#!/bin/bash # start from the root of a maven artifact and recursively resolve its # dependencies. source /etc/java-ebuilder.conf mkdir -p "${POMDIR}" sver() { PV=$1 # com.github.lindenb:jbwa:1.0.0_ppc64 PV=${PV/_/.} # plexus-container-default 1.0-alpha-9-stable-1 PV=${PV/-stable-/.} PV=$(sed -r 's/[.-]?alpha[-.]?/_alpha/' <<< ${PV}) # wagon-provider-api 1.0-beta-7 # com.google.cloud.datastore:datastore-v1beta3-proto-client:1.0.0-beta.2 # com.google.cloud.datastore:datastore-v1beta3-protos:1.0.0-beta PV=$(sed -r 's/[.-]?beta[-.]?/_beta/' <<< ${PV}) # aopalliance-repackaged 2.5.0-b16 PV=${PV/-b/_beta} # com.google.auto.service:auto-service:1.0-rc2 PV=${PV/-rc/_rc} # cdi-api 1.0-SP4 PV=${PV/-SP/_p} # org.seqdoop:cofoja:1.1-r150 PV=${PV/-rev/_p} PV=${PV/-r/_p} PV=${PV/.v/_p} # javax.xml.stream:stax-api:1.0-2 PV=${PV//-/.} # .Final .GA -incubating means nothing PV=${PV%.[a-zA-Z]*} # com.google.cloud.genomics:google-genomics-dataflow:v1beta2-0.15 -> # plexus-container-default 1.0-alpha-9-stable-1 -> while [[ ${PV} != ${PV0} ]]; do PV0=${PV} PV=$(sed -r 's/_(rc|beta|alpha|p)(.*\..*)/.\2/' <<< ${PV0}) done # remove all non-numeric charactors before _ # org.scalamacros:quasiquotes_2.10:2.0.0-M8 if [[ ${PV} = *_* ]]; then echo $(sed 's/[^.0-9]//g' <<< ${PV/_*/})_${PV/*_/} else sed 's/[^.0-9]//g' <<< ${PV} fi } gebd() { case ${MA} in weld-osgi-bundle) # 1.1.0.Final no longer exist [[ ${MV} = 1.1.0.Final ]] && MV=1.1.33.Final ;; esac local WORKDIR=${PG//./\/}/${MA} MID local MID=${PG}:${MA}:${MV} local PV=$(sver ${MV}) PA SLOT case ${MA} in opengl-api) [[ ${MV} = 2.1.1 ]] && MV=gl1.1-android-2.1_r1 ;; esac # spark-launcher_2.11 for scala 2.11 eval $(sed -nr 's,([^_]*)(_(.*))?,PA=\1 SLOT=\3,p' <<< ${MA}) [[ -z "${SLOT}" ]] && eval $(sed -nr 's,(.*)-(([0-9]+\.)?[0-9]+),PA=\1 SLOT=\2,p' <<< ${MA}) [[ -z "${SLOT}" ]] && PA=${MA} PA=${PA//./-} PA=${PA//_/-} local M=${MA}-${MV} local SRC_URI="https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/${WORKDIR}/${MV}/${M}-sources.jar" if [[ ! -f "${POMDIR}"/${M}.pom ]]; then pushd "${POMDIR}" > /dev/null wget ${SRC_URI/-sources.jar/.pom} # 3rd party plugin not needed here # distributionManagement is invalid for maven 3 # net.sf.jtidy:jtidy:r938 version is not maven-compliant sed -e '/bundle/d' \ -e '//,/<\/distributionManagement>/d' \ -e '//,/<\/build>/d' \ -e '//,/<\/modules>/d' \ -e 's,r938,1.0,' \ -i ${M}.pom popd fi if ! wget -q --spider ${SRC_URI}; then SRC_URI=${SRC_URI/-sources.jar/.jar} PA=${PA}-bin fi local P=${PA}-${PV} local ebd="${MAVEN_OVERLAY_DIR}"/app-maven/${PA}/${P}.ebuild line=app-maven:${PA}:${PV}:${SLOT:-0}::${MID} if ! grep -q ${line} "${CACHEDIR}"/maven-cache 2>/dev/null ; then pushd "${CACHEDIR}" > /dev/null echo ${line} >> maven-cache cat cache.{0,1} maven-cache > cache popd > /dev/null fi if [[ ! -f "${ebd}" ]]; then mkdir -p $(dirname ${ebd}) java-ebuilder -p "${POMDIR}"/${M}.pom -e "${ebd}" -g --workdir . \ -u ${SRC_URI} --slot ${SLOT:-0} --keywords ~amd64 \ --cache-file "${CACHEDIR}"/cache fi if [[ -z "${MAVEN_NODEP}" ]] && mfill "${ebd}"; then java-ebuilder -p "${POMDIR}"/${M}.pom -e "${ebd}" -g --workdir . \ -u ${SRC_URI} --slot ${SLOT:-0} --keywords ~amd64 \ --cache-file "${CACHEDIR}"/cache fi [[ ${SRC_URI} = *-sources.jar ]] || sed -i "/inherit/s/java-pkg-simple/java-pkg-binjar/" "${ebd}" } mfill() { # recursively fill missing dependencies arts=$(sed -n -r 's,# (test\? )?(.*)-> !!!.*-not-found!!!,\2,p' < $1) if [[ -z "${arts}" ]]; then false # no need to java-ebuilder again else for a in ${arts}; do eval $(awk -F":" '{print "PG="$1, "MA="$2, "MV="$3}' <<< ${a}) gebd done return fi } if [[ $1 == *.ebuild ]]; then eval $(grep MAVEN_ID $1) rm -f $1 else MAVEN_ID=$1 fi eval $(awk -F":" '{print "PG="$1, "MA="$2, "MV="$3}' <<< ${MAVEN_ID}) gebd