# ChangeLog for dev-db/monetdb # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/monetdb/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2006/06/23 19:40:07 grobian Exp $ *monetdb-4.12.0 (23 Jun 2006) 23 Jun 2006; Fabian Groffen +files/monetdb-4.12.0-gentoo-MapiClient.patch, +files/monetdb-4.12.0-gentoo-conf.patch, +files/monetdb-4.12.0-startup.mil, +monetdb-4.12.0.ebuild: Upstream version bump to 4.12.0. Dropping ppc-macos keyword, as there are linker errors. Hope to resolve those soon. 22 May 2006; Fabian Groffen -files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-MapiClient.patch, -files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-conf.patch, -monetdb-4.8.2.ebuild, -monetdb-4.8.2-r1.ebuild: Removing not any more compiling version 4.8.2 now 4.10.2 is stable 22 May 2006; Mark Loeser monetdb-4.10.2.ebuild: Stable on x86; bug #133197 15 May 2006; Fabian Groffen monetdb-4.10.2.ebuild: Removed static USE-flag as that doesn't work well (thanks David Morgan). Moved user/group creation code into pkg_config such that they are available in src_install when chmod is done (thanks Sander Knopper). Bug #133197 13 May 2006; monetdb-4.10.2.ebuild: Stable on ppc. bug #133197 27 Apr 2006; Marien Zwart files/digest-monetdb-4.8.2, files/digest-monetdb-4.8.2-r1, files/digest-monetdb-4.10.0, Manifest: Fixing SHA256 digest, pass four *monetdb-4.10.2 (24 Feb 2006) 24 Feb 2006; Fabian Groffen +files/monetdb-4.10.2-gentoo-MapiClient.patch, +files/monetdb-4.10.2-gentoo-conf.patch, +monetdb-4.10.2.ebuild: New version upstream: bugfix release *monetdb-4.10.0 (25 Jan 2006) 25 Jan 2006; Fabian Groffen +files/monetdb.JdbcClient-4.10.0, +files/monetdb-4.10.0-darwin.patch, +files/monetdb-4.10.0-gentoo-MapiClient.patch, +files/monetdb-4.10.0-gentoo-conf.patch, files/monetdb-start.sh, +monetdb-4.10.0.ebuild: New upstream release: MonetDB 4.10.0 "Earth" *monetdb-4.8.2-r1 (16 Sep 2005) 16 Sep 2005; Fabian Groffen +monetdb-4.8.2-r1.ebuild: Addding a first revision that removes files that have nothing to do with MonetDB or even clash with other packages (such as /usr/bin/epsffit) before installing. 10 Sep 2005; Fabian Groffen monetdb-4.8.2.ebuild: Stable on x86 *monetdb-4.8.2 (06 Aug 2005) 06 Aug 2005; Fabian Groffen +files/monetdb.conf-4.8.2, +files/monetdb.init-4.8.2, +files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-MapiClient.patch, +files/monetdb-4.8.2-gentoo-conf.patch, +files/monetdb-4.8.2-startup.mil, +files/monetdb-start.sh, +files/monetdb-stop.sh, +files/monetdb_config.sh, +metadata.xml, +monetdb-4.8.2.ebuild: Initial import of MonetDB 4.8.2 with SQL and XQuery support