Feature: Evaluate documentation As recruiter I want recruits to give feedback on documentation So I'll know what should be improved Scenario: Recruit evaluate question documentation Given I am logged in as "recruit" And a question "question" When I am on show "question" question page And I follow "Answer it" And I select "Documentation Ok" from "answer[feedback]" And I select "Could Not Find Documentation" from "answer[feedback]" And I select "Documentation Insufficient" from "answer[feedback]" And I fill in "Some answer" for "answer[content]" And I press "Create Answer" Then I should see "The answer was created successfully" within ".flash.notice" Given a multiple choice content "Choose some if you can" for "question 2" When I am on show "question 2" question page And I follow "Answer it" And I select "Documentation Ok" from "multiple_choice_answer[feedback]" And I press "Create Answer" Then I should see "The multiple choice answer was created successfully" within ".flash.notice"