# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 inherit cmake desktop xdg-utils pax-utils if [[ ${PV} == *9999 ]] then EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin" inherit git-r3 else EGIT_COMMIT=eb5cd9be78c76b9ccbab9e5fbd1721ef6876cd68 SRC_URI=" https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/archive/${EGIT_COMMIT}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" S=${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${EGIT_COMMIT} KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64" fi DESCRIPTION="Gamecube and Wii game emulator" HOMEPAGE="https://dolphin-emu.org/" # NB: appended below LICENSE="GPL-2+" SLOT="0" IUSE="alsa bluetooth discord-presence doc +evdev ffmpeg +gui log profile pulseaudio systemd upnp vulkan" RDEPEND=" dev-libs/hidapi:0= <dev-libs/libfmt-8.1:0= dev-libs/lzo:2= dev-libs/pugixml:0= media-libs/libpng:0= media-libs/libsfml media-libs/mesa[egl(+)] net-libs/enet:1.3 net-libs/mbedtls:0= net-misc/curl:0= sys-libs/readline:0= sys-libs/zlib:0= x11-libs/libXext x11-libs/libXi x11-libs/libXrandr virtual/libusb:1 virtual/opengl alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib ) bluetooth? ( net-wireless/bluez ) evdev? ( dev-libs/libevdev virtual/udev ) ffmpeg? ( media-video/ffmpeg:= ) gui? ( dev-qt/qtcore:5 dev-qt/qtgui:5 dev-qt/qtwidgets:5 ) profile? ( dev-util/oprofile ) pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio ) systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:0= ) upnp? ( net-libs/miniupnpc ) " DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" BDEPEND=" sys-devel/gettext virtual/pkgconfig" # vulkan-loader required for vulkan backend which can be selected # at runtime. RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} vulkan? ( media-libs/vulkan-loader )" PATCHES=("${FILESDIR}"/${P}-musl.patch) # [directory]=license declare -A KEEP_BUNDLED=( [Bochs_disasm]=LGPL-2.1+ [FreeSurround]=GPL-2+ # vulkan's API is not backwards-compatible: # new release dropped VK_PRESENT_MODE_RANGE_SIZE_KHR # but dolphin still relies on it, bug #729832 [Vulkan]=Apache-2.0 [cpp-optparse]=MIT # no support for for using system library [glslang]=BSD [imgui]=MIT # not packaged, tiny header library [rangeset]=ZLIB # FIXME: xxhash can't be found by cmake [xxhash]=BSD-2 # no support for for using system library [minizip]=ZLIB # soundtouch uses shorts, not floats [soundtouch]=LGPL-2.1+ [cubeb]=ISC [discord-rpc]=MIT # Their build set up solely relies on the build in gtest. [gtest]= # (build-time only) # gentoo's version requires exception support. # dolphin disables exceptions and fails the build. [picojson]=BSD-2 # No code to detect shared library. [zstd]=BSD ) LICENSE+=" ${KEEP_BUNDLED[*]}" src_prepare() { cmake_src_prepare local s remove=() for s in Externals/*; do [[ -f ${s} ]] && continue if ! has "${s#Externals/}" "${!KEEP_BUNDLED[@]}"; then remove+=( "${s}" ) fi done einfo "removing sources: ${remove[*]}" rm -r "${remove[@]}" || die # About 50% compile-time speedup if ! use vulkan; then sed -i -e '/Externals\/glslang/d' CMakeLists.txt || die fi # Remove dirty suffix: needed for netplay sed -i -e 's/--dirty/&=""/' CMakeLists.txt || die } src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( # Use ccache only when user did set FEATURES=ccache (or similar) # not when ccache binary is present in system (automagic). -DCCACHE_BIN=CCACHE_BIN-NOTFOUND -DENABLE_ALSA=$(usex alsa) -DENABLE_BLUEZ=$(usex bluetooth) -DENABLE_EVDEV=$(usex evdev) -DENCODE_FRAMEDUMPS=$(usex ffmpeg) -DENABLE_LLVM=OFF # just adds -flto, user can do that via flags -DENABLE_LTO=OFF -DENABLE_PULSEAUDIO=$(usex pulseaudio) -DENABLE_QT=$(usex gui) -DENABLE_SDL=OFF # not supported: #666558 -DENABLE_VULKAN=$(usex vulkan) -DFASTLOG=$(usex log) -DOPROFILING=$(usex profile) -DUSE_DISCORD_PRESENCE=$(usex discord-presence) -DUSE_SHARED_ENET=ON -DUSE_UPNP=$(usex upnp) # Undo cmake.eclass's defaults. # All dolphin's libraries are private # and rely on circular dependency resolution. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF # Avoid warning spam around unset variables. -Wno-dev ) cmake_src_configure } src_test() { cmake_build unittests } src_install() { cmake_src_install dodoc Readme.md if use doc; then dodoc -r docs/ActionReplay docs/DSP docs/WiiMote fi doicon -s 48 Data/dolphin-emu.png doicon -s scalable Data/dolphin-emu.svg doicon Data/dolphin-emu.svg } pkg_postinst() { # Add pax markings for hardened systems pax-mark -m "${EPREFIX}"/usr/games/bin/"${PN}"-emu xdg_icon_cache_update } pkg_postrm() { xdg_icon_cache_update }