# ChangeLog for sys-apps/pmud # Copyright 2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL # $Id: ChangeLog,v 1.8 2002/08/01 22:09:40 cselkirk Exp $ *pmud-0.10.1-r2.ebuild (14 July 2002) 1 Aug 2002; Calum Selkirk pmud-0.10.1-r2.ebuild : Changed src_install to only install X related apps and manpages if we have USE="X" 23 Jul 2002; Calum Selkirk files/pmud.start Also redirected stder & stdout to /dev/null on stop(). 19 Jul 2002; Mark Guertin files/pmud.start Added >/dev/null 2>&1 to surpress extra output of pmud at system startup fixing bug #5218 17 Jul 2002; Mark Guertin : Fixed keywords (please be sure you know what programs are before you set keywords, this will _not_ run on x86). Fixed typo in makefile-x.diff (was CLAGS now is CFLAGS) 14 Jul 2002; phoen][x pmud-0.10.1-r2.ebuild : Added LICENSE, KEYWORDS, SLOT. *pmud-0.10-r2 ChangeLog: Mon Apr 29 10:12 2002 CST; kain Fixed the format of the X dependency line in pmud-0.10.1-r1.ebuild 14 Jul 2002; phoen][x pmud-0.10.1-r1.ebuild : Added LICENSE, KEYWORDS, SLOT. *pmud-0.10-r1 ChangeLog: Mon Apr 29 23:15:43 2002 CEST; pvdabeel Bug #2238: added pmud-makefile-x-gentoo.diff, new version *pmud-0.10.1 ChangeLog: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 23:04:14 -0500; kain pmud/*: Import of PMUD to gentoo. This works (kindof) on my Mac. On my TiBook, X is screwed if you are using the radeonfb driver and not a fbdev setup if you use this. :( Could someone try this with a normal XFree 4.2.0/TiBook G4 and tell me what they get?