#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or # implied. # # This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, # modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms # of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. # # Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact # Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, # CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. # # Analyze the module dependency structure of binary files. # This script requires GNU-compatible 'nm' and 'objdump' programs: # it has only been tested on (32- and 64-bit) x86 systems. USAGE = """\ Usage: python ocheck.py [] (--exclude [from]:[to]* | --query [from]:[to]* | --cycles | --verbose)* from and to are comma-separated lists of patterns, which are glob-style expressions representing modules (if they contain a '.') or symbols (if not). An empty from or to is equivalent to '*'.""" HELP = """ An example from Ghostscript (to check references from library files to PostScript interpreter files, which are not allowed): python ocheck.py gs gs/obj/ldt.tr \\ --exclude :ptr_const_string_procs,ptr_string_procs,ptr_struct_procs \\ gconfig.o: iconfig.o: :icc.o :ijs_client.o :inflate.o gs.o:imain*.o \\ --query [gs]*.o:[iz]*.o """ __author__ = 'L. Peter Deutsch' from os.path import basename, isdir, join from subprocess import PIPE, Popen import re, sys _type2section = {'D': 'data', 'd': 'data', 'R': 'rodata', 'r': 'rodata', 'T': 'text', 't': 'text'} class OFile: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.basename = basename(name) def __str__(self): return self.name def _readsymbols(self): # Return a mapping from symbol to (type, loc|None). nmlist, symbols = self._exec('nm'), {} for line in nmlist.split('\n'): parts = line.strip().split(' ') if len(parts) == 3: loc, type, sym = parts loc = int(loc, 16) elif len(parts) == 2 and len(parts[0]) == 1: loc = None type, sym = parts else: assert not line continue assert sym not in symbols # ****** WRONG FOR LOCALS? ****** symbols[sym] = (type, loc) self.symbols = symbols return symbols def _readrelocs(self): # Return a mapping from section name to a sorted list of # (offset, referenced symbol). Note that the referenced symbols # may be defined in this file, i.e., not imported. odlist, relocs = self._exec('objdump', '-r'), {} # We don't know whether the output format of objdump is standard, # but we'll find out.... for line in odlist.split('\n'): if line.startswith('RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [.'): assert line.endswith(']:') section = line[25:-2] assert section not in relocs rlist = relocs[section] = [] elif line.startswith('OFFSET '): pass elif not line: rlist = None elif rlist is None: # preamble pass else: # must be a real entry line = line.split(' ') loc, sym = line[0], line[-1] if sym[0] != '.': # i.e., a real reference sym = sym.split('+')[0] # might have an offset rlist.append((int(loc, 16), sym)) for rlist in relocs.values(): rlist.sort(key = lambda (loc, sym): loc) self.relocs = relocs return relocs def _readreferences(self): # Return a mapping from referencing symbol (procedure/data) to # referenced imported symbols. Note that the referencing symbol # may be local (not exported). syms = self.symbols relocs = dict([(section, list(rels)) for section, rels in self.relocs.items()]) # copy rel lists refs = {} defs = [(sym, _type2section[type], loc) \ for sym, (type, loc) in syms.items() \ if loc is not None and type in _type2section] imports = dict([(sym, 1) for sym, (type, loc) in syms.items() \ if type == 'U']) # Sorting in reverse order turns out to simplify things. defs.sort(key = lambda (sym, sec, loc): -loc) for rels in relocs.values(): rels.reverse() for sym, section, loc in defs: rels, rlist = relocs.get(section, ()), [] while rels and rels[0][0] >= loc: ref = rels.pop(0)[1] if ref in imports and ref not in rlist: # quadratic, don't care rlist.append(ref) if rlist: refs[sym] = rlist self.references = refs return refs def _exec(self, *cmd): return Popen(cmd + (self.name,), stdout = PIPE).communicate()[0] # Read information from file lazily, with no overhead afterwards. symbols = property(_readsymbols) relocs = property(_readrelocs) references = property(_readreferences) class DGraph: def __init__(self): self.graph = {} def add(self, ofrom, oto): g = self.graph if not ofrom in g: g[ofrom] = [{}, {}] if not oto in g: g[oto] = [{}, {}] g[ofrom][1][oto] = 1 g[oto][0][ofrom] = 1 def remove(self, ofrom = None, oto = None): if ofrom is None: for obj in self.fromkeys(): self.remove(obj, oto) elif oto is None: for obj in self.tokeys(ofrom): self.remove(ofrom, obj) else: g = self.graph if ofrom in g and oto in g: try: del g[ofrom][1][oto] del g[oto][0][ofrom] except KeyError: pass def fromkeys(self, oto = None): if oto: return self.graph.get(oto, [{}, {}])[0].keys() return [key for key, (f, t) in self.graph.items() if t] def tokeys(self, ofrom = None): if ofrom: return self.graph.get(ofrom, [{}, {}])[1].keys() return [key for key, (f, t) in self.graph.items() if f] # Thanks to http://www.bitformation.com/art/python_toposort.html # for this algorithm. def toposort(self): g = self.graph roots = [obj for (obj, (f, t)) in g.items() if len(f) == 0] sorted = [] while roots: root = roots.pop() sorted.append(root) for child in g[root][1]: del g[child][0][root] if len(g[child][0]) == 0: roots.append(child) del g[root] return sorted, g.keys() def pick(self): # Pick a non-root to convert to a root. g = self.graph gi = g.items() gi.sort(key = lambda (o, (f, t)): (len(f), -len(t))) o, (f, t) = gi[0] # Work backward through single-reference parents. # Invariant: (f, t) = g[o] no = o seen = [o] while 1: nf, nt = g[no] if len(nf) > 1: break o, f, t = no, nf, nt no = f.keys()[0] if no in seen: break seen.append(no) for fo in f: del g[fo][1][o] g[o][0] = {} seen.reverse() return o, f.keys(), t.keys(), seen # ---------------------------- main program ---------------------------- # def usage(): print USAGE def cvpat(str): if not str: return ('', '') sre, mre = '', '' for p in str.split(','): r = p.replace('.', r'\.').replace('?', '.').replace('*', '.*') if '.' in p: mre += '|' + r else: sre += '|' + r return (sre and sre[1:], mre and mre[1:]) def forfts(args, defs, refs, proc, verbose): # Call proc(m, s) for each (m, s) matching an item in ftlist defmods, refmods = defs.fromkeys(), refs.fromkeys() while args and not args[0].startswith('-'): ft = args.pop(0).split(':') if len(ft) != 2: break if verbose: print '-------- %s:%s --------' % tuple(ft) f, t = ft fs, fm = cvpat(f) ts, tm = cvpat(t) if fm: fm = re.compile(fm) fmods = [m for m in refmods if fm.match(m)] else: fmods = refmods fmods = dict([(m, 1) for m in fmods]) if tm or not ts: # neither tm nor ts = all tm = re.compile(tm) #tmods = dict([(m, 1) for m in defmods if tm.match(m)]) else: #tmods = None # ****** fs IS BOGUS, USES ENTIRE MODULE ****** if fs: fs = re.compile(fs) for s in defs.tokeys(): if fs.match(s): for m in defs.fromkeys(s): fmods[m] = 1 if ts: ts = re.compile(ts) for m in fmods: if ts: for s in refs.tokeys(m): if ts.match(s): proc(m, s) if tm: for s in refs.tokeys(m): for dm in defs.fromkeys(s): if tm.match(dm): proc(m, s) def tsort(defs, refs): ts = DGraph() for m1 in refs.fromkeys(): for s in refs.tokeys(m1): for m2 in defs.fromkeys(s): ts.add(m1, m2) sorted, loops = ts.toposort() passes = 1 while loops: print 'Sorted:', len(sorted), sorted print len(ts.graph), 'files remaining' o, f, t, seen = ts.pick() print 'Picking', o, ': %d references' % len(f), f print ' %d children,' % len(t),\ [(o, len(ts.tokeys(o))) for o in t] sorted, loops = ts.toposort() passes += 1 print 'Topo sort completed, %d pass(es).' % passes def main(argv): args = argv[1:] if len(args) < 1: print 'Use --help for usage information.' return if args[0] == '--help': print USAGE print HELP return if isdir(args[0]): cwd = args.pop(0) else: cwd = '' if len(args) < 1: usage() return verbose = False # Read the ld script and each file's symbol table. ldscript = args.pop(0) f = file(ldscript) ld = f.read() f.close() tokens = filter(None, ld.replace('\\\n', '').split()) ofiles, ofdict = [], {} del tokens[0] # gcc or ld while tokens: t = tokens.pop(0) if t == '-o': tokens.pop(0) continue elif t.startswith('-l') or t.startswith('-L'): continue elif t.startswith('-'): print 'Unrecognized switch in ld script:', t return 1 ofile = OFile(join(cwd, t)) ofiles.append(ofile) ofdict[ofile.basename] = ofile print len(ofiles), 'object files' # Collect the symbols. defs, refs = DGraph(), DGraph() for ofile in ofiles: fname = basename(ofile.name) for sym, (type, loc) in ofile.symbols.items(): if '.' in sym: # generated symbol continue if type == 'U': refs.add(fname, sym) elif type.islower(): # local symbol continue elif sym in defs.graph: dfiles = defs.graph[sym][0].keys() print '****', sym, 'defined in',\ [(dfile, ofdict[dfile].symbols[sym]) for dfile in dfiles],\ 'and', ofile, (type, loc) else: defs.add(fname, sym) print len(refs.graph), 'in refs,', len(defs.graph), 'in defs' # Process the rest of the command line. while args: arg = args.pop(0) if arg == '--exclude': # Remove excluded relationships. def remove1(m, s): if verbose: print 'removing', (m, s) refs.remove(m, s) forfts(args, defs, refs, remove1, verbose) elif arg == '--query': # Process queries. print 64 * '-' def query1(m, s): dms = defs.fromkeys(s) print '>>', m, 'references', s, '(defined in',\ ', '.join(dms) + ')' ofile, srcs = ofdict[m], [] for src, syms in ofile.references.items(): if s in syms: srcs.append(src) if srcs: print ' from', ', '.join(srcs) forfts(args, defs, refs, query1, verbose) elif arg == '--cycles': # Attempt to sort the modules topologically, using the criterion # that M1 precedes M2 iff M1 uses a symbol defined in M2. print 64 * '-' tsort(defs, refs) elif arg == '--verbose': verbose = True else: usage() return if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv) or 0)