diff options
authorSteve Dibb <>2011-04-15 16:22:50 +0000
committerSteve Dibb <>2011-04-15 16:22:50 +0000
commit00cf889287dab38b740a7f2b1208c1d056be7ddc (patch)
tree51efd98d06b5952c1c65d6832fa1097a89e1e0e6 /sys-process/fcron
parentMask media-gfx/gthumb development versions. (diff)
Re-add installing crontab file, bug 332901; Restore old crontab binary symlink
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-process/fcron')
3 files changed, 280 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog b/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog
index 89e9d72c46e4..23391fcb8105 100644
--- a/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-process/fcron
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog,v 1.88 2010/09/13 05:46:23 josejx Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-process/fcron/ChangeLog,v 1.89 2011/04/15 16:22:50 beandog Exp $
+*fcron-3.0.6-r2 (15 Apr 2011)
+ 15 Apr 2011; Steve Dibb <> +fcron-3.0.6-r2.ebuild:
+ Re-add installing crontab file, bug 332901; Restore old crontab binary
+ symlink
13 Sep 2010; Joseph Jezak <> fcron-3.0.6-r1.ebuild:
Marked ppc stable for bug #330727.
diff --git a/sys-process/fcron/Manifest b/sys-process/fcron/Manifest
index 11808285c326..ca1bf2129873 100644
--- a/sys-process/fcron/Manifest
+++ b/sys-process/fcron/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-Hash: SHA1
AUX check_system_crontabs.fcron-config-file.patch 1740 RMD160 05a8b1f3ae6a2217482765806dce1b24a4a51c29 SHA1 32125fbe6752fa839e2dc00e21e8ddaee5b26801 SHA256 40ed92d5f2ea1468b705d624e6ff756eddda212cb8216d26fbf63ec7d50a2b86
AUX crontab 864 RMD160 f181a337c032df8711384bd54c58e594fd516313 SHA1 db6ce92b9109134d8c8dfb3e6f248dafea217c69 SHA256 ccb4bf3d5732f7f26fb9a7ae75e13e5e20603e8f1db8859cfa6ee4d4dcb9df45
AUX fcron-3.0.5-gentoo.patch 1025 RMD160 e3c634e5833d50450fcccba7833f668212352c70 SHA1 95354a2e033abbaf46948ffe0bb6db7a75a39680 SHA256 9de8ebb711f371c5bf0a14063be5405d39658965c7b643ecdba7a63c482bbd60
@@ -10,12 +7,6 @@ DIST fcron-3.0.5.src.tar.gz 551516 RMD160 7523bd7de39bb2aa96e61714ee98f389b1fb68
DIST fcron-3.0.6.src.tar.gz 552805 RMD160 fadcb39ce106dcd61f31e1d4d6ab7c2d1149b36b SHA1 6b0a886931d9a89c65df33228384b07d672238bf SHA256 9c36b1bc6c931ec8b4ef55fef569ba17004b32f3ae0a72e3cc4ec4d15bee30a1
EBUILD fcron-3.0.5-r2.ebuild 9682 RMD160 1523b79ba7c8076e818545e9f6b52d9e671cdc63 SHA1 4578b12aa9543afb12c0a39b68c10a00f54ff138 SHA256 c21718a4c23890336db02c7ce93385261f0eaf84f59691fc412f9eb4d914aa8c
EBUILD fcron-3.0.6-r1.ebuild 9329 RMD160 6a2a640ac4e97f0973e377af1e33c1a05a098a9e SHA1 ef66785140cf7a1ee97f59e271acf7fe2c7ef396 SHA256 3bb2bc8d2be57298498a3fdd3d94f8b9fa3b54004d99508b417a6f23703a074b
-MISC ChangeLog 20730 RMD160 452c21af0c31d6dca2a9969f5f58d408853a8db1 SHA1 015fb8764a717cf9c504f3c19fe8366a6dca48c6 SHA256 b5ab7539116e9da60d9067799d6e103dfd40049893ce73006afa9429adbc1ebd
+EBUILD fcron-3.0.6-r2.ebuild 9502 RMD160 2e095b3f29c095d933062570f5861c0cf85e889b SHA1 9f87787986c09b6ba17e35e23eb925e809981c4a SHA256 a32e450c7e4ab26b9c4433eeec565d937a2b999aeeeb36afddb84ac7771abcbd
+MISC ChangeLog 20917 RMD160 047fb638d9b25c1ee56021fb7f1c9001bea9066b SHA1 a03b992b9acc21445027c0c1d3b3cf274e2c4d2c SHA256 c53a2b48a5665a891b6db1e371b5c56e04f661f569f11d66b1e8c830c538f20d
MISC metadata.xml 1169 RMD160 db7a0eace77ad9faf56fc7cb623f06cb4841a59b SHA1 135f0a81d4fd786116a28566deb05abbd99553db SHA256 3cb97f48f6af8cccfb246a142a6ffd983e8bcec6f9deda53cf57a7e93068b0fb
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r2.ebuild b/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6740e3d60b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-process/fcron/fcron-3.0.6-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/04/15 16:22:50 beandog Exp $
+inherit cron pam eutils
+DESCRIPTION="A command scheduler with extended capabilities over cron and anacron"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="debug pam selinux linguas_fr"
+DEPEND="selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+ pam? ( virtual/pam )"
+# see bug 282214 for the reason to depend on bash
+ app-shells/bash
+ app-editors/gentoo-editor
+ pam? ( >=sys-auth/pambase-20100310 )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup fcron
+ enewuser fcron -1 -1 -1 fcron
+ rootuser=$(egetent passwd 0 | cut -d ':' -f 1)
+ rootgroup=$(egetent group 0 | cut -d ':' -f 1)
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ # respect LDFLAGS
+ sed -i "s:\(@LIBS@\):\$(LDFLAGS) \1:" || die "sed failed"
+ sed -i -e 's:/etc/fcrontab:/etc/fcron/fcrontab:' script/ || die
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ # Don't try to pass --with-debug as it'll play with cflags as
+ # well, and run foreground which is a _very_ nasty idea for
+ # Gentoo.
+ use debug && append-flags -DDEBUG
+ [[ -n "${rootuser}" ]] && myconf="${myconf} --with-rootname=${rootuser}"
+ [[ -n "${rootgroup}" ]] && myconf="${myconf} --with-rootgroup=${rootgroup}"
+ econf \
+ --with-cflags="${CFLAGS}" \
+ $(use_with pam) \
+ $(use_with selinux) \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/fcron \
+ --with-username=fcron \
+ --with-groupname=fcron \
+ --with-piddir=/var/run \
+ --with-spooldir=/var/spool/fcron \
+ --with-fifodir=/var/run \
+ --with-fcrondyn=yes \
+ --disable-checks \
+ --with-editor=/usr/libexec/gentoo-editor \
+ --with-sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail \
+ --with-shell=/bin/sh \
+ --without-db2man --without-dsssl-dir \
+ ${myconf} \
+ || die "configure failed"
+ emake || die "make failed"
+ # bug #216460
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:/usr/local/etc/fcron:/etc/fcron/fcron:g' \
+ -e 's:/usr/local/etc:/etc:g' \
+ -e 's:/usr/local/:/usr/:g' \
+ doc/*/*/*.{txt,1,5,8,html} \
+ || die "unable to fix documentation references"
+src_install() {
+ # create directories that don't have special permissions first so
+ # that we can play with the permissions later
+ dodir /usr/bin /etc /var/spool
+ diropts -m6770 -o fcron -g fcron
+ keepdir /var/spool/fcron
+ # install fcron tools
+ insinto /usr/bin
+ dosbin fcron || die
+ # fcronsighup needs to be suid root, because it sends a HUP
+ # to the running fcron daemon
+ insopts -m6755 -o ${rootuser:-root} -g fcron
+ doins fcronsighup || die
+ insopts -m6755 -o fcron -g fcron
+ doins fcrondyn fcrontab || die
+ dosym /usr/bin/fcrontab /usr/bin/crontab || die
+ # /etc stuff
+ diropts -m0750 -o ${rootuser:-root} -g fcron
+ dodir /etc/fcron
+ insinto /etc/fcron
+ insopts -m0640 -o ${rootuser:-root} -g fcron
+ doins files/fcron.{allow,deny,conf} || die
+ diropts -m0755
+ insopts -m0644
+ # install /etc/fcrontab
+ insopts -m0640 -o ${rootuser:-root} -g ${rootgroup:-root}
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/fcrontab || die
+ # install /etc/crontab
+ insinto /etc
+ insopts -m0640 -o ${rootuser:-root} -g ${rootgroup:-root}
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/crontab || die
+ # install PAM files
+ pamd_mimic system-services fcron auth account session
+ cat - > "${T}"/fcrontab.pam <<EOF
+# Don't ask for the user's password; fcrontab will only allow to
+# change user if running as root.
+auth sufficient
+# Still use the system-auth stack for account and session as the
+# sysadmin might have set up stuff properly, and also avoids
+# sidestepping limits (since fcrontab will run $EDITOR).
+account include system-auth
+session include system-auth
+ newpamd "${T}"/fcrontab.pam fcrontab
+ # install init script
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/fcron.init.2 fcron || die
+ # install the very handy check_system_crontabs script, POSIX sh variant
+ newsbin script/ check_system_crontabs || die
+ # doc stuff
+ dodoc MANIFEST VERSION "${FILESDIR}"/crontab \
+ doc/en/txt/{readme,thanks,faq,todo,relnotes,changes}.txt \
+ || die
+ newdoc files/fcron.conf fcron.conf.sample || die
+ dohtml doc/en/HTML/*.html || die
+ doman doc/en/man/*.{1,5,8} || die
+ # localized docs
+ for lang in fr; do
+ use linguas_${lang} || continue
+ doman -i18n=${lang} doc/${lang}/man/*.{1,5,8} || die
+ docinto html/${lang}
+ dohtml doc/${lang}/HTML/*.html || die
+ done
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog
+ elog "fcron has some important differences compared to vixie-cron:"
+ elog
+ elog "1. fcron stores the crontabs in ${ROOT}var/spool/fcron"
+ elog " instead of ${ROOT}var/spool/cron/crontabs"
+ elog
+ elog "2. fcron uses a special binary file format for storing the"
+ elog " crontabs in ${ROOT}var/spool/fcron/USERNAME,"
+ elog " but the original plain text version is saved as"
+ elog " ${ROOT}var/spool/fcron/USERNAME.orig for your"
+ elog " reference (and for being edited with fcrontab)."
+ elog
+ elog "3. fcron does not feature a system crontab in exactly the"
+ elog " same way as vixie-cron does. This version of fcron"
+ elog " features a crontab for a pseudo-user 'systab' for use"
+ elog " as the system crontab. Running a command like"
+ elog
+ elog " fcrontab -u systab ${ROOT}etc/crontab"
+ elog
+ elog " will write ${ROOT}etc/crontab to the fcron crontabs directory as"
+ elog
+ elog " ${ROOT}var/spool/fcron/systab"
+ elog
+ elog " Please note that changes to ${ROOT}etc/crontab will not become"
+ elog " active automatically! fcron also does not use the directory"
+ elog " ${ROOT}etc/cron.d by default like vixie-cron does."
+ elog " Fortunately, it's possible to emulate vixie-cron's behavior"
+ elog " with regards to ${ROOT}etc/crontab and ${ROOT}etc/cron.d by using a"
+ elog " little helper script called 'check_system_crontabs'."
+ elog " The file ${ROOT}etc/fcron/fcrontab (not ${ROOT}etc/crontab!) has been set up"
+ elog " to run the script once a while to check whether"
+ elog " ${ROOT}etc/fcron/fcrontab, ${ROOT}etc/crontab or files in ${ROOT}etc/cron.d/ have"
+ elog " changed since the last generation of the systab and"
+ elog " regenerate it from those three locations as necessary."
+ elog " You should now run 'check_system_crontabs' once to properly"
+ elog " generate an initial systab:"
+ elog
+ elog " check_system_crontabs -v -i -f"
+ elog
+ elog " The file ${ROOT}etc/fcron/fcrontab should only be used to run that"
+ elog " script in order to ensure independence from the standard"
+ elog " system crontab file ${ROOT}etc/crontab."
+ elog " You may of course adjust the schedule for the script"
+ elog " 'check_system_crontabs' or any other setting in"
+ elog " ${ROOT}etc/fcron/fcrontab as you desire."
+ elog
+ elog "If you do NOT want to use 'check_system_crontabs', you"
+ elog "might still want to activate the use of the well known"
+ elog "directories ${ROOT}etc/cron.{hourly|daily|weekly|monthly} by"
+ elog "just generating a systab once from ${ROOT}etc/crontab:"
+ elog
+ elog " fcrontab -u systab ${ROOT}etc/crontab"
+ elog
+ elog "Happy fcron'ing!"
+ elog
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Fixing permissions and ownership of ${ROOT}usr/bin/fcron{tab,dyn,sighup}"
+ chown fcron:fcron "${ROOT}"usr/bin/fcron{tab,dyn} >&/dev/null
+ chown ${rootuser:-root}:fcron "${ROOT}"usr/bin/fcronsighup >&/dev/null
+ chmod 6755 "${ROOT}"usr/bin/fcron{tab,dyn,sighup} >&/dev/null
+ ewarn "Fixing permissions and ownership of ${ROOT}etc/{fcron,crontab}"
+ chown -R ${rootuser:-root}:fcron "${ROOT}"etc/{fcron,crontab} >&/dev/null
+ chmod -R g+rX,o= "${ROOT}"etc/fcron "${ROOT}"etc/{fcron,crontab} >&/dev/null
+ ewarn
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "WARNING: fcron now uses a dedicated user and group"
+ ewarn "'fcron' for the suid/sgid programs/files instead of"
+ ewarn "the user and group 'cron' that were previously used."
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "fcron usage can now only be restricted by adding users"
+ ewarn "to the following files instead of to the group 'cron':"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn " ${ROOT}etc/fcron/fcron.allow"
+ ewarn " ${ROOT}etc/fcron/fcron.deny"
+ ewarn
+ if ls -1 "${ROOT}"var/spool/cron/fcrontabs/* >&/dev/null; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "WARNING: fcron now uses a dedicated fcron-specific"
+ ewarn "spooldir ${ROOT}var/spool/fcron instead of the commonly"
+ ewarn "used ${ROOT}var/spool/cron for several reasons."
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Copying over existing crontabs from ${ROOT}var/spool/cron/fcrontabs"
+ cp "${ROOT}"var/spool/cron/fcrontabs/* "${ROOT}"var/spool/fcron/ >&/dev/null \
+ || die "failed to migrate existing crontabs"
+ ewarn "You should now remove ${ROOT}var/spool/cron/fcrontabs!"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Fixing permissions and ownership of ${ROOT}var/spool/fcron"
+ chown root:root "${ROOT}"var/spool/fcron/* >&/dev/null
+ chmod 0600 "${ROOT}"var/spool/fcron/* >&/dev/null
+ chown fcron:fcron "${ROOT}"var/spool/fcron/*.orig >&/dev/null
+ chmod 0640 "${ROOT}"var/spool/fcron/*.orig >&/dev/null
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "*** fcrontabs ENTRY IN ${ROOT}etc/fcron/fcron.conf"
+ fi
+ elog ""
+ elog "Since version 3.0.5 the fcron init script will no longer wait for LDAP, MySQL"
+ elog "or PostgreSQL before starting. If you need any of these for authentication or"
+ elog "for jobs that are executed by fcron, please create a /etc/conf.d/fcron file to"
+ elog "set the rc_need variable to the list of services you should be waiting for."
+ elog ""