# ChangeLog for dev-lang/smarteiffel # Copyright 2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/smarteiffel/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2002/12/10 08:45:49 george Exp $ *smarteiffel-1.00beta5 (16 Nov 2002) 09 Dec 2002; George Shapovalov smarteiffel-1.0.ebuild, files/digest-smarteiffel-1.0 : smarteiffel-1.0 released, version update. Changes to ebuild (by Per Wigren ): * Support for TinyCC as default compiler using "tcc"-useflag. - problematic at the moment, commented uot (George) * Added a SE_DIR environment-variable so all extra-packages can depend on it. * Changed SE_DIR to /usr/lib/SmartEiffel, because that is the default dir if the SmartEiffel-variable is not set, and a few 3rd-party-packages expect it. * Don't rename compile to se-compile anymore! This breaks ALL 3rd-party-packages! * SmartEiffel is now distributed with versionnumbered filenames so there's no need to rename+mirror anymore! ;) 22 Nov 2002; George Shapovalov smarteiffel-1.0_beta5.ebuild, files/digest-smarteiffel-1.0_beta5 : cleaned up and committed to portage. 22 Nov 2002; Steven Wong : - Fixed empty loadpath.UNIX being generated. - lib/ and tools/ directories are installed now. - Fixed links in html documentation; they don't reference to "../man" anymore. 16 Nov 2002; Steven Wong : Ebuild submitted by me. There is still some murky places standard-wise, but I think it's better to leave this mostly for the SmartEiffel developers to clean out. Big thanks to George Shapovalov who did all the researching to find how other distributions packaged this strange beast. :)