# ChangeLog for dev-java/aspectj # Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/aspectj/ChangeLog,v 1.30 2014/11/01 07:19:12 ercpe Exp $ 01 Nov 2014; Johann Schmitz aspectj-1.7.3-r1.ebuild, aspectj-1.7.4.ebuild: Added proper JAVA_ENCODING to fix javadoc generation (#526732) *aspectj-1.7.4 (25 Jan 2014) 25 Jan 2014; Tim Harder +aspectj-1.7.4.ebuild: Version bump. *aspectj-1.7.3-r1 (16 Sep 2013) 16 Sep 2013; Johann Schmitz +aspectj-1.7.3-r1.ebuild, -aspectj-1.7.3.ebuild: Place .properties files into the aspectj.jar file. *aspectj-1.7.3 (14 Sep 2013) 14 Sep 2013; Johann Schmitz +aspectj-1.7.3.ebuild, +metadata.xml: (Re-)added aspectj - A seamless aspect-oriented extension to java (dependency of spring framework). The current version bundles a modified and renamed version of bcel, which makes the reason of the previous treeclean obsolete.