#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or # implied. # # This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, # modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms # of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. # # Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact # Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, # CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. # # This script analyzes the output of Ghostscript run with -Z67. # Its primary purpose is detecting memory leaks. USAGE = """\ Usage: python memory.py z67trace > report where z67trace is the output of gs -Z67""" HELP = """\ An example of usage: gs -Z67 somefile.ps >& somefile.log python memory.py somefile.log > somefile.report """ __author__ = 'L Peter Deutsch' import re from cStringIO import StringIO from difflib import SequenceMatcher #---------------- Memory representation ----------------# class struct(object): # Instance variables: # address (int) - the address of the object pass class Store(object): def __init__(self): self.memories = [] def totals(self): o = s = a = n = 0 for memory in self.memories: for chunk in memory.chunks: o += chunk.otop - chunk.obot s += chunk.stop - chunk.sbot for obj in chunk.objects: if not obj.isfree: n += 1 a += obj.size return '%d object space (%d objects, %d total size), %d strings' % \ (o, n, a, s) def compare(self, store): ml, sml = [[(m.address, m.space, m.level) \ for m in s.memories] for s in [self, store]] if ml != sml: return 'Memory lists differ' buf = StringIO() for m, sm in zip(self.memories, store.memories): buf.write('Memory 0x%x, space = %d, level = %d:\n' % \ (m.address, m.space, m.level)) buf.write(m.compare(sm)) return buf.getvalue() class Memory(struct): def __init__(self, store, address, space, level): self.address, self.space, self.level = address, space, level self.chunks = [] if store: store.memories.append(self) def compare(self, memory): buf = StringIO() cdict = dict([(c.address, c) for c in self.chunks]) mcdict = dict([(c.address, c) for c in memory.chunks]) for a in cdict.keys(): if a not in mcdict: buf.write('Freed: ') buf.write(cdict[a].listing()) for a in mcdict.keys(): if a not in cdict: buf.write('Added: ') buf.write(mcdict[a].listing()) for a, c in cdict.items(): if a in mcdict: buf.write(c.compare(mcdict[a])) return buf.getvalue() class Chunk(struct): # obot, otop, sbot, stop correspond to chunk_t.cbase, cbot, ctop, climit. def __init__(self, memory, address, obot, otop, sbot, stop, cend): self.address = address self.obot, self.otop = obot, otop self.sbot, self.stop = sbot, stop self.cend = cend self.objects = [] if memory: memory.chunks.append(self) def compare(self, chunk): buf = StringIO() o, s = self.otop - self.obot, self.stop - self.sbot co, cs = chunk.otop - chunk.obot, chunk.stop - chunk.sbot if co != o or cs != s: buf.write('objects %+d, strings %+d' % (co - o, cs - s)) buf.write('\n') # Use difflib to find the differences between the two chunks. seq1 = [b.content for b in self.objects if not b.isfree] seq2 = [b.content for b in chunk.objects if not b.isfree] m = SequenceMatcher(None, seq1, seq2) pi = pj = 0 for i, j, n in m.get_matching_blocks(): while pi < i: buf.write('- %s\n' % self.objects[pi]) pi += 1 while pj < j: buf.write('+ %s\n' % chunk.objects[pj]) pj += 1 pi, pj = pi + n, pj + n if buf.tell() > 1: return 'Chunk 0x%x: ' % self.address + buf.getvalue() else: return '' def listing(self): buf = StringIO() buf.write('chunk at 0x%x: %d used, %d free \n' % \ (self.address, sum([o.size for o in self.objects if not o.isfree]), sum([o.size for o in self.objects if o.isfree]))) for obj in self.objects: buf.write(' %s\n' % obj) return buf.getvalue() class block(struct): content = property(lambda b: (b.name, b.size)) def __init__(self, chunk, address, size): self.address, self.size = address, size if chunk: chunk.objects.append(self) def __str__(self): return '0x%x: %s (%d)' % (self.address, self.name, self.size) class Object(block): isfree = False def __init__(self, chunk, name, address, size): self.name = name block.__init__(self, chunk, address, size) class Free(block): isfree = True name = '(free)' #---------------- Log reader ----------------# # Parse the log entries produced by -Z67. res_hex = '0x([0-9a-f]+)' res_dec = '([-0-9]+)' re_memory = re.compile(r'validating memory %s, space %s, [^0-9]*%s' % \ (res_hex, res_dec, res_dec)) re_chunk = re.compile(r'validating chunk %s \(%s\.\.%s, %s\.\.%s\.\.%s\)$' % \ (6 * (res_hex,))) re_object = re.compile(r'validating ([^(]+)\(%s\) %s$' % \ (res_dec, res_hex)) re_free = re.compile(r'validating \(free\)\(%s\) %s$' % \ (res_dec, res_hex)) class Log: def __init__(self): self.stores = [] def readlog(self, fname): # Read a log produced by -Z67. Each separate validation trace is a # separate instance of Store. Note that each GC produces two # Stores, one from pre-validation, one from post-validation. f, store = file(fname), None memory = chunk = None for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('[6]validating memory '): addr, space, level = re_memory.match(line[3:]).groups() if not store: store = Store() memory = Memory(store, int(addr, 16), int(space), int(level)) chunk = None elif line.startswith('[6]validating chunk '): cvalues = re_chunk.match(line[3:]).groups() chunk = Chunk(memory, *[int(v, 16) for v in cvalues]) elif line.startswith('[7]validating (free)'): size, addr = re_free.match(line[3:]).groups() Free(chunk, int(addr, 16), int(size)) elif line.startswith('[7]validating '): name, size, addr = re_object.match(line[3:]).groups() Object(chunk, name, int(addr, 16), int(size)) elif line[2:].startswith(']validating'): print '**** unknown:', line elif _is_end_trace(line): self.stores.append(store) store = None f.close() def compare(self, which = slice(3, -2, 2)): buf = StringIO() stores = self.stores indices = range(*which.indices(len(stores))) for i1, i2 in zip(indices[:-1], indices[1:]): buf.write('Comparing %d and %d\n' % (i1, i2)) for j in [i1, i2]: buf.write('%3d: %s\n' % (j, stores[j].totals())) buf.write(stores[i1].compare(stores[i2])) buf.write(64 * '-' + '\n') for j in [indices[0], indices[-1]]: buf.write('%3d: %s\n' % (j, stores[j].totals())) return buf.getvalue() def _is_end_trace(line): return line.startswith('[6]---------------- end ') and \ line.endswith('validate pointers ----------------') #---------------- Main program ----------------# def main(argv): args = argv[1:] if len(args) != 1: print 'Use --help for usage information.' return if args[0] == '--help': print USAGE print HELP return log = Log() log.readlog(args[0]) print len(log.stores), 'stores' print log.compare() if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.exit(main(sys.argv) or 0)