" Vim syntax file " Language: Gentoo /etc/init.d/ scripts " Author: Ciaran McCreesh " Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh " Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself " " Syntax highlighting for Gentoo /etc/init.d/ scripts. Inherits from sh.vim " and adds in Gentoo-specific highlights for certain keywords and functions. " Requires vim 6.3 or later. " " TODO: Add highlights for description_$command " Add start-stop-daemon highlighting incl. deprecated options " if &compatible || v:version < 603 finish endif if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let is_bash=1 runtime! syntax/sh.vim unlet! b:current_syntax runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim syn cluster shCommentGroup add=GentooBug syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword config need use before after provide keyword syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword ebegin vebegin eend veend ewend vewend syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword einfo veinfo ewarn vewarn eerror veerror syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword ewaitfile is_newer_than is_older_than syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword service_set_value service_get_value syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword service_started service_starting service_inactive syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword service_stopping service_stopped service_coldplugged syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword service_wasinactive service_started_daemon syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword mark_service_started mark_service_starting syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword mark_service_inactive mark_service_stopping syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword mark_service_stopped mark_service_coldplugged syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword mark_service_wasinactive checkpath yesno syn keyword GentooInitSpecialVariables extra_commands extra_started_commands syn keyword GentooInitSpecialVariables extra_stopped_commands description command syn keyword GentooInitSpecialVariables command_args command_background pidfile name syn keyword GentooInitSpecialVariables start_stop_daemon_args retry required_dirs syn keyword GentooInitSpecialVariables required_files syn keyword GentooInitSpecialVariables RC_SVCNAME RC_RUNLEVEL RC_REBOOT RC_BOOTLEVEL syn keyword GentooInitSpecialVariables RC_DEFAULTLEVEL RC_SYS RC_PREFIX RC_UNAME RC_CMD syn keyword GentooInitDeprecated opts syn keyword GentooInitDFunc describe start_pre start start_post stop_pre stop stop_post syn keyword GentooInitDFunc reload restart status zap depend syn cluster shCommandSubList add=GentooInitDKeyword hi def link GentooInitDKeyword Keyword hi def link GentooInitDFunc Special hi def link GentooInitSpecialVariables PreProc hi def link GentooInitDeprecated Error let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-init-d"