diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-boot/colo')
6 files changed, 9 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/sys-boot/colo/ChangeLog b/sys-boot/colo/ChangeLog
index e213c73cb9c0..4f52ed41a4bb 100644
--- a/sys-boot/colo/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-boot/colo/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-boot/colo
# Copyright 2000-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/colo/ChangeLog,v 1.19 2007/07/02 15:30:39 peper Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/colo/ChangeLog,v 1.20 2007/09/19 04:14:12 redhatter Exp $
+ 19 Sep 2007; Stuart Longland <> -colo-1.19.ebuild,
+ -colo-1.21.ebuild:
+ Clean up old versions of CoLo.
02 Jul 2007; Piotr Jaroszyński <> colo-1.19.ebuild,
colo-1.21.ebuild, colo-1.22.ebuild:
diff --git a/sys-boot/colo/Manifest b/sys-boot/colo/Manifest
index 35549c3ae4e5..47d2f5f6eba6 100644
--- a/sys-boot/colo/Manifest
+++ b/sys-boot/colo/Manifest
@@ -10,35 +10,19 @@ AUX simple.colo 648 RMD160 164e3ff5b9640936f5335be2fc0ba7bb53330c1a SHA1 0113e52
MD5 a37a355fc348836db5c3f839279fdcf4 files/simple.colo 648
RMD160 164e3ff5b9640936f5335be2fc0ba7bb53330c1a files/simple.colo 648
SHA256 5f3c4bd46bb7633cf0f4012fd4cfb72af575ed00ac1000d0c8bd2026748abaa5 files/simple.colo 648
-DIST colo-1.19.tar.gz 253487 RMD160 e16d347ddc9198f1c465da280205facb4cc4cd5c SHA1 138c2f5227455073a677f2c0be1531b679821c65 SHA256 bea9efa8e0f4b601b8d8ca098b01a9d77f3d4cb01d9933ec45567a5212085153
-DIST colo-1.21.tar.gz 255205 RMD160 67258f6e0a1db05d49004d34ef25e28a91b7d0d9 SHA1 4989ef0d988151f5179175d6d1bc7c4f66f9ddd2 SHA256 977710579651712992a2e432e0cb1616beeda67ee7f1ce836eacabba5878bedc
DIST colo-1.22.tar.gz 257968 RMD160 4a07cfe5050f395a8eb7c7d5fe71748877377084 SHA1 079e0409f662be9cac8b645c972f013f3f17af92 SHA256 ec51237286be9581d6be1ff3e43c9a654aaf4e1414d1bb194f02032e57119163
-EBUILD colo-1.19.ebuild 3477 RMD160 3ed8a3242931a168de60a9ac9fe9858a8a4ce023 SHA1 028306921ec064fc84fd7f08a79898a7fd571d46 SHA256 11b8c7d2711d53effd7dff40fbee8a1d1ea7fae5daff04050534e36629fc9c87
-MD5 ced63352cae684378dd4028962063a95 colo-1.19.ebuild 3477
-RMD160 3ed8a3242931a168de60a9ac9fe9858a8a4ce023 colo-1.19.ebuild 3477
-SHA256 11b8c7d2711d53effd7dff40fbee8a1d1ea7fae5daff04050534e36629fc9c87 colo-1.19.ebuild 3477
-EBUILD colo-1.21.ebuild 3478 RMD160 1f2b3035eb404e1e5d6af456665c7fbf5cb0ab33 SHA1 b087a8c3b453bcef05767d4ae3be924c91c8d31d SHA256 29d0f84407a466a7a0069812be480231468f3bc5cf787d0cbe08599cebc377fb
-MD5 181c34e3e0d74bae3c1641a2997bbb4a colo-1.21.ebuild 3478
-RMD160 1f2b3035eb404e1e5d6af456665c7fbf5cb0ab33 colo-1.21.ebuild 3478
-SHA256 29d0f84407a466a7a0069812be480231468f3bc5cf787d0cbe08599cebc377fb colo-1.21.ebuild 3478
EBUILD colo-1.22.ebuild 3477 RMD160 7fdbfd29514fc96f22d1baba18ffb763b4fc6b22 SHA1 9aac4de02a56fb85af81ac26c7799450c1680fba SHA256 c697e1210d9682902f51fbe44e6a3b0bb08ec662c0659e67b1277810e80fe005
MD5 18716e6e2758b45ce41d972a9a629b6b colo-1.22.ebuild 3477
RMD160 7fdbfd29514fc96f22d1baba18ffb763b4fc6b22 colo-1.22.ebuild 3477
SHA256 c697e1210d9682902f51fbe44e6a3b0bb08ec662c0659e67b1277810e80fe005 colo-1.22.ebuild 3477
-MISC ChangeLog 3414 RMD160 75911df245880912a900e71a77a9b6fe9bd1e6b9 SHA1 0ff0be04234c1d65679f0432ea113516d194e9cf SHA256 6d65963bec75c1f038d9242cddbc1880fa2db64573d18dca53c46454ea9e8444
-MD5 14896a786a5110f1f1b7cb11123be280 ChangeLog 3414
-RMD160 75911df245880912a900e71a77a9b6fe9bd1e6b9 ChangeLog 3414
-SHA256 6d65963bec75c1f038d9242cddbc1880fa2db64573d18dca53c46454ea9e8444 ChangeLog 3414
+MISC ChangeLog 3546 RMD160 d78ea3e3ad2acc1b1445df4bb0ed038e3cd3b198 SHA1 63c0987db488514c0c560f02e849e85c125888ed SHA256 bb09fafb5b54af2fbd21fde450e6778890f7fe551f8e07ee34786e1a99baba12
+MD5 760b15a00f82497292913ad1cb37ebda ChangeLog 3546
+RMD160 d78ea3e3ad2acc1b1445df4bb0ed038e3cd3b198 ChangeLog 3546
+SHA256 bb09fafb5b54af2fbd21fde450e6778890f7fe551f8e07ee34786e1a99baba12 ChangeLog 3546
MISC metadata.xml 364 RMD160 b01d8ab7f62c5578f13393d993608f226e1161fc SHA1 8492db2ed14bcbb4fc6966c15b6dcfb00d9eeb3a SHA256 0c3846d04ec7c0175ee19756c4e1bff0f13a323f6f19a8b034b0dd51baacb437
MD5 821bbe104fd36eab5f08495277bc5adb metadata.xml 364
RMD160 b01d8ab7f62c5578f13393d993608f226e1161fc metadata.xml 364
SHA256 0c3846d04ec7c0175ee19756c4e1bff0f13a323f6f19a8b034b0dd51baacb437 metadata.xml 364
-MD5 06868729198f1874ae627b4264ff1a62 files/digest-colo-1.19 229
-RMD160 6f941aadbf1a4135322719f8c85e6043114c0bc5 files/digest-colo-1.19 229
-SHA256 a96308c67c60012ecf520af69cc9a3a2304440ff19ede212f30b9d18a342179d files/digest-colo-1.19 229
-MD5 a8b7af4900b0e91989612c345b279185 files/digest-colo-1.21 229
-RMD160 95ef26a6dfa5ca6e83fbea1e0a76bb166f4577f2 files/digest-colo-1.21 229
-SHA256 d68f883a84f8ca7176e86373444fa9978c8401a3a189bbbe63a45e5a64844a95 files/digest-colo-1.21 229
MD5 2774e2638b3294595559782871bef859 files/digest-colo-1.22 229
RMD160 97e44c909cbf075b7d8b3b7cf4eddec574a107dc files/digest-colo-1.22 229
SHA256 d7bb2ae878a5fe5599c24e7b310dc097e3bc32d4ef686445fa30fbe1bfc45d8e files/digest-colo-1.22 229
diff --git a/sys-boot/colo/colo-1.19.ebuild b/sys-boot/colo/colo-1.19.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f89594815f38..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/colo/colo-1.19.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/colo/colo-1.19.ebuild,v 1.4 2007/07/15 02:25:03 mr_bones_ Exp $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="CObalt LOader - Modern bootloader for Cobalt MIPS machines"
-KEYWORDS="-* mips"
-pkg_setup() {
- # See if we're on a cobalt system (must use the cobalt-mips profile)
- if [ "${PROFILE_ARCH}" != "cobalt" ]; then
- echo -e ""
- eerror "This package is only intended for the Cobalt Microserver MIPS-based"
- eerror "systems. It will not function on any other MIPS-based system or any"
- eerror "other architecture"
- echo -e ""
- die
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
-src_compile() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo ">>> Building the CoLo Bootloader ..."
- cd ${S}
- make clean || die # emake breaks the build
- make || die
-src_install() {
- # bins
- cd ${S}
- dodir /usr/lib/colo
- cp binaries/colo-chain.elf ${D}/usr/lib/colo
- cp binaries/colo-rom-image.bin ${D}/usr/lib/colo
- # docs
- dodoc CHANGES COPYING INSTALL README README.{restore,shell,netcon} tools/ TODO
- # all tools except lcdtools (see below)
- local tool
- for tool in flash-tool colo-perm copy-rom elf2rfx; do
- einfo "Installing ${tool} binary to ${D}/usr/sbin"
- dosbin tools/${tool}/${tool}
- if [ -f tools/${tool}/${tool}.8 ]; then
- einfo "Installing ${tool} manpage to ${D}/usr/share/man"
- doman tools/flash-tool/flash-tool.8
- fi
- done
- # lcdtools
- for tool in paneld putlcd e2fsck-lcd; do
- einfo "Installing ${tool} binary and manpage to ${D}/usr/sbin"
- dosbin tools/lcdtools/${tool}/${tool}
- doman tools/lcdtools/${tool}/${tool}.8
- done
- dolib.a tools/lcdtools/liblcd/liblcd.a
- # bootscripts
- dodir /usr/lib/colo/scripts
- cp ${FILESDIR}/*.colo ${D}/usr/lib/colo/scripts
-pkg_postinst() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo "Install locations:"
- einfo " Binaries:\t/usr/lib/${PN}"
- einfo " Docs:\t/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- einfo " Tools:\t/usr/sbin/{flash-tool,colo-perm,copy-rom,"
- einfo " \tputlcd,paneld,e2fsck-lcd,elf2rfx}"
- einfo " Scripts:\t/usr/lib/${PN}/scripts"
- echo -e ""
- einfo "Please read the docs to fully understand the behavior of this bootloader, and"
- einfo "edit the boot scripts to suit your needs."
- echo -e ""
- ewarn "Users installing ${PN} for the first time need to be aware that newer"
- ewarn "versions of ${PN} disable the serial port by default. If the serial port"
- ewarn "is needed, select it from the boot menu. Users using the example boot"
- ewarn "scripts provided will have the serial port automatically enabled."
- echo -e ""
- ewarn "Note: It is HIGHLY recommended that you use the chain"
- ewarn "bootloader (colo-chain.elf) first before attempting to"
- ewarn "write the bootloader to the flash chip to verify that"
- ewarn "it will work for you. It is also recommended that"
- ewarn "you read the documentation in /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- ewarn "as it explains how to properly use this package."
- echo -e ""
- eerror "Warning: Make sure that IF you plan on flashing the"
- eerror "bootloader into the flash chip that you are using a"
- eerror "modern 2.4 Linux kernel (i.e., >2.4.18), otherwise"
- eerror "you run a risk of destroying the contents of the"
- eerror "flash chip and rendering the machine unusable."
- echo -e ""
- echo -e ""
diff --git a/sys-boot/colo/colo-1.21.ebuild b/sys-boot/colo/colo-1.21.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7845c4f98c3a..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/colo/colo-1.21.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/colo/colo-1.21.ebuild,v 1.3 2007/07/15 02:25:03 mr_bones_ Exp $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="CObalt LOader - Modern bootloader for Cobalt MIPS machines"
-KEYWORDS="-* ~mips"
-pkg_setup() {
- # See if we're on a cobalt system (must use the cobalt-mips profile)
- if [ "${PROFILE_ARCH}" != "cobalt" ]; then
- echo -e ""
- eerror "This package is only intended for the Cobalt Microserver MIPS-based"
- eerror "systems. It will not function on any other MIPS-based system or any"
- eerror "other architecture"
- echo -e ""
- die
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
-src_compile() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo ">>> Building the CoLo Bootloader ..."
- cd ${S}
- make clean || die # emake breaks the build
- make || die
-src_install() {
- # bins
- cd ${S}
- dodir /usr/lib/colo
- cp binaries/colo-chain.elf ${D}/usr/lib/colo
- cp binaries/colo-rom-image.bin ${D}/usr/lib/colo
- # docs
- dodoc CHANGES COPYING INSTALL README README.{restore,shell,netcon} tools/ TODO
- # all tools except lcdtools (see below)
- local tool
- for tool in flash-tool colo-perm copy-rom elf2rfx; do
- einfo "Installing ${tool} binary to ${D}/usr/sbin"
- dosbin tools/${tool}/${tool}
- if [ -f tools/${tool}/${tool}.8 ]; then
- einfo "Installing ${tool} manpage to ${D}/usr/share/man"
- doman tools/flash-tool/flash-tool.8
- fi
- done
- # lcdtools
- for tool in paneld putlcd e2fsck-lcd; do
- einfo "Installing ${tool} binary and manpage to ${D}/usr/sbin"
- dosbin tools/lcdtools/${tool}/${tool}
- doman tools/lcdtools/${tool}/${tool}.8
- done
- dolib.a tools/lcdtools/liblcd/liblcd.a
- # bootscripts
- dodir /usr/lib/colo/scripts
- cp ${FILESDIR}/*.colo ${D}/usr/lib/colo/scripts
-pkg_postinst() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo "Install locations:"
- einfo " Binaries:\t/usr/lib/${PN}"
- einfo " Docs:\t/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- einfo " Tools:\t/usr/sbin/{flash-tool,colo-perm,copy-rom,"
- einfo " \tputlcd,paneld,e2fsck-lcd,elf2rfx}"
- einfo " Scripts:\t/usr/lib/${PN}/scripts"
- echo -e ""
- einfo "Please read the docs to fully understand the behavior of this bootloader, and"
- einfo "edit the boot scripts to suit your needs."
- echo -e ""
- ewarn "Users installing ${PN} for the first time need to be aware that newer"
- ewarn "versions of ${PN} disable the serial port by default. If the serial port"
- ewarn "is needed, select it from the boot menu. Users using the example boot"
- ewarn "scripts provided will have the serial port automatically enabled."
- echo -e ""
- ewarn "Note: It is HIGHLY recommended that you use the chain"
- ewarn "bootloader (colo-chain.elf) first before attempting to"
- ewarn "write the bootloader to the flash chip to verify that"
- ewarn "it will work for you. It is also recommended that"
- ewarn "you read the documentation in /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- ewarn "as it explains how to properly use this package."
- echo -e ""
- eerror "Warning: Make sure that IF you plan on flashing the"
- eerror "bootloader into the flash chip that you are using a"
- eerror "modern 2.4 Linux kernel (i.e., >2.4.18), otherwise"
- eerror "you run a risk of destroying the contents of the"
- eerror "flash chip and rendering the machine unusable."
- echo -e ""
- echo -e ""
diff --git a/sys-boot/colo/files/digest-colo-1.19 b/sys-boot/colo/files/digest-colo-1.19
deleted file mode 100644
index f3bfcb5db551..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/colo/files/digest-colo-1.19
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 c4eec43ab581c803f52812f13a5b55bf colo-1.19.tar.gz 253487
-RMD160 e16d347ddc9198f1c465da280205facb4cc4cd5c colo-1.19.tar.gz 253487
-SHA256 bea9efa8e0f4b601b8d8ca098b01a9d77f3d4cb01d9933ec45567a5212085153 colo-1.19.tar.gz 253487
diff --git a/sys-boot/colo/files/digest-colo-1.21 b/sys-boot/colo/files/digest-colo-1.21
deleted file mode 100644
index e3b5467c0a1a..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/colo/files/digest-colo-1.21
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 9d8a37ad4984ec6660ff159e83f15404 colo-1.21.tar.gz 255205
-RMD160 67258f6e0a1db05d49004d34ef25e28a91b7d0d9 colo-1.21.tar.gz 255205
-SHA256 977710579651712992a2e432e0cb1616beeda67ee7f1ce836eacabba5878bedc colo-1.21.tar.gz 255205