# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/smplayer/smplayer-0.6.9-r2.ebuild,v 1.5 2012/02/19 09:09:44 klausman Exp $ EAPI="2" LANGS="bg ca cs de en_US es et eu fi fr gl hu it ja ka ko ku mk nl pl pt_BR pt sk sr sv tr zh_CN zh_TW" LANGSLONG="ar_SY el_GR ro_RO ru_RU sl_SI uk_UA vi_VN" inherit eutils qt4-r2 MY_PV=${PV##*_p} if [[ "${MY_PV}" != "${PV}" ]]; then # svn snapshot MY_PV=r${MY_PV} MY_P=${PN}-${MY_PV} S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${MY_P}.tar.bz2" else # regular upstream release SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${P}.tar.bz2" fi DESCRIPTION="Great Qt4 GUI front-end for mplayer" HOMEPAGE="http://smplayer.berlios.de/" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~x86" IUSE="debug" DEPEND="x11-libs/qt-gui:4 dev-libs/quazip" MPLAYER_USE="[ass,png]" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} || ( media-video/mplayer${MPLAYER_USE} media-video/mplayer2${MPLAYER_USE} )" src_prepare() { # Force Ctrl+Q as default quit shortcut epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.6.8-quit.patch" # Unbundle dev-libs/quazip rm -R src/findsubtitles/quazip/ || die epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-quazip.patch # Upstream Makefile sucks sed -i -e "/^PREFIX=/s:/usr/local:/usr:" \ -e "/^DOC_PATH=/s:packages/smplayer:${PF}:" \ -e '/\.\/get_svn_revision\.sh/,+2c\ cd src && $(DEFS) $(MAKE)' \ "${S}"/Makefile || die "sed failed" # Turn debug message flooding off if ! use debug ; then sed -i 's:#\(DEFINES += NO_DEBUG_ON_CONSOLE\):\1:' \ "${S}"/src/smplayer.pro || die "sed failed" fi } src_configure() { cd "${S}"/src echo "#define SVN_REVISION \"SVN-${MY_PV} (Gentoo)\"" > svn_revision.h eqmake4 } gen_translation() { ebegin "Generating $1 translation" lrelease ${PN}_${1}.ts eend $? || die "failed to generate $1 translation" } src_compile() { emake || die # Generate translations cd "${S}"/src/translations local lang= nolangs= x= for lang in ${LINGUAS}; do if has ${lang} ${LANGS}; then gen_translation ${lang} continue elif [[ " ${LANGSLONG} " == *" ${lang}_"* ]]; then for x in ${LANGSLONG}; do if [[ "${lang}" == "${x%_*}" ]]; then gen_translation ${x} continue 2 fi done fi nolangs="${nolangs} ${lang}" done [[ -n ${nolangs} ]] && ewarn "Sorry, but ${PN} does not support the LINGUAS:" ${nolangs} # install fails when no translation is present (bug 244370) [[ -z $(ls *.qm 2>/dev/null) ]] && gen_translation en_US } src_install() { # remove unneeded copies of GPL rm -f Copying.txt docs/{cs,en,ja,ru}/gpl.html rm -rf docs/{de,es,nl,ro} # remove windows-only files rm "${S}"/*.bat emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die prepalldocs }