# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI=5 JAVA_PKG_IUSE="source doc" inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 eutils DESCRIPTION="Java Libraries for High Performance Scientific and Technical Computing" SRC_URI="http://dsd.lbl.gov/~hoschek/colt-download/releases/${P}.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://www-itg.lbl.gov/~hoschek/colt/" LICENSE="colt" IUSE="" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 x86" DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.7" RDEPEND=">=virtual/jre-1.7" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}" EANT_BUILD_TARGET="javac jar" JAVA_ANT_ENCODING="ISO-8859-1" # [0]: I don't know but it must be useful. # [1]: Monkey patch manually some classes to get rid of the # oswego.edu.concurrent.util imports. PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}-benchmark-no-deprecation.patch" "${FILESDIR}/${P}-remove-concurrent-util-imports.patch" ) java_prepare() { epatch "${PATCHES[@]}" java-pkg_clean } src_install() { java-pkg_dojar "lib/${PN}.jar" dohtml README.html || die use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc doc/api use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/* }