# ChangeLog for app-admin/smolt # Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/smolt/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2011/04/16 19:31:27 arfrever Exp $ 16 Apr 2011; Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis smolt-1.4.3.ebuild: Use Python 2 (bug #308281). *smolt-1.4.3 (10 Apr 2011) 10 Apr 2011; Sebastian Pipping +smolt-1.4.3.ebuild, +files/smolt-1.4.3-disable-distro-data.patch, +files/smolt-1.4.3-hwdata-dir.patch, +files/smolt-1.4.3-makefile-py-files.patch: Bump to 1.4.3 which is using udev, not HAL. Add dependencies udev, usbutils, pciutils, sed. Collection of gentoo-specific data is disabled until the server machine can actually handle such data. Many thanks to Alexandre Rostovtsev for research and patches. (bug #313423) 05 Apr 2011; Ulrich Mueller smolt-1.2.ebuild, smolt-1.4.ebuild, smolt-1.4.2.ebuild: Depend on dev-lang/python because virtual/python will go away, bug 358849. *smolt-1.4.2 (17 Feb 2010) 17 Feb 2010; Sebastian Pipping +smolt-1.4.2.ebuild: Trivial-bump to 1.4.2 *smolt-1.4 (02 Oct 2009) 02 Oct 2009; Sebastian Pipping +smolt-1.4.ebuild, +files/smolt-1.4-upstream-docdir.patch, +files/smolt-1.4-upstream-fix-gzip-calls.patch, metadata.xml: Bump to version 1.4 (now qt4, gtk before), upgrade to EAPI 2, fix license (GPL 2 or later), add more ' die' stuff. First commit to the tree ever, don't shoot me please :-) 22 Apr 2009; Markus Meier smolt-1.2: add ~amd64, bug #264012 08 Feb 2009; Thilo Bangert smolt-1.2.ebuild: add dep on dbus-python (bug #258138) *smolt-1.2 (05 Feb 2009) 05 Feb 2009; Thilo Bangert +files/smolt-1.2-Makefile-fix-install.patch, +files/smolt-1.2-config.py-gentoo-config.patch, +files/smolt-init.d, +metadata.xml, +smolt-1.2.ebuild: initial release - smolt - The Fedora hardware profiler - based on contributed ebuild by Peter GAAL (bug #248396) - thanks