# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 inherit eutils alternatives flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs multilib multiprocessing PATCH_VER=1 CROSS_VER=1.3.2 PATCH_BASE="perl-5.30.0-patches-${PATCH_VER}" PATCH_DEV=dilfridge DIST_AUTHOR=XSAWYERX # Greatest first, don't include yourself # Devel point-releases are not ABI-intercompatible, but stable point releases are # BIN_OLDVERSEN is contains only C-ABI-intercompatible versions PERL_BIN_OLDVERSEN="5.30.0 5.30.1 5.30.2" if [[ "${PV##*.}" == "9999" ]]; then DIST_VERSION=5.30.0 else DIST_VERSION="${PV/_rc/-RC}" fi SHORT_PV="${DIST_VERSION%.*}" # Even numbered major versions are ABI intercompatible # Odd numbered major versions are not if [[ $(( ${SHORT_PV#*.} % 2 )) == 1 ]]; then SUBSLOT="${DIST_VERSION%-RC*}" else SUBSLOT="${DIST_VERSION%.*}" fi # Used only in tar paths MY_P="perl-${DIST_VERSION}" # Used in library paths MY_PV="${DIST_VERSION%-RC*}" DESCRIPTION="Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language" SRC_URI=" mirror://cpan/src/5.0/${MY_P}.tar.xz mirror://cpan/authors/id/${DIST_AUTHOR:0:1}/${DIST_AUTHOR:0:2}/${DIST_AUTHOR}/${MY_P}.tar.xz https://github.com/gentoo-perl/perl-patchset/releases/download/${PATCH_BASE}/${PATCH_BASE}.tar.xz mirror://gentoo/${PATCH_BASE}.tar.xz https://dev.gentoo.org/~${PATCH_DEV}/distfiles/${PATCH_BASE}.tar.xz https://github.com/arsv/perl-cross/releases/download/${CROSS_VER}/perl-cross-${CROSS_VER}.tar.gz " HOMEPAGE="https://www.perl.org/" LICENSE="|| ( Artistic GPL-1+ )" SLOT="0/${SUBSLOT}" if [[ "${PV##*.}" != "9999" ]] && [[ "${PV/rc//}" == "${PV}" ]] ; then KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv s390 sparc x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris" fi IUSE="berkdb debug doc gdbm ithreads" RDEPEND=" berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= ) gdbm? ( >=sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3:= ) app-arch/bzip2 sys-libs/zlib " DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" PDEPEND=" >=app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.5 >=virtual/perl-File-Temp-0.230.400-r2 >=virtual/perl-Data-Dumper-2.154.0 virtual/perl-Test-Harness " # bug 390719, bug 523624 # virtual/perl-Test-Harness is here for the bundled ExtUtils::MakeMaker S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" dual_scripts() { src_remove_dual perl-core/Archive-Tar 2.320.0 ptar ptardiff ptargrep src_remove_dual perl-core/CPAN 2.220.0 cpan src_remove_dual perl-core/Digest-SHA 6.20.0 shasum src_remove_dual perl-core/Encode 3.10.0 enc2xs piconv src_remove_dual perl-core/ExtUtils-MakeMaker 7.340.0 instmodsh src_remove_dual perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS 3.400.0 xsubpp src_remove_dual perl-core/IO-Compress 2.84.0 zipdetails src_remove_dual perl-core/JSON-PP 4.20.0 json_pp src_remove_dual perl-core/Module-CoreList corelist src_remove_dual perl-core/Pod-Parser 1.630.0 pod2usage podchecker podselect src_remove_dual perl-core/Pod-Perldoc 3.280.100 perldoc src_remove_dual perl-core/Test-Harness 3.420.0 prove src_remove_dual perl-core/podlators 4.110.0 pod2man pod2text src_remove_dual_man perl-core/podlators 4.110.0 /usr/share/man/man1/perlpodstyle.1 } check_rebuild() { # Fresh install if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]]; then return 0; # Major Upgrade # doesn't matter if there's multiple copies, it still needs a rebuild # if the string is anything other than "5.CURRENTMAJOR" elif [[ "${REPLACING_VERSIONS%.*}" != "${PV%.*}" ]]; then echo "" ewarn "UPDATE THE PERL MODULES:" ewarn "After updating dev-lang/perl the installed Perl modules" ewarn "have to be re-installed. In most cases, this is done automatically" ewarn "by the package manager, but subsequent steps are still recommended" ewarn "to ensure system consistency." ewarn ewarn "You should start with a depclean to remove any unused perl dependencies" ewarn "that may confuse portage in future. Regular depcleans are also encouraged" ewarn "as part of your regular update cycle, as that will keep perl upgrades working." ewarn "Recommended: emerge --depclean -va" ewarn ewarn "You should then call perl-cleaner to clean up any old files and trigger any" ewarn "remaining rebuilds portage may have missed." ewarn "Use: perl-cleaner --all" return 0; # Reinstall w/ USE Change elif ( use ithreads && ! has_version dev-lang/perl[ithreads] ) || \ ( ! use ithreads && has_version dev-lang/perl[ithreads] ) || \ ( use debug && ! has_version dev-lang/perl[debug] ) || \ ( ! use debug && has_version dev-lang/perl[debug] ) ; then echo "" ewarn "TOGGLED USE-FLAGS WARNING:" ewarn "You changed one of the use-flags ithreads or debug." ewarn "You must rebuild all perl-modules installed." ewarn "Use: perl-cleaner --modules ; perl-cleaner --force --libperl" fi } pkg_setup() { case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd*) osname="freebsd" ;; *-dragonfly*) osname="dragonfly" ;; *-netbsd*) osname="netbsd" ;; *-openbsd*) osname="openbsd" ;; *-darwin*) osname="darwin" ;; *-solaris*) osname="solaris" ;; *-interix*) osname="interix" ;; *-aix*) osname="aix" ;; *-cygwin*) osname="cygwin" ;; *) osname="linux" ;; esac myarch="${CHOST%%-*}-${osname}" if use debug ; then myarch+="-debug" fi if use ithreads ; then mythreading="-multi" myarch+="-thread" fi PRIV_BASE="/usr/$(get_libdir)/perl5" SITE_BASE="/usr/local/$(get_libdir)/perl5" VENDOR_BASE="/usr/$(get_libdir)/perl5/vendor_perl" LIBPERL="libperl$(get_libname ${MY_PV} )" PRIV_LIB="${PRIV_BASE}/${MY_PV}" ARCH_LIB="${PRIV_BASE}/${MY_PV}/${myarch}${mythreading}" SITE_LIB="${SITE_BASE}/${MY_PV}" SITE_ARCH="${SITE_BASE}/${MY_PV}/${myarch}${mythreading}" VENDOR_LIB="${VENDOR_BASE}/${MY_PV}" VENDOR_ARCH="${VENDOR_BASE}/${MY_PV}/${myarch}${mythreading}" dual_scripts } src_remove_dual_file() { local i pkg ver pkg="$1" ver="$2" shift 2 case "${EBUILD_PHASE:-none}" in postinst|postrm) for i in "$@" ; do alternatives_auto_makesym "${i}" "${i}-[0-9]*" done ;; setup) for i in "$@" ; do if [[ -f ${EROOT}${i} && ! -h ${EROOT}${i} ]] ; then has_version ${pkg} && ewarn "You must reinstall ${pkg} !" break fi done ;; install) for i in "$@" ; do if ! [[ -f "${ED}"${i} ]] ; then ewarn "${i} does not exist!" continue fi mv "${ED}"${i}{,-${ver}-${P}} || die done ;; esac } src_remove_dual_man() { local i pkg ver ff pkg="$1" ver="$2" shift 2 case "${EBUILD_PHASE:-none}" in postinst|postrm) for i in "$@" ; do ff=`echo "${EROOT}${i%.[0-9]}-${ver}-${P}${i#${i%.[0-9]}}"*` ff=${ff##*${i#${i%.[0-9]}}} alternatives_auto_makesym "${i}${ff}" "${i%.[0-9]}-[0-9]*" done ;; install) for i in "$@" ; do if ! [[ -f "${ED}"${i} ]] ; then ewarn "${i} does not exist!" continue fi mv "${ED}"${i} "${ED}"${i%.[0-9]}-${ver}-${P}${i#${i%.[0-9]}} || die done ;; esac } src_remove_dual() { local i pkg ver pkg="$1" ver="$2" shift 2 for i in "$@" ; do src_remove_dual_file "${pkg}" "${ver}" "/usr/bin/${i}" src_remove_dual_man "${pkg}" "${ver}" "/usr/share/man/man1/${i}.1" done } src_prepare_update_patchlevel_h() { # Copied and modified from debian: # Copyright 2011 Niko Tyni # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the same terms as Perl itself. local patchdir="${WORKDIR}/patches" local prefix local patchoutput="patchlevel-gentoo.h" [[ -f ${patchdir}/series ]] || return 0 while read patch do patchname=$(echo $patch | sed 's/\.diff$//') < $patchdir/$patch sed -e '/^Subject:/ { N; s/\n / / }' | sed -n -e ' # massage the patch headers s|^Bug: .*https\?://rt\.perl\.org/.*id=\(.*\).*|[perl #\1]|; tprepend; s|^Bug: .*https\?://rt\.cpan\.org/.*id=\(.*\).*|[rt.cpan.org #\1]|; tprepend; s|^Bug-Gentoo: ||; tprepend; s/^\(Subject\|Description\): //; tappend; s|^Origin: .*http://perl5\.git\.perl\.org/perl\.git/commit\(diff\)\?/\(.......\).*|[\2]|; tprepend; # post-process at the end of input $ { x; # include the version number in the patchlevel.h description (if available) s/List packaged patches/&'" for ${PF}(#${PATCH_VER})"'/; # escape any backslashes and double quotes s|\\|\\\\|g; s|"|\\"|g; # add a prefix s|^|\t,"'"$prefix$patchname"' - |; # newlines away s/\n/ /g; s/ */ /g; # add a suffix s/ *$/"/; p }; # stop all processing d; # label: append to the hold space :append H; d; # label: prepend to the hold space :prepend x; H; d; ' done < "${WORKDIR}"/patches/series > "${S}/${patchoutput}" echo "${patchoutput}" >> "${S}/MANIFEST" } src_prepare_perlcross() { cp -a ../perl-cross-${CROSS_VER}/* . || die # bug 604072 MAKEOPTS+=" -j1" export MAKEOPTS } src_prepare_dynamic() { ln -s ${LIBPERL} libperl$(get_libname ${SHORT_PV}) || die ln -s ${LIBPERL} libperl$(get_libname ) || die } src_prepare() { local patch EPATCH_OPTS+=" -p1" if use hppa ; then epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-5.26.2-hppa.patch" # bug 634162 fi if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then # do NOT mess with nsl, on Solaris this is always necessary, # when -lsocket is used e.g. to get h_errno sed -i '/gentoo\/no-nsl-cl\.patch/d' "${WORKDIR}/patches/series" || die fi einfo "Applying patches from ${PATCH_BASE} ..." while read patch ; do EPATCH_SINGLE_MSG=" ${patch} ..." epatch "${WORKDIR}"/patches/${patch} done < "${WORKDIR}"/patches/series src_prepare_update_patchlevel_h tc-is-cross-compiler && src_prepare_perlcross tc-is-static-only || src_prepare_dynamic if use gdbm; then sed -i "s:INC => .*:INC => \"-I${EROOT}usr/include/gdbm\":g" \ ext/NDBM_File/Makefile.PL || die fi # Use errno.h from prefix rather than from host system, bug #645804 if use prefix && [[ -e "${EPREFIX}"/usr/include/errno.h ]] ; then sed -i "/my..sysroot/s:'':'${EPREFIX}':" ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL || die fi if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then # set a soname, fix linking against just built libperl sed -i -e 's/netbsd\*/netbsd*|solaris*/' Makefile.SH || die fi if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] ; then # fix install_name (soname) not to reference $D sed -i -e '/install_name `pwd/s/`pwd`/\\$(shrpdir)/' Makefile.SH || die fi default } myconf() { # the myconf array is declared in src_configure myconf=( "${myconf[@]}" "$@" ) } src_configure() { declare -a myconf export LC_ALL="C" [[ ${COLUMNS:-1} -ge 1 ]] || unset COLUMNS # bug #394091 # Perl has problems compiling with -Os in your flags with glibc use elibc_uclibc || replace-flags "-Os" "-O2" # xlocale.h is going away in glibc-2.26, so it's counterproductive # if we use it and include it in CORE/perl.h ... Perl builds just # fine with glibc and locale.h only. # However, the darwin prefix people have no locale.h ... use elibc_glibc && myconf -Ui_xlocale # This flag makes compiling crash in interesting ways filter-flags "-malign-double" # Generic LTO broken since 5.28, triggers EUMM failures filter-flags "-flto" use sparc && myconf -Ud_longdbl export BUILD_BZIP2=0 export BZIP2_INCLUDE=${EROOT}/usr/include export BZIP2_LIB=${EROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir) export BUILD_ZLIB=False export ZLIB_INCLUDE=${EROOT}/usr/include export ZLIB_LIB=${EROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir) # allow either gdbm to provide ndbm (in <gdbm/ndbm.h>) or db1 myndbm='U' mygdbm='U' mydb='U' if use gdbm ; then mygdbm='D' if use berkdb ; then myndbm='D' fi fi if use berkdb ; then mydb='D' has_version '=sys-libs/db-1*' && myndbm='D' fi myconf "-${myndbm}i_ndbm" "-${mygdbm}i_gdbm" "-${mydb}i_db" if use alpha && [[ "$(tc-getCC)" = "ccc" ]] ; then ewarn "Perl will not be built with berkdb support, use gcc if you needed it..." myconf -Ui_db -Ui_ndbm fi use ithreads && myconf -Dusethreads if use debug ; then append-cflags "-g" myconf -DDEBUGGING elif [[ ${CFLAGS} == *-g* ]] ; then myconf -DDEBUGGING=-g else myconf -DDEBUGGING=none fi # Autodiscover all old version directories, some of them will even be newer # if you downgrade if [[ -z ${PERL_OLDVERSEN} ]]; then PERL_OLDVERSEN="$( find "${EROOT%/}${PRIV_BASE}" "${EROOT%/}${SITE_BASE}" "${EROOT%/}${VENDOR_BASE}" \ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/5[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+$' \ -printf "%f " 2>/dev/null )" fi # Fixup versions, removing self match, fixing order and dupes PERL_OLDVERSEN="$( echo "${PERL_OLDVERSEN}" |\ tr " " "\n" |\ grep -vF "${DIST_VERSION%-RC}" |\ sort -u -nr -t'.' -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 )" # Experts who want a "Pure" install can set PERL_OLDVERSEN to an empty string if [[ -n "${PERL_OLDVERSEN// }" ]]; then local inclist="$( for v in ${PERL_OLDVERSEN}; do has "${v}" ${PERL_BIN_OLDVERSEN} && echo -n "${v}/${myarch}${mythreading} "; echo -n "${v} "; done )" einfo "This version of perl may partially support modules previously" einfo "installed in any of the following paths:" for incpath in ${inclist}; do [[ -e "${EROOT%/}${VENDOR_BASE}/${incpath}" ]] && einfo " ${EROOT%/}${VENDOR_BASE}/${incpath}" [[ -e "${EROOT%/}${PRIV_BASE}/${incpath}" ]] && einfo " ${EROO%/T}${PRIV_BASE}/${incpath}" [[ -e "${EROOT%/}${SITE_BASE}/${incpath}" ]] && einfo " ${EROOT%/}${SITE_BASE}/${incpath}" done einfo "This is a temporary measure and you should aim to cleanup these paths" einfo "via world updates and perl-cleaner" myconf -Dinc_version_list="${inclist}" fi [[ ${ELIBC} == "FreeBSD" ]] && myconf "-Dlibc=/usr/$(get_libdir)/libc.a" # Make sure we can do the final link #523730, need to set deployment # target to override hardcoded 10.3 which breaks on modern OSX [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] && \ myconf "-Dld=env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET} $(tc-getCC)" # Older macOS with non-Apple GCC chokes on inline in system headers # using c89 mode as injected by cflags.SH [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* && ${CHOST##*darwin} -le 9 ]] && tc-is-gcc && \ append-cflags -Dinline=__inline__ # fix unaligned access misdetection # https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=133495 # https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=133803 # bug #676062, bug #688432 use hppa || use sparc || [[ ${CHOST} == sparc*-solaris* ]] || \ [[ ${CHOST} == armv5tel* ]] \ && myconf "-Dd_u32align='define'" # Prefix: the host system needs not to follow Gentoo multilib stuff, and in # Prefix itself we don't do multilib either, so make sure perl can find # something compatible. if use prefix ; then # Set a hook to check for each detected library whether it actually works. export libscheck=" ( echo 'main(){}' > '${T}'/conftest.c && $(tc-getCC) -o '${T}'/conftest '${T}'/conftest.c -l\$thislib >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ) || xxx=/dev/null" # Use all host paths that might contain useful stuff, the hook above will filter out bad choices. local paths="/lib/*-linux-gnu /usr/lib/*-linux-gnu /lib64 /lib/64 /usr/lib64 /usr/lib/64 /lib32 /usr/lib32 /lib /usr/lib" myconf "-Dlibpth=${EPREFIX}/$(get_libdir) ${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir) ${paths}" elif [[ $(get_libdir) != "lib" ]] ; then # We need to use " and not ', as the written config.sh use ' ... myconf "-Dlibpth=/usr/local/$(get_libdir) /$(get_libdir) /usr/$(get_libdir)" fi # don't try building ODBM, bug #354453 disabled_extensions="ODBM_File" if ! use gdbm ; then # workaround for bug #157774: don't try building GDBM related stuff with USE="-gdbm" disabled_extensions="${disabled_extensions} GDBM_File NDBM_File" fi myconf -Dnoextensions="${disabled_extensions}" [[ "${PV##*.}" == "9999" ]] && myconf -Dusedevel -Uversiononly [[ -n "${EXTRA_ECONF}" ]] && ewarn During Perl build, EXTRA_ECONF=${EXTRA_ECONF} # allow fiddling via EXTRA_ECONF, bug 558070 eval "local -a EXTRA_ECONF=(${EXTRA_ECONF})" myconf \ -Duseshrplib \ -Darchname="${myarch}" \ -Dcc="$(tc-getCC)" \ -Doptimize="${CFLAGS}" \ -Dldflags="${LDFLAGS}" \ -Dprefix="${EPREFIX}"'/usr' \ -Dsiteprefix="${EPREFIX}"'/usr/local' \ -Dvendorprefix="${EPREFIX}"'/usr' \ -Dscriptdir="${EPREFIX}"'/usr/bin' \ -Dprivlib="${EPREFIX}${PRIV_LIB}" \ -Darchlib="${EPREFIX}${ARCH_LIB}" \ -Dsitelib="${EPREFIX}${SITE_LIB}" \ -Dsitearch="${EPREFIX}${SITE_ARCH}" \ -Dvendorlib="${EPREFIX}${VENDOR_LIB}" \ -Dvendorarch="${EPREFIX}${VENDOR_ARCH}" \ -Dman1dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/man/man1 \ -Dman3dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/man/man3 \ -Dsiteman1dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/local/man/man1 \ -Dsiteman3dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/local/man/man3 \ -Dvendorman1dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/man/man1 \ -Dvendorman3dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/man/man3 \ -Dman1ext='1' \ -Dman3ext='3pm' \ -Dlibperl="${LIBPERL}" \ -Dlocincpth="${EPREFIX}"'/usr/include ' \ -Dglibpth="${EPREFIX}/$(get_libdir) ${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)"' ' \ -Duselargefiles \ -Dd_semctl_semun \ -Dcf_by='Gentoo' \ -Dmyhostname='localhost' \ -Dperladmin='root@localhost' \ -Ud_csh \ -Dsh="${EPREFIX}"/bin/sh \ -Dtargetsh="${EPREFIX}"/bin/sh \ -Uusenm \ "${myconf[@]}" \ "${EXTRA_ECONF[@]}" if tc-is-cross-compiler; then ./configure \ --target="${CHOST}" \ --build="${CBUILD}" \ -Dinstallprefix='' \ -Dinstallusrbinperl='undef' \ -Dusevendorprefix='define' \ "${myconf[@]}" \ || die "Unable to configure" else sh Configure \ -des \ -Dinstallprefix="${EPREFIX}"'/usr' \ -Dinstallusrbinperl='n' \ "${myconf[@]}" \ || die "Unable to configure" fi } src_test() { export NO_GENTOO_NETWORK_TESTS=1; export GENTOO_ASSUME_SANDBOXED="${GENTOO_ASSUME_SANDBOXED:-1}" export GENTOO_NO_PORTING_TESTS="${GENTOO_NO_PORTING_TESTS:-1}" if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then ewarn "Test fails with a sandbox error (#328793) if run as root. Skipping tests..." return 0 fi use elibc_uclibc && export MAKEOPTS+=" -j1" TEST_JOBS="$(makeopts_jobs)" make test_harness || die "test failed" } src_install() { local i local coredir="${ARCH_LIB}/CORE" emake DESTDIR="${D}" install rm -f "${ED}/usr/bin/perl${MY_PV}" ln -s perl "${ED}"/usr/bin/perl${MY_PV} || die if ! tc-is-static-only ; then dolib.so "${ED}"${coredir}/${LIBPERL} rm -f "${ED}"${coredir}/${LIBPERL} ln -sf ${LIBPERL} "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libperl$(get_libname ${SHORT_PV}) || die ln -sf ${LIBPERL} "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libperl$(get_libname) || die ln -sf ../../../../${LIBPERL} "${ED}"${coredir}/${LIBPERL} || die ln -sf ../../../../${LIBPERL} "${ED}"${coredir}/libperl$(get_libname ${SHORT_PV}) || die ln -sf ../../../../${LIBPERL} "${ED}"${coredir}/libperl$(get_libname) || die fi rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man3 || die "Unable to remove module man pages" # This removes ${D} from Config.pm for i in $(find "${D}" -iname "Config.pm" ) ; do einfo "Removing ${D} from ${i}..." sed -i -e "s:${D}::" "${i}" || die "Sed failed" done dodoc Changes* README AUTHORS if use doc ; then # HTML Documentation # We expect errors, warnings, and such with the following. dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./perl installhtml \ --podroot='.' \ --podpath='lib:ext:pod:vms' \ --recurse \ --htmldir="${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html" fi [[ -d ${ED}/usr/local ]] && rm -r "${ED}"/usr/local dual_scripts } pkg_preinst() { check_rebuild } pkg_postinst() { dual_scripts if [[ "${ROOT}" = "/" ]] ; then local INC DIR file INC=$(perl -e 'for $line (@INC) { next if $line eq "."; next if $line =~ m/'${SHORT_PV}'|etc|local|perl$/; print "$line\n" }') einfo "Removing old .ph files" for DIR in ${INC} ; do if [[ -d "${DIR}" ]] ; then for file in $(find "${DIR}" -name "*.ph" -type f ) ; do rm -f "${file}" einfo "<< ${file}" done fi done # Silently remove the now empty dirs for DIR in ${INC} ; do if [[ -d "${DIR}" ]] ; then find "${DIR}" -depth -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -r rmdir &> /dev/null fi done fi } pkg_postrm() { dual_scripts }