Feature: Viewing recruits who answered all questions As a recruiter I want to be able to see recruits with all questions answered and approved by mentors so that I can start the review process with them Scenario: View Listing Given a question "some question" in category "some cat" And recruit "recruit1" in following categories: |some cat| And user "recruit1" answered all questions in "some cat" When I am on ready recruits page Then I should see "recruit1" within ".user .collection" Scenario: Go to ready recruits from homepage Given a question "some question" in category "some cat" And recruit "recruit1" in following categories: |some cat| And user "recruit1" answered all questions in "some cat" And a user "recruit2" who is "recruit" And I am logged in as "recruiter" who is "recruiter" When I am on the home page And I follow "Recruits that answered all questions" Then I should be on ready recruits page Scenario: Recruit that answered assigned and ungrouped questions is ready Given following questions: |q1|cat1|grp1| |q2|cat1|grp1| And following questions: |q3|cat1| |q4|cat1| And user "recruit" is associated with question "q1" And answer of "recruit" for question "q1" And user "recruit" has category "cat1" And user "recruit" answered all questions in "cat1" When I am on ready recruits page Then I should see "recruit" within ".user .collection" Scenario: Recruit that answered didn't answer assigned grouped question isn't ready Given following questions: |q1|cat1|grp1| |q2|cat1|grp1| And following questions: |q3|cat1| |q4|cat1| And user "recruit" is associated with question "q1" And user "recruit" has category "cat1" And user "recruit" answered all questions in "cat1" When I am on ready recruits page Then I should see "No users to display" within ".empty-collection-message"