# ChangeLog for media-radio/gmfsk # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-radio/gmfsk/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2005/05/21 14:23:16 blubb Exp $ 21 May 2005; Simon Stelling <blubb@gentoo.org> gmfsk-0.6-r1.ebuild: added ~amd64 keyword 06 Mar 2005; Robb Romans <killsoft@gentoo.org> +files/gmfsk-patch-mt63_dsp.h: Add a patch from Francisco José Cañizares Santofimia, obtained from Carl Makin, to enable compilation on certain newer configurations. This may or may not be necessary for your system, but shouldn't hurt anything. 24 Jul 2004; Robb Romans <killsoft@gentoo.org> gmfsk-0.6.ebuild: Add docs 24 Jul 2004; Robb Romans <killsoft@gentoo.org> gmfsk-0.6.ebuild: gmfsk-0.6.ebuild *gmfsk-0.6 (23 Jul 2004) 23 Jul 2004; Robb Romans <killsoft@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml, +gmfsk-0.6.ebuild: Initial ebuild for gmfsk