#!/usr/bin/perl # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. # mysqld-watcher.pl - a script that watches the running instance of # mysqld and kills off any long-running SELECTs against the shadow_db # use 5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; # some configurables: # length of time before a thread is eligible to be killed, in seconds # my $long_query_time = 180; # # the From header for any messages sent out # my $mail_from = "root\@mothra.mozilla.org"; # # the To header for any messages sent out # my $mail_to = "root"; # # mail transfer agent. this should probably really be converted to a Param(). # my $mta_program = "/usr/lib/sendmail -t -ODeliveryMode=deferred"; # The array of long-running queries # my $long = {}; # Run mysqladmin processlist twice, the first time getting complete queries # and the second time getting just abbreviated queries. We want complete # queries so we know which queries are taking too long to run, but complete # queries with line breaks get missed by this script, so we get abbreviated # queries as well to make sure we don't miss any. foreach my $command ( "/opt/mysql/bin/mysqladmin --verbose processlist", "/opt/mysql/bin/mysqladmin processlist" ) { close(STDIN); open(STDIN, "$command |"); # iterate through the running threads # while () { my @F = split(/\|/); # if this line is not the correct number of fields, or if the thread-id # field contains Id, skip this line. both these cases indicate that this # line contains pretty-printing gunk and not thread info. # next if ($#F != 9 || $F[1] =~ /Id/); if ( $F[4] =~ /shadow_bugs/ # shadowbugs database in use && $F[5] =~ /Query/ # this is actually a query && $F[6] > $long_query_time # this query has taken too long && $F[8] =~ /(select|SELECT)/ # only kill a select && !defined($long->{$F[1]}) ) # haven't seen this one already { $long->{$F[1]} = \@F; system("/opt/mysql/bin/mysqladmin", "kill", $F[1]); } } } # send an email message # # should perhaps be moved to somewhere more global for use in bugzilla as a # whole; should also do more error-checking # sub sendEmail($$$$) { ($#_ == 3) || die("sendEmail: invalid number of arguments"); my ($from, $to, $subject, $body) = @_; open(MTA, "|$mta_program"); print MTA "From: $from\n"; print MTA "To: $to\n"; print MTA "Subject: $subject\n"; print MTA "\n"; print MTA $body; print MTA "\n"; close(MTA); } # if we found anything, kill the database thread and send mail about it # if (scalar(keys(%$long))) { my $message = ""; foreach my $process_id (keys(%$long)) { my $qry = $long->{$process_id}; $message .= join(" ", @$qry) . "\n\n"; } # fire off an email telling the maintainer that we had to kill some threads # sendEmail($mail_from, $mail_to, "long running MySQL thread(s) killed", $message); }