diff options
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/vagrant/Manifest b/app-emulation/vagrant/Manifest
index 5722b113a3bb..24c601035a81 100644
--- a/app-emulation/vagrant/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/vagrant/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
-DIST vagrant-2.0.0.tar.gz 1142850 BLAKE2B a37baa3166e812635a8ce7e27280108660a347b8cfed396f29cb8f7b7266b5dc47501be6793a95d9bbaf289dd3be3bcef67ff37c35b51987a328194f275ae7f9 SHA512 ee9059dfd205253d6f978fd225d85eef5a281532a1992bc9382eb713c95a0280d4b6518460106227237ae4e93cf5e2eaf670bd378627c3e9696b0fe9a2427ac1
-DIST vagrant-2.0.1.tar.gz 1153702 BLAKE2B 66c15ab3bf6fd5904e25d4689b6ce70b5c87c833e1ed943b49f53d6ce63924486d65c2db3990625a1fd971fae5e7961f7b9d0624e71576daa7967cbccf21c202 SHA512 4458fd819cfcbf732dcbb5e334986afc986e3da4f4ea883260ed9b7ff8dd90ef9b0078c067a1bf7fbf51562f235ab447234762a38aa0ac539974f6205f6d9cfd
DIST vagrant-2.0.2.tar.gz 1177773 BLAKE2B 7624ce0bbc5f606bff89a0ef7d9d562f5caeea50b2b13744aef5e037f0b7861ccd2b6450f1686f4285027540b795539ef548ddadaf2f6c1476c87717078ebc7f SHA512 27e8157cf8a8d102a0ca328403410639bd4a9f7cb90d443f5be3ca912aeb6177208b26ba9751b49d98b5ba1e92f8bec74db0baca4cd22051d5ef6d3aca558f3a
DIST vagrant-2.0.3.tar.gz 1181697 BLAKE2B fa33063b52e6b9c9a1212a8833ee70c1d45dc4d09f039882337e2571bac5fcb2c5cf5199c7a39ea539873cc445ec768946a12c0a8bb7b03f51e133d56388bf15 SHA512 c62366c2e2b190a19efeae3379573c9e534b296db68152f284f3d80e9fdff4260e246c40206076e222bda3cf8f4ecbd02656c65aa35c15606b8638d7a8fca200
diff --git a/app-emulation/vagrant/files/vagrant-1.8.1-disable-embedded-cacert.patch b/app-emulation/vagrant/files/vagrant-1.8.1-disable-embedded-cacert.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index afcb6f707f5f..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/vagrant/files/vagrant-1.8.1-disable-embedded-cacert.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/lib/vagrant/util/downloader.rb b/lib/vagrant/util/downloader.rb
-index 8756fc3..7fb2be8 100644
---- a/lib/vagrant/util/downloader.rb
-+++ b/lib/vagrant/util/downloader.rb
-@@ -215,8 +215,9 @@ module Vagrant
- # If we're in Vagrant, then we use the packaged CA bundle
- if Vagrant.in_installer?
- subprocess_options[:env] ||= {}
-- subprocess_options[:env]["CURL_CA_BUNDLE"] =
-- File.expand_path("cacert.pem", ENV["VAGRANT_INSTALLER_EMBEDDED_DIR"])
-+ # Use system certificates.
-+ # subprocess_options[:env]["CURL_CA_BUNDLE"] =
-+ # File.expand_path("cacert.pem", ENV["VAGRANT_INSTALLER_EMBEDDED_DIR"])
- end
- return [options, subprocess_options]
diff --git a/app-emulation/vagrant/files/ b/app-emulation/vagrant/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 761753208a77..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/vagrant/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This is a wrapper to properly execute Vagrant within the embedded
-# Vagrant installation directory. This sets up proper environmental variables
-# so that everything loads and compiles to proper directories.
-VAGRANT_DIR="$( ruby -e 'print Gem::default_path[-1] + "/gems/vagrant-@VAGRANT_VERSION@"' )"
-# Export GEM_HOME based on VAGRANT_HOME
-# This needs to be set because Bundler includes gem paths
-# from RubyGems' Gem.paths.
-if [ -z ${VAGRANT_HOME} ]; then
- VAGRANT_HOME="~/.vagrant.d"
-export GEM_HOME="${VAGRANT_HOME}/gems"
-# SSL certs
-export SSL_CERT_FILE="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
-# Export an environmental variable to say we're in a Vagrant
-# installer created environment.
-# This is currently used only in Vagrant::Plugin::Manager.system_plugins_file
-# to locate plugins configuration file.
-export VAGRANT_INSTALLER_EMBEDDED_DIR="/var/lib/vagrant"
-# Export the OS as an environmental variable that Vagrant can access
-# so that it can behave better.
-export VAGRANT_DETECTED_OS="$(uname -s 2>/dev/null)"
-# Export the VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE so that pre-rubygems can optimize a bit
-export VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE="${VAGRANT_DIR}/bin/vagrant"
-# Allow to install plugins even with deps in different slots (Bug #628648)
-# Make it work with rvm (Bugs #474476 #628648)
-# Call the actual Vagrant bin with our arguments
-exec ruby "${VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE}" "$@"
diff --git a/app-emulation/vagrant/vagrant-2.0.0.ebuild b/app-emulation/vagrant/vagrant-2.0.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b4b6f8b77d5..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/vagrant/vagrant-2.0.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-USE_RUBY="ruby22 ruby23"
-RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRAINSTALL="keys plugins templates version.txt"
-inherit bash-completion-r1 ruby-fakegem
-DESCRIPTION="A tool for building and distributing development environments"
-SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
- app-arch/libarchive
- net-misc/curl
- virtualbox? ( || ( app-emulation/virtualbox app-emulation/virtualbox-bin ) )"
-ruby_add_rdepend "
- >=dev-ruby/childprocess-0.6.0
- >=dev-ruby/erubis-2.7.0
- <dev-ruby/i18n-0.8.0:*
- >=dev-ruby/listen-3.1.5
- >=dev-ruby/hashicorp-checkpoint-0.1.1
- >=dev-ruby/log4r-1.1.9 <dev-ruby/log4r-1.1.11
- >=dev-ruby/net-ssh-4.1.0:*
- >=dev-ruby/net-sftp-2.1
- >=dev-ruby/net-scp-1.2.0
- || ( dev-ruby/rest-client:2 >=dev-ruby/rest-client-1.6.0:0 )
- >=dev-ruby/nokogiri-1.7.1
- <dev-ruby/mime-types-3:*
-ruby_add_bdepend "
- >=dev-ruby/rake-12.0.0
-all_ruby_prepare() {
- # remove bundler support
- sed -i '/[Bb]undler/d' Rakefile || die
- rm Gemfile || die
- # loosen dependencies
- sed -e '/hashicorp-checkpoint\|listen\|net-ssh\|net-scp\|rake\|childprocess/s/~>/>=/' \
- -e '/ruby_dep/s/<=/>=/' \
- -i ${PN}.gemspec || die
- # remove windows-specific gems
- sed -e '/wdm\|winrm/d' \
- -i ${PN}.gemspec || die
- # remove bsd-specific gems
- sed -e '/rb-kqueue/d' \
- -i ${PN}.gemspec || die
- # disable embedded CA certs and use system ones
- eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.8.1-disable-embedded-cacert.patch"
- sed -e "s/@VAGRANT_VERSION@/${PV}/g" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.in" > "${PN}" || die
-all_ruby_install() {
- newbashcomp contrib/bash/ ${PN}
- all_fakegem_install
- # provide executable similar to upstream:
- #
- dobin "${PN}"
- # directory for plugins.json
- dodir /var/lib/vagrant
diff --git a/app-emulation/vagrant/vagrant-2.0.1-r1.ebuild b/app-emulation/vagrant/vagrant-2.0.1-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a496014e0f41..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/vagrant/vagrant-2.0.1-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-USE_RUBY="ruby22 ruby23"
-RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRAINSTALL="keys plugins templates version.txt"
-inherit bash-completion-r1 ruby-fakegem
-DESCRIPTION="A tool for building and distributing development environments"
-SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
- app-arch/libarchive
- net-misc/curl
- virtualbox? ( || ( app-emulation/virtualbox app-emulation/virtualbox-bin ) )"
-ruby_add_rdepend "
- >=dev-ruby/childprocess-0.6.0
- >=dev-ruby/erubis-2.7.0
- <dev-ruby/i18n-0.8.0:*
- >=dev-ruby/listen-3.1.5
- >=dev-ruby/hashicorp-checkpoint-0.1.1
- >=dev-ruby/log4r-1.1.9 <dev-ruby/log4r-1.1.11
- >=dev-ruby/net-ssh-4.1.0:*
- >=dev-ruby/net-sftp-2.1
- >=dev-ruby/net-scp-1.2.0
- || ( dev-ruby/rest-client:2 >=dev-ruby/rest-client-1.6.0:0 )
- >=dev-ruby/nokogiri-1.7.1
- <dev-ruby/mime-types-3:*
-ruby_add_bdepend "
- >=dev-ruby/rake-12.0.0
-all_ruby_prepare() {
- # remove bundler support
- sed -i '/[Bb]undler/d' Rakefile || die
- rm Gemfile || die
- # loosen dependencies
- sed -e '/hashicorp-checkpoint\|listen\|net-ssh\|net-scp\|rake\|childprocess/s/~>/>=/' \
- -e '/ruby_dep/s/<=/>=/' \
- -i ${PN}.gemspec || die
- # remove windows-specific gems
- sed -e '/wdm\|winrm/d' \
- -i ${PN}.gemspec || die
- # remove bsd-specific gems
- sed -e '/rb-kqueue/d' \
- -i ${PN}.gemspec || die
- sed -e "s/@VAGRANT_VERSION@/${PV}/g" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.in-r1" > "${PN}" || die
-all_ruby_install() {
- newbashcomp contrib/bash/ ${PN}
- all_fakegem_install
- # provide executable similar to upstream:
- #
- dobin "${PN}"
- # directory for plugins.json
- dodir /var/lib/vagrant