0.5.10.ebuild:
  updated version to 0.5.10; bug #88527 (thanks to Marcelo Goes

*gai-0.5.6 (08 Oct 2004)

  08 Oct 2004; root <root@gentoo.org> gai-0.5.6.ebuild:
  version bump fixed Bug #59277 (Thanks to Daniel Webert

  08 Aug 2004; Tom Martin <slarti@gentoo.org> gai-0.5.2.ebuild,
  gai-0.5.3.ebuild, gai-0.5.5.ebuild:
  Typo in DESCRIPTION: alot -> a lot. Bug 59717.

  10 May 2004; David Holm <dholm@gentoo.org> gai-0.5.5.ebuild:
  Added to ~ppc.

*gai-0.5.5 (09 May 2004)

  09 May 2004; Thomas Raschbacher <lordvan@gentoo.org> -gai-0.5.0_pre6.ebuild,
  version bump and cleanup old version

*gai-0.5.3 (09 May 2004)

  09 May 2004; Thomas Raschbacher <lordvan@gentoo.org> +gai-0.5.3.ebuild:
  version bump (Bug #49950)

*gai-0.5.2 (18 Feb 2004)
  18 Feb 2004; Thomas Raschbacher <lordvan@gentoo.org> gai-0.5.2.ebuild:
  version bump (Bug #39046)

  10 Jan 2004; Seemant Kulleen <seemant@gentoo.org> gai-0.5.0_pre6.ebuild:
  Upstream needs to learn the definition of consistency -- use_enable and
  use_with can not be used, unfortunately, because to enable, you have to issue
  --with and to disable, you have to issue --disable. That's plainly

  10 Jan 2004; Seemant Kulleen <seemant@gentoo.org> gai-0.5.0_pre6.ebuild:
  switch to use_enable and other cleanups. Thanks to Charles Allen
  <crallen@purdue.edu> in bug #37698 for pointing out why use_enable should be

*gai-0.5.0_pre6 (10 Dec 2003)

  10 Dec 2003; Thomas Raschbacher <lordvan@gentoo.org> ChangeLog, gai-0.5.0_pre6.ebuild, metadata.xml:
  initial import