# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-php/PECL-apc/PECL-apc-3.0.6.ebuild,v 1.5 2005/09/10 23:10:10 agriffis Exp $ PHP_EXT_ZENDEXT="no" PHP_EXT_PECL_PKG="APC" PHP_EXT_NAME="apc" PHP_EXT_INI="yes" inherit php-ext-pecl IUSE="" DESCRIPTION="The Alternative PHP Cache" SLOT="0" LICENSE="PHP" KEYWORDS="alpha ~amd64 ppc ~sparc x86" DEPEND="${DEPEND} !dev-php/eaccelerator !dev-php/ioncube_loaders" src_install () { php-ext-pecl_src_install insinto /usr/share/apc doins apc.php dodoc CHANGELOG INSTALL LICENSE NOTICE php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.enabled" '"1"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.shm_segments" '"1"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.shm_size" '"30"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.optimization" '"0"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.num_files_hint" '"1000"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.ttl" '"0"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.gc_ttl" '"3600"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.cache_by_default" '"1"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.filters" '""' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.mmap_file_mask" '""' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.slam_defense" '"0"' php-ext-base_addtoinifiles "apc.file_update_protection" '"2"' } pkg_postinst () { einfo "You need to restart your webserver to activate APC." einfo einfo "A web interface is available to manage the APC cache." einfo "Copy /usr/share/apc/apc.php to somewhere where your" einfo "webserver can see it. See the documentation on how" einfo "to secure this web interface with authentication." }