path: root/sys-fs
diff options
authorJonathan Vasquez <>2017-02-06 19:55:21 -0500
committerJonathan Vasquez <>2017-02-06 19:56:17 -0500
commitc296b5efa030747424a261b1cc27d0ee45d926ad (patch)
tree890b0a006fc8c19798ec9300beff6ba5afbd0371 /sys-fs
parentsys-kernel/spl: version bump to (diff)
sys-fs/zfs: version bump to
- Bumped to ZFS on Linux - Added additional maintainer: fearedbliss Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.3, Repoman-2.3.1
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-fs')
3 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-fs/zfs/Manifest b/sys-fs/zfs/Manifest
index e4ef850b81fc..abe782e01216 100644
--- a/sys-fs/zfs/Manifest
+++ b/sys-fs/zfs/Manifest
@@ -17,4 +17,5 @@ DIST zfs- 2506470 SHA256 780862ec2301ccace412a324787e9df762cff6046
DIST zfs- 2561093 SHA256 c349d46d86b4f61cd53a0891acad916cfc3f0d6754127db7f60a0bd98185aeff SHA512 94c55a50f0f9a90ce07a45dc72bb2730b2a41373ab5a12845df00ef38bb22e4a80ab2fb6e31a9c3a45e51516cdea441bb9da1d0acf71f2f88b38c7c3e9e995b0 WHIRLPOOL 6fcbe473bfce90f800989bac506fa6d4cf5662ad9ca617a477f1251c1625de906495a45759d6190e5a24dcf05f2ed3dd7ea1c0b2f243165a60e5efd098082935
DIST zfs- 2537816 SHA256 4a9e271bb9a6af8d564e4d5800e4fff36224f1697b923a7253659bdda80dc590 SHA512 559b826ae1a176217b92d8407729e2c5feeffb117dc9affaa8c9c2134d996b6c3cbe095f7a0c4666c9b131742491f1304eeb292e13e0df0b6d001fa620568af2 WHIRLPOOL bf2e0865de35496cc995738ddde34df797b0c5047c0dd17e5b755803ef16e7c16f8ba89927106a1f6131c2f75a6749c31a72dff95fc0fee186b308c50ce0b4f4
DIST zfs- 2521921 SHA256 d77f43f7dc38381773e2c34531954c52f3de80361b7bb10c933a7482f89cfe84 SHA512 e5b53a9531b865e7c650892c0deb1ee81db086a33538cd667a087a8a8d33a0ad93a30ae5e800096abfc4dc8ed00843da924230082e204fb7543dd401ef41fcde WHIRLPOOL 623bf8ee51d59dcd1842bf41ccf19c2eb6813fb1e88dea1ea1c6f1388c11484b798546bdcb94500735a0e9e5f9099a4df43308760b353b5b62ff56af035f88bd
+DIST zfs- 2610650 SHA256 b724b57dbddae59246fdc15f88f1224061c712945bb36412a2087e0c7760d77f SHA512 6e175f32421cf0f9e13429f12f0fac0564dc7059ab076831d0ebc4f6a17412160ca3526ebdf894bc7666e82580355b08701dd01c411d3177f82e7330b4529a37 WHIRLPOOL 149d730a26363b50691363b314669756d218c4a16e6d06e319c2b0866c5f8ed6e2da2396a516297c127d3343d51d78072d8b7371e3f4d327d30fa43c90be5cd3
DIST zfs-kmod-0.6.2-p4.tar.xz 63984 SHA256 9167edc4be86e3fcda6b3c198e51f92ab0c95ac5baca11666c28029a628cdac9 SHA512 13e4ec415c35d2f268d89565745f5898c0943423577a2ba6714b3a069c5a80f244cd06dff91464f38dd4ed60673d1145ead080bb03a56d4be33e328f948ffa64 WHIRLPOOL 8c399ec67119ed4fbebb5599d00f888918678bc4e4ea369b4bdc5c75bfc90fc76396087624c8011de370a54ff103bccaa8922d05ac7ccebb2b3481bbbcf44b19
diff --git a/sys-fs/zfs/metadata.xml b/sys-fs/zfs/metadata.xml
index e59a6176dbe7..75b863399dd4 100644
--- a/sys-fs/zfs/metadata.xml
+++ b/sys-fs/zfs/metadata.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
<name>Richard Yao</name>
+ <maintainer type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jonathan Vasquez</name>
+ </maintainer>
<flag name="kernel-builtin">Disable dependency on sys-fs/zfs-kmod under the assumption that ZFS is part of the kernel source tree</flag>
<flag name="rootfs">Enable dependencies required for booting off a pool containing a rootfs</flag>
diff --git a/sys-fs/zfs/zfs- b/sys-fs/zfs/zfs-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c1cb00a19da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-fs/zfs/zfs-
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_4,3_5} )
+if [ ${PV} == "9999" ] ; then
+ inherit git-r3 linux-mod
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git"
+ SRC_URI="${PN}/releases/download/${P}/${P}.tar.gz"
+ KEYWORDS=" ~amd64"
+inherit autotools-utils bash-completion-r1 flag-o-matic linux-info python-r1 systemd toolchain-funcs udev
+DESCRIPTION="Userland utilities for ZFS Linux kernel module"
+IUSE="custom-cflags debug kernel-builtin +rootfs test-suite static-libs"
+ sys-apps/util-linux[static-libs?]
+ sys-libs/zlib[static-libs(+)?]
+ virtual/awk
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ !=sys-apps/grep-2.13*
+ !kernel-builtin? ( =sys-fs/zfs-kmod-${PV}* )
+ !sys-fs/zfs-fuse
+ !prefix? ( virtual/udev )
+ test-suite? (
+ sys-apps/util-linux
+ sys-devel/bc
+ sys-block/parted
+ sys-fs/lsscsi
+ sys-fs/mdadm
+ sys-process/procps
+ virtual/modutils
+ )
+ rootfs? (
+ app-arch/cpio
+ app-misc/pax-utils
+ !<sys-boot/grub-2.00-r2:2
+ )
+ sys-fs/udev-init-scripts
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use kernel_linux && use test-suite; then
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+ if ! linux_config_exists; then
+ ewarn "Cannot check the linux kernel configuration."
+ else
+ # recheck that we don't have usblp to collide with libusb
+ if use test-suite; then
+ if linux_chkconfig_present BLK_DEV_LOOP; then
+ eerror "The ZFS test suite requires loop device support enabled."
+ eerror "Please enable it:"
+ eerror " CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y"
+ eerror "in /usr/src/linux/.config or"
+ eerror " Device Drivers --->"
+ eerror " Block devices --->"
+ eerror " [ ] Loopback device support"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ # Update paths
+ sed -e "s|/sbin/lsmod|/bin/lsmod|" \
+ -e "s|/usr/bin/scsi-rescan|/usr/sbin/rescan-scsi-bus|" \
+ -e "s|/sbin/parted|/usr/sbin/parted|" \
+ -i scripts/
+ autotools-utils_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ use custom-cflags || strip-flags
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ --bindir="${EPREFIX}/bin"
+ --sbindir="${EPREFIX}/sbin"
+ --with-config=user
+ --with-dracutdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/dracut"
+ --with-linux="${KV_DIR}"
+ --with-linux-obj="${KV_OUT_DIR}"
+ --with-udevdir="$(get_udevdir)"
+ --with-blkid
+ $(use_enable debug)
+ )
+ autotools-utils_src_configure
+ # prepare systemd unit and helper script
+ cat "${FILESDIR}/" | \
+ sed -e "s:@sbindir@:${EPREFIX}/sbin:g" \
+ -e "s:@sysconfdir@:${EPREFIX}/etc:g" \
+ > "${T}/zfs.service" || die
+ cat "${FILESDIR}/" | \
+ sed -e "s:@sbindir@:${EPREFIX}/sbin:g" \
+ -e "s:@sysconfdir@:${EPREFIX}/etc:g" \
+ > "${T}/" || die
+src_install() {
+ autotools-utils_src_install
+ gen_usr_ldscript -a uutil nvpair zpool zfs zfs_core
+ use test-suite || rm -rf "${ED}usr/share/zfs"
+ newbashcomp "${FILESDIR}/bash-completion-r1" zfs
+ bashcomp_alias zfs zpool
+ exeinto /usr/libexec
+ doexe "${T}/"
+ systemd_dounit "${T}/zfs.service"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if ! use kernel-builtin && [ ${PV} = "9999" ]
+ then
+ einfo "Adding ${P} to the module database to ensure that the"
+ einfo "kernel modules and userland utilities stay in sync."
+ update_moduledb
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/boot/zfs" ]
+ then
+ einfo 'The zfs boot script has been split into the zfs-import,'
+ einfo 'zfs-mount and zfs-share scripts.'
+ einfo
+ einfo 'You had the zfs script in your boot runlevel. For your'
+ einfo 'convenience, it has been automatically removed and the three'
+ einfo 'scripts that replace it have been configured to start.'
+ einfo 'The zfs-import and zfs-mount scripts have been added to the boot'
+ einfo 'runlevel while the zfs-share script is in the default runlevel.'
+ rm "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/boot/zfs"
+ ln -snf "${EROOT}etc/init.d/zfs-import" \
+ "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/boot/zfs-import"
+ ln -snf "${EROOT}etc/init.d/zfs-mount" \
+ "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/boot/zfs-mount"
+ ln -snf "${EROOT}etc/init.d/zfs-share" \
+ "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/default/zfs-share"
+ else
+ [ -e "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/boot/zfs-import" ] || \
+ einfo "You should add zfs-import to the boot runlevel."
+ [ -e "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/boot/zfs-mount" ] || \
+ einfo "You should add zfs-mount to the boot runlevel."
+ [ -e "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/default/zfs-share" ] || \
+ einfo "You should add zfs-share to the default runlevel."
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/default/zed" ]
+ then
+ einfo 'The downstream OpenRC zed script has replaced by the upstream'
+ einfo 'OpenRC zfs-zed script.'
+ einfo
+ einfo 'You had the zed script in your default runlevel. For your'
+ einfo 'convenience, it has been automatically removed and the zfs-zed'
+ einfo 'script that replaced it has been configured to start.'
+ rm "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/boot/zed"
+ ln -snf "${EROOT}etc/init.d/zfs-sed" \
+ "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/default/zfs-zed"
+ else
+ [ -e "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/default/zfs-zed" ] || \
+ einfo "You should add zfs-zed to the default runlevel."
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/shutdown/zfs-shutdown" ]
+ then
+ einfo "The zfs-shutdown script is obsolete. Removing it from runlevel."
+ rm "${EROOT}etc/runlevels/shutdown/zfs-shutdown"
+ fi
+pkg_postrm() {
+ if ! use kernel-builtin && [ ${PV} = "9999" ]
+ then
+ remove_moduledb
+ fi