#! /usr/bin/perl -w # KuroBox/Linkstation Clock Calibration Program # # Sets the internal system 'tickadj' variable to # the optimum value, computed by comparing elapsed # time on the local box versus that indicated by # an external NTP server. # # The sample window is set to 5min by default, but # empirical tests indicate an interval even as low # as 1min gives pretty good results. # # Use as: adjtime.pl -t -s -i 60 # adjtime.pl -v -s -i 60 # # 2005-02-13 v0.2 don north ak6dn@mindspring.com # - initial version # 2005-02-15 v0.3 don north # - added error checking for missing servers, etc # - range limited tickadj to +/-10% per iteration # 2005-02-20 v0.4 don north # - added retry count/delay for ntp server # generic defaults my $VERSION = 'v0.4'; # version of code my $DEBUG = 0; # set to 1 for debug messages my $VERBOSE = 0; # set to 1 for verbose messages # specific defaults my $NTPSERVER = ''; # ip address of NTP server my $INTERVAL = 5*60; # seconds default sample interval my $CHECKEND = 0; # set to 1 to check final tick calibration my $CHECKONLY = 0; # set to 1 to only check clock, no tick update my $RETRYCOUNT = 8; # retry count before giving up my $RETRYDELAY = 5; # base retry delay, in seconds my $ERROR = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-h') { $ERROR = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-d') { $VERBOSE = 1; $DEBUG = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-v') { $VERBOSE = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-c') { $CHECKEND = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-t') { $VERBOSE = 1; $CHECKONLY = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-s') { $NTPSERVER = $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-i') { $INTERVAL = $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-r') { $RETRYCOUNT = $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-R') { $RETRYDELAY = $ARGV[++$i]; } else { $ERROR = 1; } } # say hello printf STDERR "adjtime.pl %s for Kurobox/Linkstation (perl %g)\n", $VERSION, $] if $VERBOSE; # check for correct arguments present, print usage if errors if ($ERROR || $INTERVAL <= 0) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 [options...]\n"; print STDERR <<"EOF"; -h help; print this message -d enable debug mode -v verbose status reporting -t test only; check clock calibration, no update -c check clock calibration after setting tickadj -s IPADDR ip address of NTP server [use /etc/ntp.conf] -i DELAY sample interval, seconds [$INTERVAL] -r COUNT NTP server retry count [$RETRYCOUNT] -R DELAY NTP server query retry delay, seconds [$RETRYDELAY] EOF # exit if errors... die "Aborted due to command line errors.\n"; } # globals my $DELTA = 0; # actual time slept, seconds my $OFFSET = 0; # clock error, seconds # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get an ntp time server from the ntp config file in none specified unless ($NTPSERVER) { if (open(INP, "< /etc/ntp.conf")) { while (my $line = scalar(<INP>)) { if ($line =~ m/^\s*server\s+(\S+)/i) { $NTPSERVER = $1; last; } } close(INP); } } printf STDERR "Using NTP server at '%s'\n", $NTPSERVER if $VERBOSE; # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the calibration factors by syncing the clock an hour apart # # ntpdate -b server; sleep 3600; ntpdate -b server # 13 Sep 14:55:31 ntpdate[8507]: step time server offset 0.190378 sec # 13 Sep 15:55:28 ntpdate[8509]: step time server offset -3.261289 sec if (1) { # set the clock from the ntp server, discard offset $OFFSET = get_offset(); die "Error: no NTP server response from $NTPSERVER" if $OFFSET eq 'N/A'; printf STDERR "Initial time offset is %f seconds\n", $OFFSET if $VERBOSE; # wait a long time... printf STDERR "Going to sleep for %d seconds ... ", $INTERVAL if $VERBOSE; $DELTA = time(); sleep($INTERVAL); $DELTA = time()-$DELTA; printf STDERR "slept for %d seconds\n", $DELTA if $VERBOSE; # set the clock from the ntp server, offset is our clock error $OFFSET = get_offset(); die "Error: no NTP server response from $NTPSERVER" if $OFFSET eq 'N/A'; printf STDERR "Final time offset is %f seconds\n", $OFFSET if $VERBOSE; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Now compute the correct value of the tickadj number as: # # corr tick = curr tick * (sample time [sec] + offset [sec]) / sample time [sec] # = 10000 * (3600 + (-3.261289)) / 3600 # = 9991 if (1) { my ($TICKOLD,$TICKNEW,$TICKOPT,$TICKEND) = (10000,10000,10000,10000); # get current tickadj value $TICKOLD = get_tickadj(); printf STDERR "Current tick adjustment is %d\n", $TICKOLD if $VERBOSE; # compute what the tickadj should be based on time measurement $TICKOPT = $TICKOLD*($DELTA+$OFFSET)/$DELTA; printf STDERR "Optimal tick adjustment is %d [%f]\n", int($TICKOPT+0.5),$TICKOPT if $VERBOSE; # only change the tickadj by at most +/-10% in one shot, convert to an int $TICKNEW = int(max(min($TICKOPT,1.1*$TICKOLD),0.9*$TICKOLD)+0.5); printf STDERR "Range limited tick adjustment is %d\n", $TICKNEW if $VERBOSE && $TICKNEW != int($TICKOPT+0.5); if ($TICKOLD == $TICKNEW) { # old/new values same, no adjustment required printf STDERR "No tick adjustment required\n" if $VERBOSE; } elsif (!$CHECKONLY) { # update the tickadj value, if different $TICKEND = get_tickadj($TICKNEW); printf STDERR "Updated tick adjustment is %d\n", $TICKEND if $VERBOSE; printf STDERR "Error: Failed tickadj; exp=%d, rcv=%d\n", $TICKNEW, $TICKEND if $TICKNEW != $TICKEND; } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # After the tickadj update, now recheck the calibration of the clock: # # ntpdate -b server; sleep 3600; ntpdate -b server # 23 Nov 12:29:50 ntpdate[496]: step time server server offset 0.001564 sec # 23 Nov 13:29:55 ntpdate[498]: step time server server offset 0.003010 sec if ($CHECKEND) { # set the clock from the ntp server, discard offset $OFFSET = get_offset(); die "Error: no NTP server response from $NTPSERVER" if $OFFSET eq 'N/A'; printf STDERR "Initial time offset is %f seconds\n", $OFFSET if $VERBOSE; # wait a long time... printf STDERR "Going to sleep for %d seconds ... ", $INTERVAL if $VERBOSE; $DELTA = time(); sleep($INTERVAL); $DELTA = time()-$DELTA; printf STDERR "slept for %d seconds\n", $DELTA if $VERBOSE; # set the clock from the ntp server, offset is our clock error $OFFSET = get_offset(); die "Error: no NTP server response from $NTPSERVER" if $OFFSET eq 'N/A'; printf STDERR "Final time offset is %f seconds\n", $OFFSET if $VERBOSE; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exit; ################################################################################## # return time offset from ntp server, or N/A if not available sub get_offset { # () foreach my $k (1..$RETRYCOUNT) { # query the server, check response foreach my $line (`/usr/sbin/ntpdate -b $NTPSERVER`) { printf STDERR "DEBUG: [%s]\n", $line if $DEBUG; # return offset if we get a valid number response return $1 if $line =~ m/\s+offset\s+(-?\d+[.]\d+)\s+sec\s*$/i; } # no response, retry with exponential delay printf STDERR "Error: no response from server %s, will retry in %d sec\n", $NTPSERVER, $RETRYDELAY*2**($k-1) if $VERBOSE; sleep($RETRYDELAY*2**($k-1)); } # whoops, no response at all return 'N/A'; } ################################################################################## # return system tick adj value, set it if non-blank argument supplied sub get_tickadj { # ($) my ($tick) = @_; $tick = '' unless defined($tick); foreach my $line (`/usr/bin/tickadj $tick`) { printf STDERR "DEBUG: [%s]\n", $line if $DEBUG; return $1 if $line =~ m/^tick\s+=\s+(\d+)\s*$/i; } # whoops, tickadj failed return -1; } ################################################################################## sub min { my ($a,$b) = @_; return $a <= $b ? $a : $b; } sub max { my ($a,$b) = @_; return $a >= $b ? $a : $b; } ################################################################################## # the end