diff options
authorAndreas Sturmlechner <>2024-09-17 20:06:12 +0200
committerAndreas Sturmlechner <>2024-09-17 22:00:20 +0200
commit43d93066488c2519a1420c85237887c339c489f3 (patch)
tree1af00fc1abca00e90b6ce12e8901e0e94550a21d /media-video
parentmedia-video/pipewire: drop 1.2.0-r2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2 (diff)
media-video/wireplumber: drop 0.4.17-r1, 0.5.2
Signed-off-by: Andreas Sturmlechner <>
Diffstat (limited to 'media-video')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/media-video/wireplumber/Manifest b/media-video/wireplumber/Manifest
index fceeff018ba5..806fb40828a4 100644
--- a/media-video/wireplumber/Manifest
+++ b/media-video/wireplumber/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-DIST wireplumber-0.4.17.tar.bz2 330355 BLAKE2B fec1cf75bec687bff1cb48416cf22503a79609cf11220ab9353d3b8038cae1db63da8aa269aca034c0c0afd474e2ba89b236bb7e778da111516e3b15d5449f02 SHA512 5efb71091f262458bc912f4670249fac3ef858021785fbee9be749564a3fa452b1c4ff75634132f7d44fd06d7fc5ea2debb022b1f4a8d5c9c3afa992fab7ecf8
-DIST wireplumber-0.5.2.tar.bz2 408788 BLAKE2B 51a9c0268212b353b54099d2d57fd93dec5b42d4ec3151f93b4ebd4df3f4478a19858ec8302af58558a9387afa647a00a0872d471f0f2ea5e681978afbdcf553 SHA512 4cd2949739b8af86f73e072fe8c1d8606fa9be77b6e109aa0825d516f11953c4811ae1162da07ae245f7039f4243d01c43b8e9c083d4e0be1066b180484abbfb
DIST wireplumber-0.5.3.tar.bz2 411081 BLAKE2B 627cb0adaddd512e2b5f2e706b622972232f76000d690837da5f03a3628669b99c4768de6590ec378684311915626de7ac3316bda1f5d1152c9df448ec41e389 SHA512 1c62f7f919242b2a9586ff6a532f214b564bcf10c838eae4a64078edf6fd461fc65f364c8af79150e33b86594331446516a1a4c926bb245a4b2ba2d9f63f7243
DIST wireplumber-0.5.5.tar.bz2 411519 BLAKE2B 016641b6b21b6176b0f3f70c0c96ccd32ea4d3609bf337a3c9af6e8219cb160a92e30027e3187adb023d0c35ad822ce9be374d098eab76508f218a7ae2528754 SHA512 50ddc6f275bba89ddac0e55dd2a572a13ca19953bce6bdbca14eadd44f3669c7ad4b39ae857770543567a05ea3e437ccee36a2538fad1f4caa777036ace04f77
DIST wireplumber-0.5.6.tar.bz2 415566 BLAKE2B 7f5323ddea415bac31bbb5f05b711e52bd631d9e6c4b22b6055055761a19c0a4c16a36a90ecd0f90c3fbfaddad8be57e823ad0b97327569e94074bee21d5e31c SHA512 58b18c1c1f1040e9954de75488a82ff7504fb908f7e5d57dd219f3479612551c94a1384d399a99b983f66859560aaf71c8ab9414318e48abb6f8cd3b88fcecc8
diff --git a/media-video/wireplumber/files/wireplumber-0.4.15-config-disable-sound-server-parts.patch b/media-video/wireplumber/files/wireplumber-0.4.15-config-disable-sound-server-parts.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b4f3ecd311f7..000000000000
--- a/media-video/wireplumber/files/wireplumber-0.4.15-config-disable-sound-server-parts.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-commit 3d86f51d2c43fd76be2450a8c27836fdd8619cfa
-Author: Igor V. Kovalenko <>
-Date: Sun May 15 18:19:03 2022 +0300
- config: Disable alsa and bluez monitors by default
---- a/src/config/bluetooth.lua.d/50-bluez-config.lua
-+++ b/src/config/bluetooth.lua.d/50-bluez-config.lua
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--bluez_monitor.enabled = true
-+bluez_monitor.enabled = false
- = {
- -- Enabled roles (default: [ a2dp_sink a2dp_source bap_sink bap_source hfp_hf hfp_ag ])
---- a/src/config/main.lua.d/50-alsa-config.lua
-+++ b/src/config/main.lua.d/50-alsa-config.lua
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--alsa_monitor.enabled = true
-+alsa_monitor.enabled = false
- = {
- -- Create a JACK device. This is not enabled by default because
diff --git a/media-video/wireplumber/wireplumber-0.4.17-r1.ebuild b/media-video/wireplumber/wireplumber-0.4.17-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 747c967706dc..000000000000
--- a/media-video/wireplumber/wireplumber-0.4.17-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# 1. Please regularly check (even at the point of bumping) Fedora's packaging
-# for needed backports at
-# 2. Keep an eye on git master (for both PipeWire and WirePlumber) as things
-# continue to move quickly. It's not uncommon for fixes to be made shortly
-# after releases.
-LUA_COMPAT=( lua5-{3,4} )
-inherit lua-single meson systemd
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
- EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}.git"
- EGIT_BRANCH="master"
- inherit git-r3
- SRC_URI="${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="amd64 arm arm64 ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc x86"
-DESCRIPTION="Replacement for pipewire-media-session"
-IUSE="elogind system-service systemd test"
- ?? ( elogind systemd )
- system-service? ( systemd )
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-# introspection? ( dev-libs/gobject-introspection ) is valid but likely only used for doc building
- dev-libs/glib
- dev-util/gdbus-codegen
- dev-util/glib-utils
- sys-devel/gettext
- test? ( sys-apps/dbus )
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.62
- >=media-video/pipewire-0.3.68:=
- virtual/libintl
- elogind? ( sys-auth/elogind )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
-# Any dev-lua/* deps get declared like this inside RDEPEND:
-# $(lua_gen_cond_dep '
-# dev-lua/<NAME>[${LUA_USEDEP}]
-# ')
- system-service? (
- acct-user/pipewire
- acct-group/pipewire
- )
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.4.15-config-disable-sound-server-parts.patch # defer enabling sound server parts to media-video/pipewire
-src_configure() {
- local emesonargs=(
- -Ddaemon=true
- -Dtools=true
- -Dmodules=true
- -Ddoc=disabled # Ebuild not wired up yet (Sphinx, Doxygen?)
- -Dintrospection=disabled # Only used for Sphinx doc generation
- -Dsystem-lua=true # We always unbundle everything we can
- -Dsystem-lua-version=$(ver_cut 1-2 $(lua_get_version))
- $(meson_feature elogind)
- $(meson_feature systemd)
- $(meson_use system-service systemd-system-service)
- $(meson_use systemd systemd-user-service)
- -Dsystemd-system-unit-dir=$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)
- -Dsystemd-user-unit-dir=$(systemd_get_userunitdir)
- $(meson_use test tests)
- $(meson_use test dbus-tests)
- )
- meson_src_configure
-pkg_postinst() {
- if systemd_is_booted ; then
- ewarn "pipewire-media-session.service is no longer installed. You must switch"
- ewarn "to wireplumber.service user unit before your next logout/reboot:"
- ewarn "systemctl --user disable pipewire-media-session.service"
- ewarn "systemctl --user --force enable wireplumber.service"
- else
- ewarn "Switch to WirePlumber will happen the next time gentoo-pipewire-launcher"
- ewarn "is started (a replacement for directly calling pipewire binary)."
- ewarn
- ewarn "Please ensure that ${EROOT}/etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf either does not exist"
- ewarn "or, if it does exist, that any reference to"
- ewarn "${EROOT}/usr/bin/pipewire-media-session is commented out (begins with a #)."
- fi
- if use system-service; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "WARNING: you have enabled the system-service USE flag, which installs"
- ewarn "the system-wide systemd units that enable WirePlumber to run as a system"
- ewarn "service. This is more than likely NOT what you want. You are strongly"
- ewarn "advised not to enable this mode and instead stick with systemd user"
- ewarn "units. The default configuration files will likely not work out of"
- ewarn "box, and you are on your own with configuration."
- ewarn
- fi
diff --git a/media-video/wireplumber/wireplumber-0.5.2.ebuild b/media-video/wireplumber/wireplumber-0.5.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ea1b71883dbb..000000000000
--- a/media-video/wireplumber/wireplumber-0.5.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# 1. Please regularly check (even at the point of bumping) Fedora's packaging
-# for needed backports at
-# 2. Keep an eye on git master (for both PipeWire and WirePlumber) as things
-# continue to move quickly. It's not uncommon for fixes to be made shortly
-# after releases.
-LUA_COMPAT=( lua5-{3,4} )
-inherit lua-single meson systemd
-DESCRIPTION="Replacement for pipewire-media-session"
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
- EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}.git"
- EGIT_BRANCH="master"
- inherit git-r3
- SRC_URI="${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~loong ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="elogind system-service systemd test"
- ?? ( elogind systemd )
- system-service? ( systemd )
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-# introspection? ( dev-libs/gobject-introspection ) is valid but likely only used for doc building
- dev-libs/glib
- dev-util/gdbus-codegen
- dev-util/glib-utils
- sys-devel/gettext
- test? ( sys-apps/dbus )
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.68
- >=media-video/pipewire-1.0.5-r1:=
- virtual/libintl
- elogind? ( sys-auth/elogind )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- system-service? (
- acct-user/pipewire
- acct-group/pipewire
- )
- # Defer enabling sound server parts to media-video/pipewire
- # TODO: Soon, we should be able to migrate to just a dropin at
- # /usr/share. See
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.4.81-config-disable-sound-server-parts.patch
-src_configure() {
- local emesonargs=(
- -Ddaemon=true
- -Dtools=true
- -Dmodules=true
- # Ebuild not wired up yet (Sphinx, Doxygen?)
- -Ddoc=disabled
- # Only used for Sphinx doc generation
- -Dintrospection=disabled
- -Dsystem-lua=true
- -Dsystem-lua-version=$(ver_cut 1-2 $(lua_get_version))
- $(meson_feature elogind)
- $(meson_feature systemd)
- $(meson_use system-service systemd-system-service)
- $(meson_use systemd systemd-user-service)
- -Dsystemd-system-unit-dir=$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)
- -Dsystemd-user-unit-dir=$(systemd_get_userunitdir)
- $(meson_use test tests)
- $(meson_use test dbus-tests)
- )
- meson_src_configure
-pkg_postinst() {
- if systemd_is_booted ; then
- ewarn "pipewire-media-session.service is no longer installed. You must switch"
- ewarn "to wireplumber.service user unit before your next logout/reboot:"
- ewarn "systemctl --user disable pipewire-media-session.service"
- ewarn "systemctl --user --force enable wireplumber.service"
- else
- ewarn "Switch to WirePlumber will happen the next time gentoo-pipewire-launcher"
- ewarn "is started (a replacement for directly calling pipewire binary)."
- ewarn
- ewarn "Please ensure that ${EROOT}/etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf either does not exist"
- ewarn "or, if it does exist, that any reference to"
- ewarn "${EROOT}/usr/bin/pipewire-media-session is commented out (begins with a #)."
- fi
- if use system-service; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "WARNING: you have enabled the system-service USE flag, which installs"
- ewarn "the system-wide systemd units that enable WirePlumber to run as a system"
- ewarn "service. This is more than likely NOT what you want. You are strongly"
- ewarn "advised not to enable this mode and instead stick with systemd user"
- ewarn "units. The default configuration files will likely not work out of"
- ewarn "box, and you are on your own with configuration."
- ewarn
- fi