# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # Author Peter Gavin # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/libvorbis/libvorbis-1.0_rc3-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2002/03/30 14:03:52 seemant Exp $ S=${WORKDIR}/${PN}-1.0rc3 DESCRIPTION="the Ogg Vorbis sound file format library" SRC_URI="http://www.vorbis.com/files/rc3/unix/${PN}-1.0rc3.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/index.html" DEPEND=">=media-libs/libogg-1.0_rc2" src_compile() { export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/-march=*/}" ./configure --prefix=/usr --host=${CHOST} || die emake || die } src_install () { make DESTDIR=${D} install || die echo "Removing docs installed by make install" rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/doc dodoc AUTHORS COPYING README todo.txt docinto txt dodoc doc/*.txt dohtml -r doc }