diff options
authorJames Le Cuirot <>2018-01-21 11:33:50 +0000
committerJames Le Cuirot <>2018-01-21 16:38:53 +0000
commit6660a95a204b0b572cb27c454c751fa849e9634d (patch)
tree65d4d604bce73454a5926187689d6c985f25bb76 /dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin
parentdev-java/java-sdk-docs: Drop old (diff)
dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin: Bring 8 ebuild in line with 9 and simplify
I doubt the MacOS examples were working before. The pkg_nofetch stuff was needlessly complicated as ${A} already contains just the relevant files and the function is not called at all if all files are present. I noticed that all the demo files follow a pattern, except on MacOS for some bizarre reason. I doubt any demo files will disappear before Java 8 is EOL'd but this can easily be handled in the case statement. Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.19, Repoman-2.3.6
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin/oracle-jdk-bin- b/dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin/oracle-jdk-bin-
index 27a83d9f8936..77a16f6c75a2 100644
--- a/dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin/oracle-jdk-bin-
+++ b/dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin/oracle-jdk-bin-
@@ -3,18 +3,9 @@
-inherit eutils java-vm-2 prefix versionator
+inherit desktop gnome2-utils java-vm-2 prefix versionator
-# This URI needs to be updated when bumping!
-# This is a list of archs supported by this update.
-# Currently arm comes and goes.
-AT_AVAILABLE=( amd64 arm arm64 x86 x64-solaris sparc64-solaris x64-macos )
-# Sometimes some or all of the demos are missing, this is to not have to rewrite half
-# the ebuild when it happens.
-DEMOS_AVAILABLE=( amd64 arm arm64 x86 x64-solaris sparc64-solaris x64-macos )
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x64-macos ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris"
if [[ "$(get_version_component_range 4)" == 0 ]] ; then
S_PV="$(get_version_component_range 1-3)"
@@ -25,39 +16,35 @@ fi
MY_PV="$(get_version_component_range 2)${MY_PV_EXT}"
-AT_sparc64_solaris="${AT_sparc_solaris} jdk-${MY_PV}-solaris-sparcv9.tar.gz"
+declare -A ARCH_FILES
+for keyword in ${KEYWORDS//-\*} ; do
+ case "${keyword#\~}" in
+ *-linux) continue ;;
+ x64-macos) demo="jdk-${MY_PV}" ;;
+ *) demo=${ARCH_FILES[${keyword#\~}]/./-demos.} ;;
+ esac
-DESCRIPTION="Oracle's Java SE Development Kit"
-for d in "${AT_AVAILABLE[@]}"; do
- SRC_URI+=" ${d}? ( $(eval "echo \${$(echo AT_${d/-/_})}")"
- if has ${d} "${DEMOS_AVAILABLE[@]}"; then
- SRC_URI+=" examples? ( $(eval "echo \${$(echo DEMOS_${d/-/_})}") )"
- fi
- SRC_URI+=" )"
+ SRC_URI+="
+ ${keyword#\~}? (
+ ${ARCH_FILES[${keyword#\~}]}
+ examples? ( ${demo} )
+ )"
-unset d
+DESCRIPTION="Oracle's Java SE Development Kit"
LICENSE="Oracle-BCLA-JavaSE examples? ( BSD )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x64-macos ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris"
IUSE="alsa commercial cups derby doc examples +fontconfig headless-awt javafx jce nsplugin selinux source visualvm"
REQUIRED_USE="javafx? ( alsa fontconfig )"
RESTRICT="fetch preserve-libs strip"
@@ -104,66 +91,35 @@ RDEPEND="!x64-macos? (
examples? ( x64-macos? ( app-arch/unzip ) )"
-check_tarballs_available() {
- local uri=$1; shift
- local dl= unavailable=
- for dl in "${@}" ; do
- [[ ! -f "${DISTDIR}/${dl}" ]] && unavailable+=" ${dl}"
- done
- if [[ -n "${unavailable}" ]] ; then
- if [[ -z ${_check_tarballs_available_once} ]] ; then
- einfo
- einfo "Oracle requires you to download the needed files manually after"
- einfo "accepting their license through a javascript capable web browser."
- einfo
- _check_tarballs_available_once=1
- fi
- einfo "Download the following files:"
- for dl in ${unavailable}; do
- einfo " ${dl}"
- done
- einfo "at '${uri}'"
- einfo "and move them to '${DISTDIR}'"
- einfo
- einfo "If the above mentioned urls do not point to the correct version anymore,"
- einfo "please download the files from Oracle's java download archive:"
- einfo
- einfo "${MY_PV}-oth-JPR"
- einfo
- fi
+S="${WORKDIR}/jdk$(replace_version_separator 3 _ ${S_PV})"
pkg_nofetch() {
- local distfiles=( $(eval "echo \${$(echo AT_${ARCH/-/_})}") )
- if use examples && has ${ARCH} "${DEMOS_AVAILABLE[@]}"; then
- distfiles+=( $(eval "echo \${$(echo DEMOS_${ARCH/-/_})}") )
- fi
- check_tarballs_available "${JDK_URI}" "${distfiles[@]}"
+ local a
+ einfo "Please download these files and move them to ${DISTDIR}:"
+ einfo
+ for a in ${A} ; do
+ [[ ! -f ${DISTDIR}/${a} ]] && einfo " ${a}"
+ done
+ einfo
+ einfo ""
+ einfo
+ einfo "If the above mentioned URL does not point to the correct version anymore,"
+ einfo "please download the file from Oracle's Java download archive:"
+ einfo
+ einfo ""
+ einfo
src_unpack() {
if use x64-macos ; then
- pushd "${T}" > /dev/null || die
- mkdir dmgmount || die
- hdiutil attach "${DISTDIR}"/jdk-${MY_PV}-macosx-x64.dmg \
- -mountpoint "${T}"/dmgmount || die
- printf -v update "%02d" $(get_version_component_range 4) || die
- xar -xf dmgmount/JDK\ $(get_version_component_range 2)\ Update\ ${update}.pkg || die
+ mkdir -p "${T}"/dmgmount || die
+ hdiutil attach "${DISTDIR}"/jdk-${MY_PV}-macosx-x64.dmg -mountpoint "${T}"/dmgmount || die
+ xar -Oxf "${T}"/dmgmount/JDK\ $(get_version_component_range 2)\ Update\ ${update}.pkg jdk${PV//.}.pkg/Payload | zcat | cpio -idv || die
hdiutil detach "${T}"/dmgmount || die
- zcat jdk1${MY_PV%u*}0${update}.pkg/Payload | cpio -idv || die
- mv Contents/Home "${WORKDIR}"/jdk${MY_PV} || die
- popd > /dev/null || die
- else
- default
+ mv Contents/Home "${S}" || die
- # Upstream is changing their versioning scheme every release around 1.8.0.*;
- # to stop having to change it over and over again, just wildcard match and
- # live a happy life instead of trying to get this new jdk1.8.0_05 to work.
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/jdk* "${S}" || die
+ default
src_prepare() {
@@ -198,7 +154,7 @@ src_install() {
rm -vf jre/lib/*/libjsoundalsa.* || die
- if ! use commercial; then
+ if ! use commercial ; then
rm -vfr lib/missioncontrol jre/lib/jfr* || die
@@ -218,15 +174,38 @@ src_install() {
rm -vf jre/lib/*/libnpjp2.* || die
local nsplugin=$(echo jre/lib/*/libnpjp2.*)
+ local nsplugin_link=${nsplugin##*/}
+ nsplugin_link=${nsplugin_link/./-${PN}-${SLOT}.}
+ dosym "${dest}/${nsplugin}" "/usr/$(get_libdir)/nsbrowser/plugins/${nsplugin_link}"
# Even though plugins linked against multiple ffmpeg versions are
# provided, they generally lag behind what Gentoo has available.
rm -vf jre/lib/*/libavplugin* || die
+ # Prune all fontconfig files so that libfontconfig will be used.
+ rm -v jre/lib/fontconfig.* || die
# Packaged as dev-util/visualvm but some users prefer this version.
use visualvm || find -name "*visualvm*" -exec rm -vfr {} + || die
+ # Install desktop file for the Java Control Panel. Using
+ # ${PN}-${SLOT} to prevent file collision with JRE and other slots.
+ if [[ -d jre/lib/desktop/icons ]] ; then
+ local icon
+ pushd jre/lib/desktop/icons >/dev/null || die
+ for icon in */*/apps/sun-jcontrol.png ; do
+ insinto /usr/share/icons/"${icon%/*}"
+ newins "${icon}" sun-jcontrol-${PN}-${SLOT}.png
+ done
+ popd >/dev/null || die
+ make_desktop_entry \
+ "${dest}"/bin/jcontrol \
+ "Java Control Panel for Oracle JDK ${SLOT}" \
+ sun-jcontrol-${PN}-${SLOT} \
+ "Settings;Java;"
+ fi
dodir "${dest}"
cp -pPR bin include jre lib man "${ddest}" || die
@@ -235,19 +214,13 @@ src_install() {
cp -pPR db "${ddest}" || die
- if use examples && has ${ARCH} "${DEMOS_AVAILABLE[@]}" ; then
+ if use examples && [[ ${A} = *-demos.* ]] ; then
cp -pPR demo sample "${ddest}" || die
ln -s policy/$(usex jce unlimited limited)/{US_export,local}_policy.jar \
"${ddest}"/jre/lib/security/ || die
- if use nsplugin ; then
- local nsplugin_link=${nsplugin##*/}
- nsplugin_link=${nsplugin_link/./-${PN}-${SLOT}.}
- dosym "${dest}/${nsplugin}" "/usr/$(get_libdir)/nsbrowser/plugins/${nsplugin_link}"
- fi
if use source ; then
cp -v "${ddest}" || die
@@ -256,38 +229,17 @@ src_install() {
- if [[ -d jre/lib/desktop ]] ; then
- # Install desktop file for the Java Control Panel.
- # Using ${PN}-${SLOT} to prevent file collision with jre and or
- # other slots. make_desktop_entry can't be used as ${P} would
- # end up in filename.
- newicon jre/lib/desktop/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/sun-jcontrol.png \
- sun-jcontrol-${PN}-${SLOT}.png || die
- sed -e "s#Name=.*#Name=Java Control Panel for Oracle JDK ${SLOT}#" \
- -e "s#Exec=.*#Exec=/opt/${P}/jre/bin/jcontrol#" \
- -e "s#Icon=.*#Icon=sun-jcontrol-${PN}-${SLOT}#" \
- -e "s#Application;##" \
- -e "/Encoding/d" \
- jre/lib/desktop/applications/sun_java.desktop \
- > "${T}"/jcontrol-${PN}-${SLOT}.desktop || die
- domenu "${T}"/jcontrol-${PN}-${SLOT}.desktop
- fi
- # Prune all fontconfig files so libfontconfig will be used and only install
- # a Gentoo specific one if fontconfig is disabled.
- #
- rm "${ddest}"/jre/lib/fontconfig.* || die
+ # Only install Gentoo-specific fontconfig if flag is disabled.
+ #
if ! use fontconfig ; then
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/ "${T}"/ || die
- eprefixify "${T}"/
insinto "${dest}"/jre/lib/
- doins "${T}"/
+ doins "$(prefixify_ro "${FILESDIR}"/"
- # This needs to be done before CDS - #215225
+ # Needs to be done before CDS, bug #215225.
java-vm_set-pax-markings "${ddest}"
- # see bug #207282
+ # See bug #207282.
einfo "Creating the Class Data Sharing archives"
case ${ARCH} in
@@ -308,14 +260,13 @@ src_install() {
find "${D}" -type d -empty -exec rmdir -v {} + || die
if use x64-macos ; then
- # Fix miscellaneous install_name issues.
local lib
- for lib in decora_sse glass prism_{common,es2,sw} ; do
- lib=lib${lib}.dylib
- einfo "Fixing self-reference of ${lib}"
+ for lib in lib{decora_sse,glass,prism_{common,es2,sw}}.dylib ; do
+ ebegin "Fixing self-reference of ${lib}"
install_name_tool \
- -id "${EPREFIX}${dest}/jre/lib/${lib}" \
+ -id "${EPREFIX}${dest}"/jre/lib/${lib} \
"${ddest}"/jre/lib/${lib} || die
+ eend $?
@@ -324,11 +275,21 @@ src_install() {
java-vm_sandbox-predict /dev/random /proc/self/coredump_filter
+pkg_preinst() {
+ gnome2_icon_savelist
pkg_postinst() {
+ gnome2_icon_cache_update
- if ! use headless-awt && ! use javafx; then
+ if ! use headless-awt && ! use javafx ; then
ewarn "You have disabled the javafx flag. Some modern desktop Java applications"
ewarn "require this and they may fail with a confusing error message."
+pkg_postrm() {
+ gnome2_icon_cache_update
+ java-vm-2_pkg_postrm