# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 export CBUILD=${CBUILD:-${CHOST}} export CTARGET=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}} MY_PV=${PV/_/} inherit toolchain-funcs BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="bootstrap-1.8" BOOTSTRAP_DIST="https://dev.gentoo.org/~williamh/dist" BOOTSTRAP_URI=" ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-amd64-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-arm-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-arm64-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-ppc64-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-ppc64le-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-s390x-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-linux-386-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-freebsd-amd64-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-freebsd-386-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-darwin-amd64-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz ${BOOTSTRAP_DIST}/go-solaris-amd64-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz " case ${PV} in *9999*) EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/golang/go.git" inherit git-r3 ;; *) SRC_URI="https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go${MY_PV}.src.tar.gz " S="${WORKDIR}"/go case ${PV} in *_beta*|*_rc*) ;; *) KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~s390 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris" # The upstream tests fail under portage but pass if the build is # run according to their documentation [1]. # I am restricting the tests on released versions until this is # solved. # [1] https://golang.org/issues/18442 RESTRICT="test" ;; esac esac # If gccgo or a previously installed version of dev-lang/go is not being # used to build Go, there is no way to know the architecture or operating system # of the build machine, so we need to download all of our bootstrap # archives to allow this ebuild to work under crossdev. # # https://bugs.gentoo.org/671394 SRC_URI+="!gccgo? ( !system-bootstrap? ( ${BOOTSTRAP_URI} ) )" DESCRIPTION="A concurrent garbage collected and typesafe programming language" HOMEPAGE="https://golang.org" LICENSE="BSD" SLOT="0/${PV}" IUSE="gccgo system-bootstrap" BDEPEND="gccgo? ( >=sys-devel/gcc-5[go] )" RDEPEND="!<dev-go/go-tools-0_pre20150902" # These test data objects have writable/executable stacks. QA_EXECSTACK=" usr/lib/go/src/debug/elf/testdata/*.obj usr/lib/go/src/*.gox " # Do not complain about CFLAGS, etc, since Go doesn't use them. QA_FLAGS_IGNORED='.*' REQUIRES_EXCLUDE="/usr/lib/go/src/debug/elf/testdata/*" # The tools in /usr/lib/go should not cause the multilib-strict check to fail. QA_MULTILIB_PATHS="usr/lib/go/pkg/tool/.*/.*" # Do not strip this package. Stripping is unsupported upstream and may # fail. RESTRICT+=" strip" DOCS=( AUTHORS CONTRIBUTING.md CONTRIBUTORS PATENTS README.md ) go_arch() { # By chance most portage arch names match Go local portage_arch=$(tc-arch $@) case "${portage_arch}" in x86) echo 386;; x64-*) echo amd64;; ppc64) [[ $(tc-endian $@) = big ]] && echo ppc64 || echo ppc64le ;; s390) echo s390x ;; *) echo "${portage_arch}";; esac } go_arm() { case "${1:-${CHOST}}" in armv5*) echo 5;; armv6*) echo 6;; armv7*) echo 7;; *) die "unknown GOARM for ${1:-${CHOST}}" ;; esac } go_os() { case "${1:-${CHOST}}" in *-linux*) echo linux;; *-darwin*) echo darwin;; *-freebsd*) echo freebsd;; *-netbsd*) echo netbsd;; *-openbsd*) echo openbsd;; *-solaris*) echo solaris;; *-cygwin*|*-interix*|*-winnt*) echo windows ;; *) die "unknown GOOS for ${1:-${CHOST}}" ;; esac } go_tuple() { echo "$(go_os $@)_$(go_arch $@)" } go_cross_compile() { [[ $(go_tuple ${CBUILD}) != $(go_tuple) ]] } pkg_pretend() { # make.bash does not understand cross-compiling a cross-compiler if [[ $(go_tuple) != $(go_tuple ${CTARGET}) ]]; then die "CHOST CTARGET pair unsupported: CHOST=${CHOST} CTARGET=${CTARGET}" fi [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]] && use system-bootstrap && ! has_version "dev-lang/go" && die "dev-lang/go must be installed to use the system-bootstrap use flag" } src_unpack() { if [[ ${PV} = 9999 ]]; then git-r3_src_unpack else unpack "go${MY_PV}.src.tar.gz" fi use gccgo || use system-bootstrap || unpack "go-$(go_os ${CBUILD})-$(go_arch ${CBUILD})-${BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}.tbz" } src_compile() { export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP="${WORKDIR}"/go-$(go_os ${CBUILD})-$(go_arch ${CBUILD})-bootstrap if use gccgo; then mkdir -p "${GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP}/bin" || die local go_binary=$(gcc-config --get-bin-path)/go-$(gcc-major-version) [[ -x ${go_binary} ]] || go_binary=$( find "${EPREFIX}"/usr/${CHOST}/gcc-bin/*/go-$(gcc-major-version) | sort -V | tail -n1) [[ -x ${go_binary} ]] || die "go-$(gcc-major-version): command not found" ln -s "${go_binary}" "${GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP}/bin/go" || die elif use system-bootstrap; then export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP="${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib/go fi export GOROOT_FINAL="${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib/go export GOROOT="$(pwd)" export GOBIN="${GOROOT}/bin" # Go's build script does not use BUILD/HOST/TARGET consistently. :( export GOHOSTARCH=$(go_arch ${CBUILD}) export GOHOSTOS=$(go_os ${CBUILD}) export CC=$(tc-getBUILD_CC) export GOARCH=$(go_arch) export GOOS=$(go_os) export CC_FOR_TARGET=$(tc-getCC) export CXX_FOR_TARGET=$(tc-getCXX) if [[ ${ARCH} == arm ]]; then export GOARM=$(go_arm) fi cd src ./make.bash || die "build failed" } src_test() { go_cross_compile && return 0 cd src PATH="${GOBIN}:${PATH}" \ ./run.bash -no-rebuild || die "tests failed" } src_install() { local bin_path f x dodir /usr/lib/go # There is a known issue which requires the source tree to be installed [1]. # Once this is fixed, we can consider using the doc use flag to control # installing the doc and src directories. # [1] https://golang.org/issue/2775 # # deliberately use cp to retain permissions cp -R api bin doc lib pkg misc src test "${ED}"/usr/lib/go if go_cross_compile; then bin_path="bin/$(go_tuple)" else bin_path=bin fi for x in ${bin_path}/*; do f=${x##*/} dosym ../lib/go/${bin_path}/${f} /usr/bin/${f} done einstalldocs if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then # fix install_name for test object (binutils_test) on Darwin, it # is never used in real circumstances local libmac64="${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib/go/src/cmd/vendor/github.com/ libmac64+=google/pprof/internal/binutils/testdata/lib_mac_64 install_name_tool -id "${libmac64}" "${D}${libmac64}" fi }