===================== = Gentoaster README = ===================== Foreword ======= Right now I'm developing this on Ubuntu/Debian, so the following instructions are for those platforms. This will eventually run on Gentoo, of course. Prerequisites ============= php5-cli php5-dev php5-mysql gearman-job-server gearman-php-ext qemu-utils extlinux sfdisk git There might be more, I'll update this list at some point. Install these as follows: sudo apt-get install php5-cli php5-dev php5-mysql gearman-job-server qemu-utils extlinux sfdisk git The Gearman PHP extension has to be installed manually, as follows: wget http://pecl.php.net/get/gearman-0.7.0.tgz tar xvf gearman-0.7.0.tgz cd gearman-0.7.0 phpize ./configure make sudo make install Add "extension=gearman.so" to your php.ini (probably /etc/php5/cli/php.ini) Installation ============ cd /usr/share git clone http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitroot/proj/gentoaster.git Running ======= There's no init script for the daemon yet, so simply run as follows: sudo php5 /usr/share/gentoaster/daemon.php & Note the use of sudo, the daemon MUST be ran as root for it to work, otherwise all builds will fail. Now that the daemon is running, you can try a build, using the sample client: php5 /usr/share/gentoaster/client.php /usr/share/gentoaster/configs/minimal.ini This will give you some output similar to the following: Job sent, handle was H:lucidity:3 - hash 6085655f187a8442f82c43ebf98e5fdb You can check on the status of that build by running the following: php5 /usr/share/gentoaster/status.php Where is the hash returned by client.php (for example 6085655f187a8442f82c43ebf98e5fdb) If the build is still running, you'll get a progress percentage. If it's finished, the return code and result message will be shown.