diff options
authorAlexys Jacob <>2015-03-10 09:21:13 +0000
committerAlexys Jacob <>2015-03-10 09:21:13 +0000
commit32854f671320d883020ab97408a7c3d24edae1fc (patch)
tree13282e21a079fca7720f833f05fe3dfc8f31bc40 /www-servers/uwsgi
parentbump; rm old, fixes bug #541590 (diff)
revbump for stabilization wrt #529140
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.14/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0xB658FA13
Diffstat (limited to 'www-servers/uwsgi')
4 files changed, 393 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/www-servers/uwsgi/ChangeLog b/www-servers/uwsgi/ChangeLog
index baaa8234bba6..43310e1d8068 100644
--- a/www-servers/uwsgi/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-servers/uwsgi/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for www-servers/uwsgi
-# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/uwsgi/ChangeLog,v 1.70 2014/12/31 14:32:28 ultrabug Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/uwsgi/ChangeLog,v 1.71 2015/03/10 09:21:04 ultrabug Exp $
+*uwsgi-2.0.9-r1 (10 Mar 2015)
+ 10 Mar 2015; Ultrabug <> +uwsgi-2.0.9-r1.ebuild,
+ uwsgi-2.0.9.ebuild:
+ revbump for stabilization wrt #529140
*uwsgi-2.0.9 (31 Dec 2014)
diff --git a/www-servers/uwsgi/Manifest b/www-servers/uwsgi/Manifest
index 532ed93d41b4..da01bebefc7c 100644
--- a/www-servers/uwsgi/Manifest
+++ b/www-servers/uwsgi/Manifest
@@ -20,13 +20,14 @@ DIST uwsgi-2.0.9.tar.gz 779244 SHA256 fe0489bca0a8b95653908be2297e35699fb9e992f7
EBUILD uwsgi-1.4.10-r1.ebuild 9537 SHA256 a9598d2a8d9dc335ffe83ed0d1c1d43aa6ed77a402bc9b3bc9adc7a3d7de907f SHA512 961b58b05e60b0e7267afdbf276918c2551b5118820568caf1fe773efde9ffadebff782b29b40680664c63a5e594a3c18cb9bb66704b5315cf3b06a9a2985502 WHIRLPOOL f07af4657d5edf2827d29140e7f834d9bcb3d80c97d1fd39f008d94d640d48d6d83b8dca5d9272333a4aecd66a03c8d4b7d193fd72b33f3e1c64bc6972c9430f
EBUILD uwsgi-2.0.8-r1.ebuild 11840 SHA256 51e750052cb87e747ba5ef8b6326ad9b03c620d51f0e5edfc578095dd8ea384f SHA512 ad96a57e7a6fe97a92f0a97cf194a2323a09c5ab7eb63a260aa626a5d8204352fd5cb3639e3c375e4cd94c7d95b3ebdbc23b6f166b56ff1d24a3a39b4e9bb34c WHIRLPOOL cf53a96eeeb17136c22abee4808d36c7eb3ef8316049d226491c6807f270560d9fa50d91c42ceda0e0949b84f2447fe58551b17f6318e338e72629ea35cd6250
EBUILD uwsgi-2.0.8-r3.ebuild 11847 SHA256 58ed6f31f693830c6e41916c05091d1a43d0e750bf91ed45afd99300b296f33a SHA512 006ea291885c21f7ce4529eeb03c2b0488191a07d41d739966d71bbba59104f84a082c0045a7d894bb5626417913bb6f18734982110f7a62cc0ea22b7265b78e WHIRLPOOL d2efaac9ab22b595eb0d36170ea939f41d73a5eb1e2b22b288364af7bbcaacd583f5d9e85bb66d0b2852b91ffc9e109f7bdea5db998e9d5a8131f061a4567f3f
-EBUILD uwsgi-2.0.9.ebuild 11790 SHA256 caed468953422214a2a1cd513f65bbea7476548621af61ed1639dadccd3d58f5 SHA512 5cb234209204b36c0fc2fac601226060da7718e724ce60a61765a57531e5b63c7b78280cb0a7eb30aff722343a32474435650eccb7026a5987ceefb2caf0a128 WHIRLPOOL 3f556b4939b3a4960bda2d1cf56c0639397e0e069aca10ae674a8eedd5a54671459c4e7126739ed66fbeebd00879785c2516e1abe68d84a61b4a8544fa03be2e
-MISC ChangeLog 12939 SHA256 6436a0809f8712bec9b1eda806278f94bc92be3e5572bc386835c893d8cb3681 SHA512 ca7ca991b53cdae64fba617fd8c1f8034c84e1839b3f22e9b3d8bfe553af9c54882186c5ea37fb8eff7d38d0f11ba288241734e9625606c49b81be1c0565d818 WHIRLPOOL cfd4e7307aba51e99be756dc4b010f7d746ae99eeb1bcacfb296e2ba5affec2edfaafb201ae29f7cdc30eb398bad1e557a3512c5a111faa6f76f80699cd25311
+EBUILD uwsgi-2.0.9-r1.ebuild 11793 SHA256 5d73a4741a9d0d596c2a64fb8fd57bde1fd1408fb7476b6ac99e3ed51b04b847 SHA512 f11806a7f1df84483285d48f18c9b2ac7df1591f7ab33a51a6c62bbd8566cc62514cab119ec1ce8112fcb52bb57369af0588c73dd0c7f371bea2ed2eb6ba88cc WHIRLPOOL a1ef02fdf649abb464863fe5b590df4911967a9e6234cb708a169161a2859e7eae6500a1dccfe0594f9c5b5e30e15834cc8fe9c32ae5b2807e9aab28461cc99a
+EBUILD uwsgi-2.0.9.ebuild 11783 SHA256 aba50f356dc2cf3038b2afcf597a22f4f628c8d3f18c152ad7110254527665b3 SHA512 a00dac92639c9463a3e01143a5df062b20799f20a335ab5de86f4bcecd44bfabf5b2701030f21bb1f5025417063bf8121869214a3b1986b7723ee110cce80a63 WHIRLPOOL 4025a4ff7c3d70d42b4f65e43e5d5f84c98e831ad6832bbed70e7a9868466ceb1c2978f7038e914145ca0de9eb2a7c7ce43aee0fc12e2df88f93d23da4c4b048
+MISC ChangeLog 13103 SHA256 c81d12c71de80c6669f1ca92e9e3ca2591d4619807c4c6c9063c3a9dd32a5801 SHA512 edc59c3a9b83ae12f5fe9a79767e606df72008403cc93dcb944cba014eb7d085e3ec343db60e409fee7393eb7fa3c164643d661bf0d6e1fd948924727e763f58 WHIRLPOOL 399ab3e1c39f10c6f8f960764139d2d2626314f22488e122fe2edbdf66bf217e1eedae7db98b197d2f586bd3f464758e1815aeadcfe6a357c3e4b3f1c544ba1d
MISC metadata.xml 2594 SHA256 6e77fb15045b2feda8587315d54f7791c9c9af4b0e0f13d72a371646e32216e3 SHA512 89ac61cbfc089ff5452bc909f429431377c67aedc828098ffb33463a90f4a66524729a41fb83460df772218354d564529b7c3c206d3262c1025da1a6b1dd038a WHIRLPOOL 53c09c69fdc10762171891aeff5b731471cdd135ddb90896bfb2a2b1a0e1b841d6db97f9c217c44aed5c4e56d50f6eaff540646a2d05a7e8ce5f20bef9b326dd
Version: GnuPG v2
diff --git a/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.9-r1.ebuild b/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.9-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4839e419d115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.9-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.9-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2015/03/10 09:21:04 ultrabug Exp $
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 python3_{2,3,4} )
+USE_RUBY="ruby19 ruby20 ruby21"
+USE_PHP="php5-4 php5-5" # deps must be registered separately below
+inherit apache-module distutils-r1 eutils multilib pax-utils php-ext-source-r2 python-r1 ruby-ng versionator
+DESCRIPTION="uWSGI server for Python web applications"
+SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+UWSGI_PLUGINS_STD=( ping cache carbon nagios rpc rrdtool
+ http ugreen signal syslog rsyslog
+ router_{uwsgi,redirect,basicauth,rewrite,http,cache,static,memcached,redis,hash,expires,metrics}
+ {core,fast,raw,ssl}router
+ redislog mongodblog log{file,socket}
+ spooler cheaper_busyness symcall
+ transformation_{chunked,gzip,offload,tofile}
+ zergpool )
+UWSGI_PLUGINS_OPT=( alarm_{curl,xmpp} clock_{monotonic,realtime} curl_cron
+ dumbloop echo emperor_{amqp,pg,zeromq} forkptyrouter
+ geoip graylog2 legion_cache_fetch ldap log{crypto,pipe} notfound pam
+ rados router_{access,radius,spnego,xmldir}
+ sqlite ssi stats_pusher_statsd
+ systemd_logger transformation_toupper tuntap webdav xattr xslt zabbix )
+LANG_SUPPORT_SIMPLE=( cgi mono perl ) # plugins which can be built in the main build process
+LANG_SUPPORT_EXTENDED=( lua php python python_asyncio python_gevent ruby )
+# plugins to be ignored (for now):
+# cheaper_backlog2: example plugin
+# coroae: TODO
+# cplusplus: partially example code, needs explicit class
+# dummy: no idea
+# example: example plugin
+# exception_log: example plugin
+# *go*: TODO
+# *java*: TODO
+# v8: TODO
+# matheval: TODO
+IUSE="apache2 +caps debug +embedded expat jemalloc json +pcre +routing +ssl +xml yajl yaml zeromq"
+for plugin in ${UWSGI_PLUGINS_STD[@]} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} +uwsgi_plugins_${plugin}" ; done
+for plugin in ${UWSGI_PLUGINS_OPT[@]} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} uwsgi_plugins_${plugin}" ; done
+ uwsgi_plugins_logcrypto? ( ssl )
+ uwsgi_plugins_sslrouter? ( ssl )
+ routing? ( pcre )
+ uwsgi_plugins_emperor_zeromq? ( zeromq )
+ uwsgi_plugins_router_xmldir? ( xml )
+ uwsgi_plugins_forkptyrouter? ( uwsgi_plugins_corerouter )
+ python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
+ python_asyncio? ( python_targets_python3_4 python_gevent )
+ python_gevent? ( python )
+ expat? ( xml )"
+# util-linux is required for libuuid when requesting zeromq support
+# Order:
+# 1. Unconditional
+# 2. General features
+# 3. Plugins
+# 4. Language/app support
+ caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+ json? ( !yajl? ( dev-libs/jansson )
+ yajl? ( dev-libs/yajl ) )
+ pcre? ( dev-libs/libpcre:3 )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ xml? ( !expat? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
+ expat? ( dev-libs/expat ) )
+ yaml? ( dev-libs/libyaml )
+ zeromq? ( net-libs/zeromq sys-apps/util-linux )
+ uwsgi_plugins_alarm_curl? ( net-misc/curl )
+ uwsgi_plugins_alarm_xmpp? ( net-libs/gloox )
+ uwsgi_plugins_curl_cron? ( net-misc/curl )
+ uwsgi_plugins_emperor_pg? ( dev-db/postgresql:= )
+ uwsgi_plugins_geoip? ( dev-libs/geoip )
+ uwsgi_plugins_ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
+ uwsgi_plugins_pam? ( virtual/pam )
+ uwsgi_plugins_sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
+ uwsgi_plugins_rados? ( sys-cluster/ceph )
+ uwsgi_plugins_router_access? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
+ uwsgi_plugins_router_spnego? ( virtual/krb5 )
+ uwsgi_plugins_rsyslog? ( app-admin/rsyslog )
+ uwsgi_plugins_systemd_logger? ( sys-apps/systemd )
+ uwsgi_plugins_webdav? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
+ uwsgi_plugins_xslt? ( dev-libs/libxslt )
+ lua? ( dev-lang/lua )
+ mono? ( =dev-lang/mono-2* )
+ perl? ( dev-lang/perl:= )
+ php? (
+ php_targets_php5-4? ( dev-lang/php:5.4[embed] )
+ php_targets_php5-5? ( dev-lang/php:5.5[embed] )
+ )
+ python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
+ python_gevent? ( >=dev-python/gevent-1.0_beta2[$(python_gen_usedep 'python2*')] )
+ ruby? ( $(ruby_implementations_depend) )"
+ virtual/pkgconfig"
+ uwsgi_plugins_rrdtool? ( net-analyzer/rrdtool )"
+APACHE2_MOD_CONF="42_mod_uwsgi-r2 42_mod_uwsgi"
+src_unpack() {
+ default
+pkg_setup() {
+ python_setup
+ use ruby && ruby-ng_pkg_setup
+ depend.apache_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s|'-O2', ||" \
+ -e "s|'-Werror', ||" \
+ -e "s|uc.get('plugin_dir')|uc.get('plugin_build_dir')|" \
+ || die "sed failed"
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s|/lib|/$(get_libdir)|" \
+ plugins/php/ || die "sed failed"
+src_configure() {
+ local embedded_plugins=()
+ local plugins=()
+ local malloc_impl="libc"
+ local json="false"
+ local xml="false"
+ for p in ${UWSGI_PLUGINS_STD[@]} ${UWSGI_PLUGINS_OPT[@]} ; do
+ use uwsgi_plugins_${p} && embedded_plugins+=("${p}")
+ done
+ for p in ${LANG_SUPPORT_SIMPLE[@]} ; do
+ use ${p} && plugins+=("${p}")
+ done
+ # do not embedded any plugins
+ if ! use embedded ; then
+ plugins=( ${plugins[@]} ${embedded_plugins[@]} )
+ embedded_plugins=()
+ fi
+ # flatten the arrays
+ plugins=${plugins[@]}
+ embedded_plugins=${embedded_plugins[@]}
+ # rename some of the use flags, language plugins are always real plugins
+ plugins="${plugins/perl/psgi}"
+ plugins="${plugins/sqlite/sqlite3}"
+ embedded_plugins="${embedded_plugins/sqlite/sqlite3}"
+ # override defaults as requested by the user
+ if use xml; then
+ use expat && xml="expat" || xml="libxml2"
+ fi
+ if use json; then
+ use yajl && json="yajl" || json="jansson"
+ fi
+ use jemalloc && malloc_impl="jemalloc"
+ # prepare the buildconf for gentoo
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/gentoo.buildconf buildconf/gentoo.ini
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s|VAR_XML|${xml}|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_YAML|$(usex yaml true false)|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_JSON|${json}|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_SSL|$(usex ssl true false)|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_PCRE|$(usex pcre true false)|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_ZMQ|$(usex zeromq true false)|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_ROUTING|$(usex routing true false)|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_DEBUG|$(usex debug true false)|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_MALLOC|${malloc_impl}|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_PLUGINS|${plugins// /, }|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_PLUGIN_DIR|/usr/$(get_libdir)/uwsgi|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_BUILD_DIR|${T}/plugins|" \
+ -e "s|VAR_EMBEDDED|${embedded_plugins// /, }|" \
+ buildconf/gentoo.ini
+ use caps || sed -i -e 's|sys/capability.h|DISABLED|' || die "sed failed"
+ use zeromq || sed -i -e 's|uuid/uuid.h|DISABLED|' || die "sed failed"
+ if use uwsgi_plugins_emperor_pg ; then
+ PGPV="$(best_version dev-db/postgresql)"
+ PGSLOT="$(get_version_component_range 1-2 ${PGPV##dev-db/postgresql-})"
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s|pg_config|pg_config${PGSLOT/.}|" \
+ plugins/emperor_pg/ || die "sed failed"
+ fi
+each_ruby_compile() {
+ cd "${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}"
+ UWSGICONFIG_RUBYPATH="${RUBY}" python --plugin plugins/rack gentoo rack_${RUBY##*/} || die "building plugin for ${RUBY} failed"
+ UWSGICONFIG_RUBYPATH="${RUBY}" python --plugin plugins/fiber gentoo fiber_${RUBY##*/}|| die "building fiber plugin for ${RUBY} failed"
+ UWSGICONFIG_RUBYPATH="${RUBY}" python --plugin plugins/rbthreads gentoo rbthreads_${RUBY##*/}|| die "building rbthreads plugin for ${RUBY} failed"
+python_compile_plugins() {
+ local EPYV
+ local PYV
+ PYV=${EPYV/python}
+ ${PYTHON} --plugin plugins/python gentoo ${EPYV} || die "building plugin for ${EPYTHON} failed"
+ if use python_asyncio ; then
+ if [ "${PYV}" == "34" ] ; then
+ ${PYTHON} --plugin plugins/asyncio gentoo asyncio${PYV} || die "building plugin for asyncio-support in ${EPYTHON} failed"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use python_gevent ; then
+ ${PYTHON} --plugin plugins/gevent gentoo gevent${PYV} || die "building plugin for gevent-support in ${EPYTHON} failed"
+ fi
+python_install_symlinks() {
+ dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_${EPYTHON/.}
+src_compile() {
+ mkdir -p "${T}/plugins"
+ python --build gentoo || die "building uwsgi failed"
+ if use lua ; then
+ # setting the name for the pkg-config file to lua, since we don't have
+ # slotted lua
+ UWSGICONFIG_LUAPC="lua" python --plugin plugins/lua gentoo || die "building plugin for lua failed"
+ fi
+ if use php ; then
+ for s in $(php_get_slots); do
+ UWSGICONFIG_PHPDIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/${s}" python --plugin plugins/php gentoo ${s/.} || die "building plugin for ${s} failed"
+ done
+ fi
+ if use python ; then
+ python_foreach_impl python_compile_plugins
+ fi
+ if use ruby ; then
+ ruby-ng_src_compile
+ fi
+ if use apache2 ; then
+ for m in proxy_uwsgi Ruwsgi uwsgi ; do
+ APXS2_ARGS="-c mod_${m}.c"
+ apache-module_src_compile
+ done
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ dobin uwsgi
+ pax-mark m "${D}"/usr/bin/uwsgi
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/uwsgi
+ doins "${T}/plugins"/*.so
+ use cgi && dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_cgi
+ use lua && dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_lua
+ use mono && dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_mono
+ use perl && dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_psgi
+ if use php ; then
+ for s in $(php_get_slots); do
+ dosym uwsgi /usr/bin/uwsgi_${s/.}
+ done
+ fi
+ if use python ; then
+ python_foreach_impl python_install_symlinks
+ python_foreach_impl python_domodule
+ fi
+ if use apache2; then
+ for m in proxy_uwsgi Ruwsgi uwsgi ; do
+ APACHE2_MOD_FILE="${APXS2_S}/.libs/mod_${m}.so"
+ apache-module_src_install
+ done
+ fi
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/uwsgi.initd-r5 uwsgi
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/uwsgi.confd-r3 uwsgi
+ keepdir /etc/"${PN}".d
+ use uwsgi_plugins_spooler && keepdir /var/spool/"${PN}"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use apache2 ; then
+ elog "Three Apache modules have been installed: mod_proxy_uwsgi, mod_uwsgi and mod_Ruwsgi."
+ elog "You can enable them with -D PROXY_UWSGI, -DUWSGI or -DRUWSGI in /etc/conf.d/apache2."
+ elog "mod_uwsgi and mod_Ruwsgi have the same configuration interface and define the same symbols."
+ elog "Therefore you can enable only one of them at a time."
+ elog "mod_uwsgi is commercially supported by Unbit and stable but a bit hacky."
+ elog "mod_Ruwsgi is newer and more Apache-API friendly but not commercially supported."
+ elog "mod_proxy_uwsgi is a proxy module, considered stable and is now the recommended module."
+ fi
+ elog "Append the following options to the uwsgi call to load the respective language plugin:"
+ use cgi && elog " '--plugins cgi' for cgi"
+ use lua && elog " '--plugins lua' for lua"
+ use mono && elog " '--plugins mono' for mono"
+ use perl && elog " '--plugins psgi' for perl"
+ if use php ; then
+ for s in $(php_get_slots); do
+ elog " '--plugins ${s/.}' for ${s}"
+ done
+ fi
+ python_pkg_postinst() {
+ local EPYV
+ local PYV
+ PYV=${EPYV/python}
+ elog " "
+ elog " '--plugins ${EPYV}' for ${EPYTHON}"
+ if use python_asyncio ; then
+ if [[ ${EPYV} == python34 ]] ; then
+ elog " '--plugins ${EPYV},asyncio${PYV}' for asyncio support in ${EPYTHON}"
+ else
+ elog " (asyncio is only supported in python3.4)"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use python_gevent ; then
+ if [[ ${EPYTHON} == python2* ]] ; then
+ elog " '--plugins ${EPYV},gevent${PYV}' for gevent support in ${EPYTHON}"
+ else
+ elog " (gevent is currently not supported in ${EPYTHON})"
+ fi
+ fi
+ }
+ use python && python_foreach_impl python_pkg_postinst
+ if use ruby ; then
+ for ruby in $USE_RUBY; do
+ if use ruby_targets_${ruby} ; then
+ elog " '--plugins rack_${ruby/.}' for ${ruby}"
+ elog " '--plugins fiber_${ruby/.}' for ${ruby} fibers"
+ elog " '--plugins rbthreads_${ruby/.}' for ${ruby} rbthreads"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
diff --git a/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.9.ebuild b/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.9.ebuild
index af6081eab232..e8da0b2bdd41 100644
--- a/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.9.ebuild
+++ b/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.9.ebuild
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.9.ebuild,v 1.1 2014/12/31 14:32:28 ultrabug Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/uwsgi/uwsgi-2.0.9.ebuild,v 1.2 2015/03/10 09:21:04 ultrabug Exp $
PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 python3_{2,3,4} )
-USE_RUBY="ruby19 ruby20 ruby21"
+USE_RUBY="ruby19 ruby20"