Feature: Agendas In order to manage meetings I want to have agendas Scenario: View agendas listing as a guest Given an agenda Given an old agenda When I am on the homepage And I follow "Agendas" Then I should see "Agenda" in the agendas collection And I should see "Agenda" as current agenda When I follow link to first agenda Then I should see current date as meeting time Scenario: Change current agenda state as a council member Given an agenda When I am logged in as a council member And I follow "Agendas" And I follow link to current agenda Then I should see "open" as agenda state And I should see "Close this agenda" as transition When I close current agenda Then I should see "submissions_closed" as agenda state And I should see "Reopen this agenda" as transition And I should see "Archive this agenda" as transition When I reopen current agenda Then I should see "open" as agenda state When I close current agenda When I archive current agenda Then I should see "old" as agenda state Scenario: Change current agenda state as a council member Given an closed agenda When I am logged in as a council member And I am on the current agenda page And I archive current agenda When I follow "Agendas" And I follow link to current agenda Then I should see "open" as agenda state