kumba@gentoo.org Joshua Kinard NLnetLabs/nsd Enables BIND8 like NSTATS and XSTATS and statistics in nsd-control Enable full relocation binding at load-time (RELRO NOW, to protect GOT and .dtor areas) Enable the structured binary log format Enable IPv6 support Enables support for large files Use libevent or libev, useful when zone count is high Use mmap(2) instead of malloc(3); currently experimental Cleanup memory (at exit) for eg. valgrind, memcheck If minimal responses are disabled, responses are more likely to get truncated, resulting in TCP fallback Install a plugin for net-analyzer/munin to graph statistical data from nsd Enable NSEC3 support Enable packed structure alignment; uses less memory but has unaligned reads Use a radix tree for main lookups instead of a red-black tree Enables ratelimiting, based on query name, type and source Enable recvmmsg and sendmmsg compilation, faster but some kernel versions may have implementation problems for IPv6 Leverage SIMD instructions in modern CPUs to improve throughput Enable TCP Fast Open Enables support for 64-bit 'time_t' (sets D_TIME_BITS=64; glibc only)