# ChangeLog for x11-misc/sw-notify-send # Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-misc/sw-notify-send/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2011/08/29 22:23:49 mgorny Exp $ *sw-notify-send-1.0.0 (29 Aug 2011) 29 Aug 2011; Michał Górny -sw-notify-send-0.2.ebuild, +sw-notify-send-1.0.0.ebuild: Version bump. The new version adds support for --foreground option to wait for notification to close. *sw-notify-send-0.2 (21 Aug 2011) 21 Aug 2011; Michał Górny +sw-notify-send-0.2.ebuild: Version bump to 0.2, which is actually a tinynotify-send variant. *sw-notify-send-0.1.1 (14 Jan 2011) 14 Jan 2011; Michał Górny +sw-notify-send-0.1.1.ebuild, +metadata.xml: A new ebuild for sw-notify-send, a system-wide notify-send wrapper. Moved from Sunrise per bug #318961.