This license explanation was derived from the copyright notice distributed 
with the Debian package maintained by Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <>.

Upstream Author: Tsugio Okamoto <>


 Original License Statement (in Japanese EUC-JP):

   CD-ROM �ʤɤˤ��ˤؤ����դϡ��������ˤ������ Inter-Net ������E-Mail
   �� ���ꤤ���ޤ��� �ɤ������ˡ��Ǻܤ���Ȥ����ݤ�����з빽�Ǥ��Τǡ�
   �ޤ�����������ʤ��ݤˤϡ����� E-Mail ��ɬ�����ꤤ���ޤ���

 Translated License Statement (translated by GOTO Masanori <>):

   It's free to distribute on the network, but if you distribute for
   the people who cannot access the network (by magazine or CD-ROM),
   please send E-Mail (Inter-Net address) to the author before the
   distribution. That's well where this software is appeard.
   If you cannot do, you must send me the E-Mail later.

 Original Source Code License Statement:

   /*    Copyright (C) MCMLXXXIX Yooichi.Tagawa                      */
   /*    Modified                Nobutaka Watazaki                   */
   /*                   Thanks to H.Yoshizaki. (MS-DOS LHarc)        */