This license explanation was derived from the copyright notice distributed with the Debian package maintained by Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <>. Upstream Author: Tsugio Okamoto <> Copyright: Original License Statement (in Japanese): なお、ネットでの配付は自由ですが、ネットにアクセスできない方(雑誌および、 CD-ROM などによる)への配付は、配付前にこちらに Inter-Net の方にE-Mail を お願いします。 どこそこに、掲載するという旨があれば結構ですので。 また、それも出来ない際には、後日 E-Mail を必ずお願いします。 Translated License Statement (translated by GOTO Masanori <>): It's free to distribute on the network, but if you distribute for the people who cannot access the network (by magazine or CD-ROM), please send E-Mail (Inter-Net address) to the author before the distribution. That's well where this software is appeard. If you cannot do, you must send me the E-Mail later. Original Source Code License Statement: /* Copyright (C) MCMLXXXIX Yooichi.Tagawa */ /* Modified Nobutaka Watazaki */ /* Thanks to H.Yoshizaki. (MS-DOS LHarc) */