Gentoo refpolicy repository =========================== Our upstream is SELinuxProject's refpolicy project, available at: To properly keep track of the upstream activity as well as merge its changes, a set of documents, files and scripts are provided to ease the management of our repository. Environment Variables --------------------- The scripts in this directory expect several envvars defining locations to repos. For example, set in .bashrc: export GENTOOX86="/var/db/repos/gentoo" export HARDENEDREFPOL="${HOME}/code/gentoo/hardened-refpolicy" export REFPOLGIT="${HOME}/code/gentoo/refpolicy" export REFPOLRELEASE="${HOME}/code/gentoo/refpolicy-release/refpolicy" gentoo/STATE ------------ The STATE file contains the commit id of upstream up to which point our repository is synchronized/merged. Merging upstream ---------------- To merge changes from upstream, first have both repos checked out and up to date. Format patches from upstream repo: refpolicy $ git fetch origin refpolicy $ rm -f ./0*.patch # cleanup any previous patches refpolicy $ git format-patch $(cat ${HARDENEDREFPOL}/gentoo/STATE)..origin/HEAD Apply all the patches to our repo: hardened-refpolicy $ git am ${REFPOLGIT}/0*.patch --signoff If there are merge conflicts, patch fuzzy-apply is usually somewhat successful: $ patch -p1 -F99 -l --no-backup-if-mismatch < <(git am --show-current-patch=diff) Or resolve conflicts manually. Then, as always, make sure everything is sane, then continue until all patches are applied: $ git am --continue Make sure to test thoroughly and push to github so the Github Actions CI will test all config combinations and flag any deprecations. Finally, make sure the STATE file is updated: $ git -C ${REFPOLGIT} rev-parse origin/HEAD > gentoo/STATE $ git add gentoo/STATE $ git commit -m "Merge upstream" -s gentoo/ ------------------------- The script handles the creation of a new Gentoo policy release, from creating the new ebuilds & patchbundle to tagging the repository.