<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "https://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd"> <pkgmetadata> <maintainer type="person" proxied="yes"> <email>waebbl-gentoo@posteo.net</email> <name>Bernd Waibel</name> </maintainer> <maintainer type="project" proxied="proxy"> <email>proxy-maint@gentoo.org</email> <name>Gentoo Proxy Maintainers</name> </maintainer> <use> <flag name="addonmgr"> Build the addon manager module for automatic handling of 3rd party addons </flag> <flag name="cloud"> Build the Cloud workbench, to access cloud providers (mostly Amazon S3). </flag> <flag name="designer"> Build and install the Qt designer plugin, so the FreeCAD widgets can be used from within designer. </flag> <flag name="drawing"> Build the Drawing workbench, a predecessor to the TechDraw workbench. Users are encouraged to learn how to use the TechDraw workbench and switch to it instead. This is a compatibility option and will be removed in a later (0.20+) version of the package. </flag> <flag name="fem"> Build the FEM module and workbench which provides Finite Element Analysis (FEA) workflows </flag> <flag name="headless"> Build FreeCAD without a GUI, usable for server-side instances. The Python modules are still available, without their GUI parts though. </flag> <flag name="idf"> Build the IDF module to provide file exchange capabilities with IDF files </flag> <flag name="image"> Build the image module and workbench for working with bitmap images </flag> <flag name="inspection"> Build the inspection workbench which gives you specific tools for examination of shapes (experimental) </flag> <flag name="material"> Build the material module and workbench to work with materials </flag> <flag name="openscad"> Build the OpenSCAD module for interoperability with OpenSCAD and repairing Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) history </flag> <flag name="part-design"> Build the part design module and workbench for build part shapes from sketches </flag> <flag name="path"><!-- FIXME: auto-enable through robot? --> Build the path module and workbench to procude G-Code instructions for CNC </flag> <flag name="pcl"> Use external <pkg>sci-libs/pcl</pkg> for point clouds support. </flag> <flag name="plot"> Build the internal plot workbench. NOTE: This conflicts with the external plot workbench, which you can add via the Addon Manager! </flag> <flag name="points"> Build the points module and workbench for working with point clouds </flag> <flag name="raytracing"> Build the raytracing module and workbench for raytracing and rendering </flag> <flag name="robot"> Build the robot module and workbench for studying robot movements </flag> <flag name="ship"> Build the ship module and workbench which works over ship entities, that must be created on top of provided geometry. NOTE: This conflicts with the external ship workbench, which you can add via the Addon Manager! </flag> <flag name="show"> Build the show module, a helper module for visibility automation </flag> <flag name="surface"> Build the surface module and workbench </flag> <flag name="techdraw"> Build the techdraw module and workbench, a more advanced and feature-rich successor of the drawing workbench </flag> <flag name="tux"> Build the Tux module </flag> </use> <upstream> <bugs-to>https://www.freecadweb.org/tracker/</bugs-to> <remote-id type="github">FreeCAD/FreeCAD</remote-id> <doc lang="en">https://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/MainPage</doc> </upstream> </pkgmetadata>